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Bitter orange

Useful properties and applications orange

The Botanical characteristics of the orange

Bitter orange is a small evergreen tree with long thin branches on which there are sharp spikes. The leaves are alternate, shiny, top – green, bottom they are light green in color. On leaves visible translucent container essential oil. The leaves are arranged on wide winged stalks that taper to the base. The large flowers are fragrant, arranged singly and assembled several pieces in the bundles. The calyx consists of 4-5 denticles. The Corolla is 4-8 white petals, which scoptophobia form.

The fruit of the orange is a berry – like, flattened, with a thick skin on the surface having irregularities. The rind is bright orange, it is easily separated from the pulp. Inside the fruit is divided into 12 segments, which are bitter and sour in taste. Seeds plants light yellow in color, furrowed.

Orange blossom starts in April and lasts only a month. The fruits ripen in the period from November to January. This plant is not found wild. It is grown in Southeast Asia, in the Caucasus, in the Mediterranean countries.

Useful properties of orange

Due to its chemical composition bitter orange has many useful substances that have an impact on the emotional sphere. The aroma of this plant is used for depression, to stimulate the body. The orange improves skin's elasticity, reduces pores, also is a tonic.

Bitter orange has antiseptic, choleretic and analgesic properties. This plant has anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic effect on the body. Orange heal wounds, treat cough, improve memory. The plant is used as laxative, antispasmodic and diaphoretic. Orange seeds help to improve appetite, and reduce chest pain. This plant is used in inflammation of the testicles when you cough and hernia.

The use of orange

The juice of the orange used as an excellent microbicide and rinse a sore throat. A tampon impregnated with the juice, stops nasal bleeding. Juice orange, mixed with sugar, hascholeretic action. Bitter orange is used for lowering blood pressure and as a means of relieving the symptoms of a hangover. Membranes of the orange are used as a means of strengthening the heart muscle and nervous system.

The rind of the orange strengthens the heart muscles and stomach. For this you need to dry the peel and grind it in a mortar. Take 10 grams prepared powder and take with water. Thanks to this medicine will be vomiting, and heart arrhythmia. For headaches you need to prepare the following ointment: take powdered orange peel and mix with vinegar. The finished ointment must be put on whiskey.

The grains of this medicinal plant have protivoyadie the effect of snake bites and poisonous insects.

Collection for insomnia. Take 10 grams of the root of Valerian, the same lemon balm leaves and hops. Add in the 10 grams of the flowers of the orange and mix well. Take 2 teaspoons of this collection and pour a glass of boiling water. Put on the heat for 5 minutes, covered. Tea you need to take 1 Cup in the evening in the form of heat. Optionally, you can add in your tea a little honey.

A soothing collection of orange. For its preparation you need to combine 20 grams of lemon balm leaves with 10 grams of herb St. John's wort, we add 10 grams of flowers of orange and 5 grams of the fruit of the wild rose. Take 1 tablespoon of prepared collection, pour 100 grams of boiling water and put on fire for 5 minutes. Strain the tea ready, take him a Cup three times a day.

Herbal appetite. You need to take 10 grams of orange peel, the same grass centaury and wild rose. Take 1 teaspoon of this collection and we scald boiled water. Leave for 5 minutes to infuse and filter. Take the tea before meals in the form of heat.

Orange vodka. For its preparation it is necessary to take 1 teaspoon of dry orange peel and pour her two glasses of vodka. Leave the mixture to infuse for 14 days. Strain the vodka, it is used in the form of compresses or rubbing with injuries and joint problems.

Contraindications to the use of orange

At the moment have not identified any contraindications to the use of this plant and preparations of it.