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Useful properties and applications of oleander flowers

The Botanical characteristics of the common oleander

Oleander is an evergreen shrub that can reach 4 m in height. Rod stems are covered with light gray smooth bark. Opposite leaves are oblong-lanceolate in shape. Rotate the flowers are white or pink, in diameter they are no more than 5 cm Fruit of the oleander are presented in the form of dolistowo. This plant blooms all summer and until October. Ripening occurs in early November.

Useful properties of oleander

The flowers and leaves of the oleander contain, oleandrin, digitalin, flavonoids, ursolic acid and saponin karobin. Drugs on the basis of this unusual plant has beneficial impact on the liver, improve human immunity, and normalize the heart rhythm and can lower blood pressure. In addition, they contribute to the expansion of blood vessels and improve the heart muscle.

The use of oleander

For medical purposes use the leaves of the oleander, for local treatment apply the dried flowers. The extract of this unique plant significantly enhance the antiviral activity of human immune cells. Such an effective cardiotonic agent is a mild and effective when tachyarrhythmia, angina pectoris, and thyrotoxicosis. It is prescribed for nervous exhaustion and severe headaches, with insomnia and epilepsy. Infusion of leaves of oleander is indispensable for weeping eczema and skin cancer. In addition, he is able to quickly neutralize a toothache.

The flowers of oleander

Flowers of the oleander exudes a surprisingly pleasant and quite strong aroma. Some people during a violent flowering it causes dizziness. This plant blooms only in the sun directly under direct light. A special salve from the leaves and flowers of oleander are used in the dermatitis and scabies.

Seeds of oleander

After flowering oleander Matures fruit in the form of capsule with seeds. When propagating seeds-parachutes quickly lose their germination. Because of this, they need to be planted immediately after ripening. Unusual oleander seeds often germinate unevenly.

Care oleander

Oleander prefers a fertile soil but can also grow in ordinary garden turf. The land should be acidic or neutral. The oleander requires a lightSunny places. Without good lighting shoots of this plant are elongated, the buds unfold and the leaves will stay faded. The optimum temperature for the growth of the oleander is 20-25 degrees.

Reproduction of oleander

Oleander is propagated by seed and by cuttings. If you cut netrevenue stalk in summer, it can be placed in water or planted in soil. You can also sow seeds in the sand. In good conditions this plant will bloom earlier than one year.

Common oleander

The common oleander is a small shrub with evergreen leaves and flowers in apical umbrellas. This ornamental variety comes from the Mediterranean, but quite common in the Crimea. For the treatment of various diseases can be used flowers and leaves that restore the body.

Oleander white

White oleander is known as an interesting ornamental plant that reaches a height of 5 m. This delightful shrub with leathery leaves has attractive flowers with a wonderful aroma. Despite its toxicity, oleander is used in the pharmaceutical field: made from the leaves liquid extract, tincture, and other preparations which are a great heart means.

The oleander room

The oleander room is in dire need of sufficiently bright light. Without this condition, it will not flourish and develop. During the period of growth is comfortable for the plants is the temperature about 20 degrees. In summer, the oleander room, it is desirable to make the fresh air, in an extreme case, it is necessary to constantly ventilate the room. In winter this plant can be removed in a shaded place where it will drop leaves.

Oleander pink

Oleander pink admire the beauty of its flowers and fabulous scent. This heat-loving evergreen shrub forms a spreading crown solid. Ripe fruit is a polyspermous flyer. Bright pink flowers consist of five petals. Oleander pink can not tolerate drafts and lack of sun light. This variety is propagated by layering, cuttings and seeds.

Oleander yellow

Oleander has a delicate bright yellow flowers, which in form remind the gentle bells. Fruit-achene has a size like chestnut. This attractive shrub with racemose inflorescences happy abrikos-yellow flowers from spring to late autumn. From a single seed of oleander can grow two plants.

Oleander red

In nature it grows the unusual red oleander, which is amazingbright flowers. The stem of this plant is less than 2 m in height. Racemose inflorescences are located at the ends of annual shoots. It should be noted that the flowers and leaves of this evergreen shrub are poisonous. Whimsical red oleander, blooming three summer months, requires bright light, warmth and cool winter.

Oleander Terry

Terry oleander have a very compact Bush and is striking for its magnificent flowers. Colors of the petals varies from white to yellowish. Large inflorescence is crowned with the ends of the branches. Beauty and grace Terry oleander enchants with its luxury and incomparable flavor.

Contraindications to the use of oleander

Poisonous plant such as oleander should be used with great caution, not exceeding the appointed expert dosage.