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Properties and applications of fir

Properties of fir

The main component contained in the fir and have a positive effect, is its essential oil. The greatest concentration falls on branches that can reach a length of thirty inches. They produced this oil, and then used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics. The quantity of oil is directly related to the environment and conditions in which it grows fir, plus is affected by the timing of collection of needles and the number of their years. The average oil content is two percent or higher.

Needles and bark of this tree is rich in minerals and vitamins, get the tincture and decoction have a good antiscorbutic action, and the SAP of the tree is used to create a balm for healing wounds.

Scientists of various industries has been proven therapeutic effect, which is produced contained in the fir tree components, well ahead of other conifers. The main concentration of nutrients also come from the bark and needles. The well-known remedy that promotes healing and tightening of wounds, cuts and skin injuries – balm, created by a biochemist by Akimovym and Professor Petrov. For its preparation was used oleoresin of Siberian fir. In addition, it was found that the balm will also kill bacteria, it is used in wartime for wound healing.

Russian scientist S. I. Povolotskii in his monograph, written in one thousand nine hundred and sixty and first year, taking into account all earlier studies of medicines on the basis of the fir, came to the conclusion that their beneficial effects is sufficiently large. As a result of the treatment they had improvement in diseases such as bronchitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis, diseases of the oral cavity, anemia, jaundice, etc., and also identified the antibacterial and regeneration effects of the plant.

Previously, scientists has also been noted more than once that derived from fir tree essential oil may help where other chemotherapeutic drugs for the treatment of diseases do not. The oil has a complex composition, but is a natural substance. And even there is information that it, as well as other essential oil of any coniferous tree, slows, or even stops the growth of malignant tumors.

Also the researcher M. A. Komarov has invented a new variant of special education alcoholic extract from needles of the fir tree. It acts directly on variousbacteria, pathogenic, in fact, destroying them and preventing spread. Among examples of bacteria – different wands and refers to a type of cocci bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus, diphtheria Bacillus, Streptococcus, etc. Created on the basis of an extract used aerosol spray in the air, as the bactericidal effect of it is quite large that allows you to clean the air in the room.

For therapeutic purposes, widely used and special fir the water formed during the distillation of the essential oil and in essence is its balance. It is used both internally and externally – depending on the disease. Drink it to increase efficiency of the organism, normalization of the functioning of the stomach and intestines, fir water will allow you to improve and get rid of diseases such as strep throat or the flu, and other diseases of a catarrhal nature, get rid of pain in joints, cure prostatitis, helps at illnesses of respiratory nature in an acute form, and is also indispensable to enhance immunity and improve reactions of the protective forces of human body. External water is used, if necessary, tighten or healing of wounds and damaged skin, as well as for disinfection.

If re-think about fir essential oil, along with a wide range of effects on the body and despite the positive effect, we must remember that it has the ability to act immediately in the blood going to the outbreaks of the disease in the human body, while not passing through the digestive organs – the stomach and intestines, and therefore does not decompose. And then it will take about forty-eight hours to be completely left in the body. Therefore, it is important to prevent overdose, which can cause overload in the body, otherwise the oil will accumulate and, without having to appear may cause the increase of the pulse, and hence the contractions of the heart. This is obtained due to the presence of fir oil substances that help in the formation of the camphor, which can affect the activity of the heart.

In the monograph of sh. I. Pavlikova you can find tips for admission and use of essential oils of silver fir, which clearly will not be superfluous to those who are planning treatment.

If we talk about what should be the dosage during the appointment, essential oil, everything is personal and is assigned to each depending on its features. Amount per serving ranges from three to ten drops per day and the number of receptions equal to three. Actually, originally advised to drink three drops for the reception, what day will be equal to nine drops, and then add one drop a day.

During the reception, it is necessary to carefully monitor changes in the heart rate, i.e. heart rate, given that the number of accepted drops is increased by one through the day. It is necessary to measure the pulse at rest before the reception, and then after two and a half or three hours, is already taking part. If the difference between these two indicators are more than ten reductions necessary to reduce the dosage to one drop. That is to say, the maximum number of drops per reception, which is not exceeded.

The use of fir

A decoction from the kidneys. For its preparation you need to mix two hundred milliliters of hot water with a tablespoon of buds of fir, put in a water bath for fifteen or twenty minutes, then squeeze, and then pour boiled water to the same amount that was in the beginning. Make the composition should be two or three times a day third Cup after the meal.

The infusion of the young shoots. Mix a liter of boiling water, with thirty grams of the shoots and leave for ten minutes. Then pass the composition through cheesecloth or citacka and take three times a day half Cup.

Fir oil. Need using a conventional pipette to drip on the tongue three or four drops of pine oil in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. This remedy relieves cough – both weak and strong. Just remember: the dosage at one time – less than ten drops, otherwise it will lead to bad consequences for the body due to overdose. Pure oil is used to treat arthritis caused by colds, myositis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, etc., while rubbing painful areas of the joints, which are pre-heated using overlay compress or taking a bath.

Contraindications to the use of fir

There is a risk of allergic reactions, though rarely. May experience itching, red spots or swelling that will disappear in three days. But this can be prevented, knowing in advance that there is no tendency to allergies, which should drop ten to fifteen drops of silver fir oil on the back side of the legs, arms, etc. and RUB. If in the morning or for the next day, spots will not appear, so no allergies.

Forbidden technique only in the case of personal-perception or intolerance fir.