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Sea Kale

The benefits and harms of seaweed

The benefits of seaweed

The therapeutic properties of seaweed valued in many parts of the globe. About its beneficial effects on the human body were known in Ancient China and Japan. Today, this exotic product is on the menu everyone who wants to be healthy. This Alga called sea ginseng, its chemical composition contains a unique and vital trace element – iodine. In addition, the seaweed has a rich set of potassium, magnesium, bromine, iron and other micro - and macroelements.

In the seaweed there are folic and Pantothenic acid. Sea dweller 20% consists of fructose, rich in polysaccharides. It is excellent and indispensable in the treatment and prevention of thyroid disease, exhibits beneficial properties in ischemic heart disease recommended by doctors and traditional healers at elevated pressure and atherosclerosis. It is known that Japanese women do not get cancer of the breast.

If we talk about the side effects from taking kelp, then they are not if properly prepare and use weed in moderation. Besides other advantages of seaweed, the human body is cleared of toxins, reduces the level of cholesterol. In the cells of the algae identified substance is an antagonist of cholesterol and if the level of substances in the blood higher than normal, then the seaweed will affect harmful deposits and, hence, they will be removed from the body.

Seaweed is famous for its antibacterial properties, its composition is similar to mud, and is therefore suitable for the treatment of inflammatory processes of female bodies. Popular in cosmetic masks and wraps that have a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Seaweed can be bought in dried, pickled and frozen in blocks, in this case it retains all its natural qualities, the less useful it is in the form of canned food. To strengthen the immune system and replenishment of iodine is sufficient to eat 2 tablespoons of kelp per day or 250 g once a week. Codes E400, e401, e402, e403, E404, e406, E421, depicted on the labels of goods means useful pieces of kelp, and no preservatives. They are used for making jelly, cream, ice cream and bread.

Green or brown algae grows in the Northern seas and the sea of Japan large belts, reaching a length of 13 meters. Not everyone likes the taste of seaweed, it smells of sea water, this case, instead of salt you sprinkle on your food powder. The smell becomes less noticeable, and the benefits are invaluable. The kelp contains almost all essential amino acids (alanine, aspartic and glutamic amino acids) is not related compounds, they are well absorbed by the human body.

Damage seaweed

Can seaweed to harm? Algae is capable of absorbing all substances which are overcrowded sea water, among them there are useful and harmful for health. If the kelp growing in the waters of environmentally contaminated areas, it is likely that it may contain traces of oil, heavy metals and radioactive elements. But it is hoped that the shelves supplied pure product.

In our days the sea cabbage is grown as a cultivated plant, wild species as it Matures for two years. Grown in artificially created conditions, the algae is ready to drink in a year, but due to the high iodine content it can not be applied to people suffering from hyperthyroidism.

Dried seaweed

Dried seaweed is actively involved in the normalization of metabolism, promotes weight loss, increase immunity. She treats diseases of the heart and blood vessels, normalizes the Central nervous system, good for bones. In the list of diseases in which the use of algae is desirable, is prostate cancer. And thanks to the enzymes and pectins, the effect of treatment of the gastrointestinal tract exceeds all expectations.

While eating such a wonderful product is the excretion of radionuclides, heavy metals and residues of broken antibiotics. Natural medicine is able to affect the intestinal flora and to provide anthelmintic activity. Dry the cabbage store in a cool, dry place in a dark room. Shelf life can be up to three years.

Iodine in the seaweed

In the seaweed iodine content is 0.25%. In the process of production, processing and storage there is a decrease of this trace element to 0.09%, and during heat treatment the percentage of iodine is reduced by another 22 %. Therefore, seaweed is healthier to eat raw. The content of iodine in dried instance is 1.7–8.5 mg per 100 g of the Active component has anti-inflammatory effect in rheumatism, arthritis, skin diseases. Canto do baths with infusion prepared from kelp powder.

The infusion of kelp: 2 to 4 scoops of powder you need to brew in a thermos liter of boiling water, insist 12 hours, drain, pour into the bath water, to which daily is recommended from 0.5 to 1 hour. The water temperature should be 38 degrees. After bath to dry skin with a towel to RUB the body briskly soaking the kelp with water, wrapped in a sheet and go to bed.

In addition to liquid assets, kelp can be used as compresses. For this purpose it is required to fill with hot water (half a liter), to wrap, to insist, wring out and apply to the affected area, top cover with polyethylene or a warm blanket. Remove the compress after 2-3 hours.

Vitamins seaweed

The content is more than 40 vitamins in cabbage taken from the sea, rejuvenates the body, prolong life. Regular consumption of seaweed slows down the development of sclerosis. It is particularly useful for children because it feeds the brain, the body becomes stronger, improve memory and eyesight.

Balanced natural complex of vitamins is opposed to disturbances in the nervous system, increases physical capabilities. With goiter, anemia, and diseases of the eye is the first drug, improvement can be seen already from the first weeks of use. Bronchitis, pneumonia, frequent colds and sinusitis are treated with inhalations, held 2 times a day. To do this, the remainder of the soaking of seaweed water to warm, cover your head with a towel and breathe over the steam for 15 minutes. This inhalation should be done 2 times a day. Water can even be used for rinsing with angina, gingivitis and stomatitis.

Sheets of seaweed

The scheme of processing the algae out of the water following: a small portion of strips of kelp is passed through a container of hot water, then washed in cold water, squeezed by a conveyor and moved to a special drum for mixing with salt. After all these procedures, the seaweed is left in the pits for a day for brining, and then separated into coarse (for salads) and more tender parts, and dry Packed in boxes.

Can seaweed nursing mothers?

In the seaweed iodine is present in combination with amino acids, it promotes good digestion. Iodine deficiency in pregnant and lactating mothers is particularly notable, because seaweed needs to be widely used not only in pure form but also as various drugs. For the body of a youngmom and the developing fetus kelp needed throughout the period before birth. It has a lot of advantages. Iodine normalizes hormonal balance, eliminates depression, detoxifies, heals the lungs and strengthens the skeleton of a baby and the bones of the mother. Useful consumption of kelp because of its ability to reduce blood viscosity.

How to cook seaweed?

Dried or frozen cabbage should be pre-boiled. For the preparation of dried kelp should be carefully sort through the leaves and cover with cold water for 12-15 hours, then rinse well under the tap and cook for 2-3 hours. To cook a frozen product, it must first be defrosted, rinsed, and cook for 20-30 minutes. After the cooking process to drain the excess water, dry the algae and cook it two more times to eliminate the smell.

Calorie seaweed

The undeniable benefits of seaweed, a substance which is not contained in the usual foods. Caloric content of fresh and dried seaweed 100 grams is about 5 Kcal. Due to the fact that the calorie content is low, kelp is used as a component of the diet for those who want to be slim.

Pickled kelp can have 47 calories per 100 grams, the ratio depends on what spices and oil is added according to the recipe. For example, the seaweed salad may contain 122 calories. Moreover, it is low-calorie product, so even he is an enemy of cellulite and reduction of metabolism.

Diet for the seaweed

Good kelp for a variety of health and reducing weight diets. Incredibly effective it is for mono-diet. The high content of vitamins and minerals allows for several days without damage to health to eat only this product. Conversely, satiety and nutritional value of the cells will be provided. You will not feel hunger, cleansed the body, improves mood and General wellbeing, the skin will acquire a beautiful color.

Contraindications to the use of seaweed

Kelp is contraindicated in hemorrhagic manifestations, nephritis, chronic furunculosis and hyperthyroidism. If the body is sensitive to components of kelp, its consumption may cause allergies, and in this case, it is not recommended for children and adults with a diagnosis of "diathesis". Seaweed may also cause urticariaand irritation of the skin.