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Forget-me-not field

The cultivation and use of useful properties of forget-me-nots

Botanical characteristics of forget-me-nots

Field forget-me-not is a plant that can be annual and biennial. Include this plant to the family burashnikova. Half a branched and erect stems of the plants are sticking out hairs. The root system of the forget-me-nots rod with short roots. The plant has gray-green leaves that are alternate. In the period when the buds appear the leaves, they look like the ear of the mouse.

White, blue or pink flowers forget-me-nots with yellow eyes, collected in inflorescence – brush. Forget-me-nots flowering starts from late spring and lasts until mid-June, but there are some varieties of plants that bloom even before the beginning of autumn.

The fruit of the plant is dark brown or black nut ovoid form with three faces. The fruits ripen in June. The forget-me-not fruit contains shiny black seeds.

Forget-me-not is found in America, in the Caucasus, in European part of Russia, Siberia, New Zealand and Australia. It can be seen in the field, rainforest, on the banks of the river, the swamp and on the side of the road. Forget-me-not grows in Sunny and bright areas.

Growing forget-me-nots

Forget-me-not grows well in half-shaded place. Soil for its cultivation should be light, humus and regularly hydrated. Forget-me – water-loving plant, so it must be constantly watered, as in the case of lack of moisture the plant will quickly wither. But here we must be careful, because excessive moisture, on the contrary, will bring the forget-me-not further damage: plants will begin to rot, their stems can just excessive to grow up. It is very necessary to forget-me-nots drainage.

Periodically to make organic and mineral fertilizers. As fertilizer use mullein, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and compost with peat.

To propagate you can forget-me-not seeds and softwood cuttings. Before sowing it is necessary to hold the seeds in salted water. On the surface of the water will emerge a bad seed that should not be planting, but all that remained at the bottom, dried and sown into the soil. After 5 days the seedlings appear. When they are formed with 1-2 leaf, the seedlings need to be dive in the boxes with moist soil with peat. And in late April, plant out in the prepared flower bed. A year later will be their flowering.

A forget me not flower and are propagated with green cuttings, though less frequently than seeds. For this method of reproduction we need to take apical cuttings and planted them in a shaded area during the period from may to June. The plant brought insoon a good harvest and long blooming, cuttings should be made in the fall.

Forget-me-not need regular loosening the soil and watering. If you break any of these rules of care for forget-me-nots, the plant may be affected by various diseases. For example, forget-me-not is often affected by aphids, root rot and slugs. They help to rid the spraying of special drugs, for example, insecticides.

Useful properties of forget-me-nots

In the forget-me-not contains a lot of useful substances, which are used as medicines. The plant has anti-inflammatory and expectorant actions, as well as has the ability to stop the bleeding and reduce the separation of the sweat.

Forget-me-not able to stop the inflammatory processes. The plant is used as a tool in the treatment of diseases of the eye. Infusion and decoction prepared from forget-me-nots, help to cure chronic bronchitis, cough, tuberculosis and hemoptysis.

The use of forget-me-nots

Forget-me-not has long been used in folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases. For example, the juice of this plant helps in the treatment of tumors of the oral cavity and genitals. Decoction of forget-me-nots can be treated with eye diseases. Forget-me-not is used not only inside but also externally in the form of baths – so treat skin diseases.

The infusion of forget-me-take externally for eczema, stings of Scorpions and snakes, making bathing or lotions.

Tincture forget-me-nots in tuberculosis of the intestine. Take 2 teaspoons of forget-me-nots (dried) and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours to infuse. After straining take 1 tablespoon of the funds three times a day. The same medicine can treat cough and sweating.

Infusion to wash. For its preparation you need to take 1 tablespoon of dry forget-me-nots, fill it with 100 ml of boiling water and set for 10 minutes in a water bath. Strain the finished broth, leave it for 2 hours to infuse. Ready infusion make bathing.

The tea prepared from the stems and leaves of forget-me-not, is used at a bronchial asthma, diseases of the liver and kidneys when disorder of the stomach or intestine.

If bleeding wounds, there are injuries, you've got a burn or a tumor that traditional healers recommend applying to the sore spot stems andthe leaves of the forget-me-nots that you need to pre-stretch.

Contraindications to the use of forget-me-nots

At the moment there were no contraindications to the use of forget-me-nots, but it is better to use preparations of this plant to consult your doctor.