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Bird crap

Useful properties and applications of bird crap

Botanical description of bird crap

Bird crap is a delightful annual that has a thin taproot and erect, knotted stems. The reclining branches of this herbaceous plant can reach 30 cm in height. Small linear-elliptical leaves are expressed in dark-green colour, and when growing in the open sun, they acquire a grayish-green color. Small pentamerous flowers usually have white or pinkish hue. Triangular tuberculate fruits is presented in brown color.

Blooms of bird crap in the summer and autumn, from June to mid October. This hardy plant is common along roads, on pastures and fields, along rivers and in parks, lakes and swamps, and also in the ravines and hollows. It is found everywhere in the territory of the former USSR except the far North and deserts.

The beneficial properties of bird crap

In the grass of this plant in great quantities of nitrogen-free substance, digestible protein, fats, sugar, cellulose, ash substances, and carotene and vitamins. Along with this, the grass bird's buckwheat was found resin, tannin, traces of essential oil, glycosides and wax.

Due to such structure the plant has powerful medicinal action. Bird crap can boast of hemostatic diuretic, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. It is indicated for enteritis, gallstone ailments, and also to get rid of stones in the bladder. Modern doctors often prescribe a variety of drugs with the maintenance of bird crap to normalize the metabolism and strengthen the immune system.

The use of bird crap

As a great binding agent is a plant widely used to treat chronic diarrhea. In addition, unique infusions of this wonderful herb improves the appetite.

To prepare the broth take 20 grams of bird crap and 200 ml of boiling water. Uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding and to solve problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the tool is used 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon before eating.

Contraindications to the use of bird crap

Since fresh grass along with the flowers are poisonous, raw materials must be carefullydry. Not recommended to ingest the drugs of bird crap when increased blood clotting and hypotension.