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Useful properties and applications of the fern room

The beneficial properties of fern

Fern refers to a rare category of plants without seeds. However, on the lower parts of the plant are located the Sori. Due to such a dispute is a reproduction of a fern. The leaves of this ancient plant are complex, because they have pinnatisect. This herbaceous perennial grows from 30 to 90 cm in height.

Because this plant reproduces by spores, the bloom is not peculiar to him. The maturation of the spores is somewhat similar to the flowering. Some types of plants emit elongated leaves, which are similar to the brush color when in hot weather they appear. The fern has thick brown rhizome with a large number of adventitious roots. For use in folk medicine, the roots are harvested in mid-September. This amazing plant is found in Central Asia, Mexico, Finland and Norway and also in Russia. It prefers a variety of forest and woodland.

The main medicinal purpose of the fern can be called the fight against all kinds of intestinal parasites. The chemical composition of the plant includes various acids and derivatives of phloroglucinol. Since these substances are considered poisons, they cause a certain paralysis of the muscles of numerous parasites. For the treatment of rheumatism topically applied water extract of rhizomes. In addition, this wonderful tool effectively for ulcers, convulsions , and septic wounds.

The use of fern

For the treatment of various ailments applying not only the roots but also aerial parts of the plant. The high content of alkaloids and various acids in the roots makes them very effective for the relief of pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Decoction is indicated for the treatment of different cough and pain in the joints. The powder of the roots has a strong anthelmintic properties, due to which is used not only in the fight against parasites, but also removes stagnation in the spleen and in the intestine.

It should be noted that this miracle broth helps to get rid of diarrhea and ringing in the ears, and also may be used to treat jaundice, colds, eczema and boils. With this plants you can quickly stop hemorrhoids bleeding and restore the psyche of the serious nervous disorders. In addition, ferns are easilyto cope with malaria. To prepare a decoction of the rhizomes will need 10 grams of well-dried raw material and 200 grams of boiling water. After prolonged boiling can make the tool with a small addition of honey to 1 teaspoon.

In order to prepare the external medicine, take 3 liters of water 50 grams of dried rhizomes of a fern, boil them for at least two hours, then you can treat the affected skin or take a bath with this decoction.

These wonderful tools contribute to the healing of varicose veins, relieve inflammation of the sciatic nerve will help to get rid of rheumatism and leg cramps. Depending on the disease duration of treatment can be up to three weeks.


Presents plant is covered with huge number of scaly leaves. Of unusual the top of the rhizome out some large leaves pinnately compound type. They wrapped ulitkoobraznyj way. In early autumn on the underside of each leaf develop amazing sporangia with spores. When fully ripe the spores are poured, whereby the reproduction of a fern.

The root of the fern

The beneficial properties of the root of the fern is able to surprise even the modern doctors, as it is in this part of the plant accumulate the unique therapeutic components. Fern roots are an excellent remedy for removing toxins through its cleansing effect. With the roots of plants can help treat a variety of ailments. These include eczema, ulcers, extensive wounds, rheumatism, chronic constipation, and headaches and much more. Moreover, unusually medicinal roots even tend to quickly restore proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Types of fern

In nature there are different types of plants represented.

The fern room. Potted ferns attract attention due to their interesting carved leaves. For decoration and beauty, they do not have an equal among other houseplants. Room Nephrolepis has pinnate leaves, reaching a length of 70 cm Graceful look Asplenium has a delicate segmented leaves and Cup-shaped rhizomes. Homeconditions ferns require frequent spraying with plain water. They do not like direct sunlight and temperature below 16 degrees Celsius. Watering ferns need moderate, without drying out the soil.

Fern Thai. Fern Thai is a beautiful aquarium plant with long thin rhizomes and lanceolate bright green leaves of complex shape. Typically, such a plant does not grow more than 30 cm For the normal development of plants require a heated aquarium in the winter and cooling during the hot period. There is no need to frequently change the water. With enough light Thai fern is covered with large leaves rich green color. As a rule, it is enough of a single powerful bulb that will illuminate the aquarium for at least 12 hours.

The male fern. The male fern is an herbaceous perennial that grows up to 100 cm tall. It has a powerful rhizome, and large leaves collected beam. Plate each sheet has an elongated shape with radiating sharp cuts. Sporangia with numerous spores located on the underside along the venation two rows. Sporonosit male fern from July to August. This species grows well in shady damp places in pine forests and among bushes. From fresh rhizomes of this plant have a great extract.

Fern Indian. Indian fern is widespread in tropical areas around the globe. It is one of the most popular aquarium plants. Its beautiful melkorazmernye leaves have a pale green tint. As a rule, grows this not more than 50 cm Indian fern is ideal for small aquariums. When the temperature drops below 20 degrees Celsius plant growth significantly slows down, and the leaves become very small. Indian protect the fern from direct sunlight, but provide bright artificial light for long periods of time.

Fern red. The red fern is characterized by young leaves, which have a particular reddish color. They are inherent in a longer and wider form. The height of the red fern reaches up to 30 cm and a width of about 15 cm Ideal conditions for the maintenance of this type can be called a temperature in the range from 20 to 30 degrees Celsius, the average level of water hardness and a large aquarium. Keep in mind that this fern grows very slowly but does not require special care.

Fern tropical. This type of fern up to 20 cm in height and has a solid adventitious roots. Some plants are adventitious roots forma kind of "skirt" around the powerful trunk. Tropical ferns in vines climb high in the trees, where a lot of sunlight. Moss tropical ferns live in small damp hollows. Its Lacy leaves they absorb moisture. Various tropical plant species also live in the shady forests with high humidity.

Fern tree. Fern tree easily adapts to unusual conditions, however he does not like the cold weather and strong winds. This plant prefers a warm climate. As a rule, it is found in many damp woods, sometimes chooses lakes and swamps. Particularly well the tree fern feels in subtropical forests. A complex system of branches and predpolagal forms a long, pointed leaves. Leaf plates do not come together, creating dense thickets. Propagated the species and other ferns by means of spores.

The fern water. The water fern is widely distributed in Northern Australia and South-East Asia. Small populations of plants are found in Central America and Tanzania. The modern aquarists, this plant is very popular due to its long melkorazmernyh the leaves bright green color. In favorable conditions, water fern, capable of reaching 50 cm. the Optimum temperature for this species is around 25 degrees Celsius, the lighting can be a artificial light source. Propagated this type of fern by the formation of a small child on the mother plants the old leaves.

The fern forest. To the group of forest fern species include varieties such as strasnick ordinary acadient, Dryopteris, mnogoletnik, listovi, bracken.

They differ with beautiful funnel-shaped rosettes of leaves, rich color and easy to care for. Forest straznik fern grows well in wet soil and a fairly open places. In the height of summer forest ferns like green fountains. Cachedigest presented spreading bunches of leaves with short scales. It is a hardy species that is quite adapted to the Russian climate. Forest fern species prefer moist fertile soils. The leaves of many species possess powerful bactericidal action.

Contraindications to the use of the fern

Due to the fact that the plant is poisonous, products containing fern should be taken under strict medical supervision. If you have kidney disease and the liver and also in ulcer of the stomach the use of fern is contraindicated.