Home / Herbalist / Morinda citrifolia

Morinda citrifolia

morinda limonolistnaya (ili citrusolistnaya) – vechnozelenoe derevo semejstva marenovyh. rasprostraneno eto rastenie v uzhnoj azii i v uzhno-tihookeanskom regione. vstrechaetsya derevo na gavajyah, v malajzii, tajvane, indonezii. v medicine razlichnye chasti etogo rasteniya ispolzuetsya uzhe bolee 2000 let, tomu est podtverzhdeniya, najdennye v drevnih kitajskih manuskriptah. primechatelno, chto samo rastenie ne boleet i ne poddaetsya dejstviu vreditelej.

poleznye svojstva morindy limonolistnoj

aktivnye veshestva, sposobnye blagotvorno vliyat na organizm cheloveka, soderzhatsya v listyah, plodah, kore i cvetah morindy. iz plodov poluchaut izvestnyj v mirovoj medicine «sok noni». v sostav rasteniya vhodyat razlichnye vitaminy, mineraly, fermenty, aminokisloty, serotonin, antrahinovye soedineniya, alkaloidy, antioksidanty i mnogie drugie elementy. vsego v ekstrakte morindy bylo obnaruzheno bolee 150 naimenovanij biologicheski aktivnyh veshestv.

soderzhatsya v morinde limonolistnoj i takie veshestva kak prokseronin i damnakantal. poslednee iniciiruet normalnuu strukturu v kletkah, i zaderzhivaet obrazovanie rakovyh kletok. prokseronin obespechivaet kletkam pitanie vsemi vazhnymi veshestvami i vyvodit iz nih nakopivshiesya shlaki.

v hode issledovanij bylo zamecheno, chto morinda pomogaet ne vsem i ne vo vseh sluchayah, no 8 chelovek iz 10 otmetili ee polozhitelnoe vliyanie na svoe zdorove. eto rastenie imeet bolee 100 oblastej primeneniya, v svyazi s chem ee polzu prosto nevozmozhno pereocenit.

lechebnoe dejstvie morindy limonolistnoj

eksperimentalnym putem ustanovleno, chto ekstrakt, poluchennyj iz kornya morindy, obladaet silnym analgeticheskim dejstviem, sposobnym pomoch pri golovnyh bolyah i predmenstrualnom sindrome u zhenshin. v plodah soderzhatsya veshestva, ubivaushie mnogie vidy patogennyh mikroorganizmov. v kornyah i listyah est soedineniya, okazyvaushie antikoagulyacionnoe dejstvie pri venoznom zastoe, gemorroe, rasstrojstvah menstruacii. cvety i kora primenyaetsya pri lechenii boleznej glaz, organov dyhaniya, gorla, zazhivleniya razlichnyh ran i abscessov. okazyvaet morinda i legkoe slabitelnoe dejstvie. sokom iz listev uspeshno lechat artrity.

eto rastenie obladaet protivovospalitelnym, antibakterialnym i protivorakovym dejstviem. vosstanavlivaet povrezhdennye kletki, reguliruet ih normalnuu funkciu. stimuliruet rabotu zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta, ubivaya parazitov i glistov, lechit zabolevaniya dyhatelnoj sistemy,calming effect on the nervous system. Diabetes, hypertension and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract will also assess the action of this versatile plant.

The Morinda has long been used to treat drug and alcohol addiction, depression. This plant helps to regulate your mood when hormonal disruptions in women and men, especially during menopause or in postpartum period. During sexual disorders Morinda also has established itself on the positive side, noted the effect of this plant on male potency, increase fertility and stamina. Active substances help to fight venereal diseases, diseases of endocrine and genitourinary systems. Successfully treated with Morinda kidney diseases, including acute and chronic.

Morinda has beneficial effects on blood composition by regulating the number of leukocytes. The condition of blood vessels and capillaries this plant is also able to improve. Regular use of Morinda in food contributes to a longer preservation of youth of the whole organism.

Morinda is also an immune modulator that helps the body to be resistant to viral attacks, and recover faster after illness. Healthy people need to take the Morinda as a preventive means supporting the body in good shape. Allergy sufferers with the experience of Sochi will help to better tolerate the symptoms of allergic reactions faster to cope with them.

In diseases of the throat Morinda helps reduce inflammation, is effective in angina. In diseases of the gums this plant will give soothing and healing effect.

The Properties Of The "Noni Juice"

The fruits of Morinda contain large amounts of antioxidants that can fight free radicals and slow the aging process. Also the juice from the fruit Morinda is known as a remedy against parasites living in the human gut. Treat this juice and digestive disorders, some diseases of the liver and gallbladder, spleen and the reproductive system in women.

At the end of the last century, Americans learned about the healing properties of Morinda and, in particular, the fruits, made juice. It is believed that "Noni Juice" is perhaps not the most environmentally friendly product in the world, because it is not grown in plantations –only in vivo.biologicheski aktivnye veshestva – gorkie glikozidy, prisutstvuushie v sostave plodov, ustojchivy k vneshnim vozdejstviyam, sledovatelno, pri obrabotke plodov, sohranyaut vse poleznye svojstva. naverno, ni odin iz sovremennyh produktov dlya zdorovya ne mozhet pohvastatsya stol bezuprechnym proishozhdeniem i bogatym sostavom.

morinda v kosmetologii

davno bylo zamecheno blagotvornoe vliyanie morindy limonolistnoj na sostoyanie kozhi. rastenie prepyatstvuet poyavleniu suhosti, ne pozvolyaet kozhe prezhdevremenno sostaritsya. pri etom rastenie ispolzuetsya ne v kachestve sredstva dlya naruzhnogo primeneniya, a kak dobavka k pishe.

protivopokazaniya k upotrebleniu morindy limonolistnoj

  • prezhde vsego, ni v kakom vide primenyat eto rastenie ne sovetuut beremennym zhenshinam, tak kak morinda mozhet vyzvat krovotechenie i samoproizvolnyj vykidysh.
  • takzhe vstrechaetsya, hot i krajne redko, individualnaya neperenosimost etogo rasteniya, soprovozhdaushayasya allergicheskimi reakciyami.
  • nekotorye uchenye schitaut, chto morinda mozhet snizit effekt ot protivorakovoj terapii, poetomu luchshe ne sovmeshat primenenie etogo rasteniya s sereznymi lekarstvennymi preparatami.