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Varieties of physocarpus, the fruits physocarpus English

Botanical characteristics of physocarpus

Physocarpus (from lat. Physocarpus) is an ornamental deciduous plant, and belongs to the family Rosaceae. This plant does not require copious amounts of water and easily tolerates hot weather and grows well in the shade. Leaves of physocarpus is characterized by a wide flat ends in the amount of from 3 to 7 pieces, there are varieties of different colors – from deep green to dark Burgundy.

The plant has a shallow arrangement of roots and thin branches up to 2 cm in diameter. Physocarpus blooms from early June to mid-July buds white color. The birthplace of this plant are Japan, China, Korea and other East Asian countries and North America.

The beneficial properties of physocarpus

Leaves of physocarpus is rich in various phenolic compounds, including derivatives of phenylbenzo-y-Piran (flavones, flavanones, flavanols, isoflavonoids, monoglycoside and metilirovanie derivatives), coumarins and derived oxicillin and phenol carbonic acids.

All of the above substances physocarpus say that on the basis of this plant can produce high quality herbal SUPPLEMENTS (dietary supplements).

The use of physocarpus

In most cases, the physocarpus is used in landscape design. He carries great haircut and transplanting, low maintenance and has an artistic look, endures cold and is fast and is growing rapidly. Reproduce plants by cuttings and seeds, many fans decorate the open area of his garden transplanted physocarpus with the help of technology division of a Bush.

Due to the variety of types of physocarpus is the possibility of combining different colors: the leaves of this plant have all colors of green-yellow and dark red palette. Thus, with the help of this plant you can build a living fence of his house.

The physocarpus is called funny, because when you click on the heart of the flower you will hear a distinctive cotton, like launching fireworks. It very amuses kids, which in the summer season playing in the shadow of this branchy and colorful plants.

Varieties of physocarpus

In Europe the most widely physocarpus English. It is rich in its varieties anda variety of appearance. The most famous and common variety of English is physocarpus cultivar Diabolo ("Diabolo"). This is the most powerful shrub that reaches a growth of up to 3, sometimes 3.5 meters high and 1.5–2 meters in width.

It is a very branchy plant that holds the branches of a huge number of leaves, despite the subtlety of his wood (up to 1 cm in diameter). The branches grow upward, seeking sunlight. The leaves often resemble an ellipse with a lot of points maroon color. In autumn the leaves become more beautiful, changing red and others to yellow. Flowers remind Rowan berries, but in this case it blossoms. Blooms sort of "Diabolo" in the period from June to July.

The variety Nanus ("Nanus") different from the varieties of "Diabolo"the homeliness of their white flowers, small green leaves and growing up to 1.5 meters. This variety particularly dislikes waterlogged . Shrubs varieties"Nanos" are mainly planted on the edges, near the hedges, and in gardens among the flowers.

Grade Summer Wine ("summer wine") – this variety is obtained by connecting grades of "Diabolo"and"Nanos". From "Diabolo" he has a more compact Bush that reaches two metres in height. The branches of this plant resemble fireworks, it grows from the bottom up and falls down. The thickness of the branches is 1.5–2 cm, length up to 1-1,5 m. Inflorescences are a neat way for the entire length of the branches and have a distinctive white-pink color. This variety blooms in the spring.

The leaves of this variety resemble the color of fortified red wine. Cora, like all varieties of physocarpus, exfoliating from dark red to brown color. Because the Summer Wine variety is resistant to frost, it can grow in various conditions for many years.

The variety Luteus, or otherwise Aureu. This variety can be called a shrub-mod. It reaches a height of 2,5–3 meters. First spring foliage is yellow, the closer to summer it becomes more greenish. The flowers are white, collected into a bundle, like all poserednikiv. This elegant spreading shrub with spherical shape and changes its color according to the season, will give a boring piece of land is indispensable gloss.

Sort of Dart's Gold ("Darts gold"). This is a lovely cultivar of physocarpus, which changes color from summer to fall: bright yellow to orange, respectively. The flowers of this variety mostly white, rarely cream color.

Grade Diable D'or ("Diablo D-PR"). This is a hybrid of varieties "Diablo"and"Darts gold". It is very similar to the sort of "Diablo", but is characterized by lower growth as well as replacement leaf colour in the autumn with copper to purplish cranky. The old bark peels off very much, the young bark of the branches are quite fragile. Inflorescence white.

The variety Red Baron ("the Red Baron"). This species has ruffled leaves with 4-5 lobes up to 8 cm in length. Flowers "Red Baron" palely pink, but usually dot the entire hive. Grow this variety on all soil types, tall dostigaet1,5 m.

View Nugget ("Nugget") is particularly thick stems, growing up rapidly, thus forming a long vessel of the correct form. Since this variety is also a hybrid, it has a feature to change color depending on the season from yellow to green.

Variety Coppertina ("Copertina") is a strain bred by crossing varieties of poserednikiv Dart's Gold and Diabolo. Height "Copertina" reaches 1,5–2,5 m, leaves her orange color, summer passes in a palette of red. Flowers usually white, in the opening of buds turn pink.

There are also varieties of Glow Center (the"center Glow"), Tuilad ("Tweed"), Lady in red ("Lady in red") and other varieties of physocarpus. There are about 300 species.

Fruits physocarpus

The word "physocarpus"comes from two Latin words physo –"bubble"and carpos – fruit. Thus, it speaks for itself, because the fruits of this plant have inflated bubble shape and look like little glass balls. Fruits physocarpus change their colors as well as leaves.

Apparently, this plant loves art painting: first the fruits are green, then the color gains saturation and turns green later becomes pink-red tones and when fully ripe it becomes brown. The fruit begins in mid-spring and reaches its final development in mid-autumn (late September – early October). When you click on a fruit-ball with the two sides published the characteristic sound of bursting bubble.

Physocarpus English

This is a very common in the yards of the plant, but many do not know the name of this beauty. Physocarpus English belongs to the class dicotyledons, Rosaceae family and the genus physocarpus. This is a shrub, reaching a height of 3-3,5 m, with thin spreading branches and falling away, not a long bark. The wood of the plant is white in color. Thanks to the lush branches of the shrub takes the formhemisphere.

Leaves of physocarpus English have a rounded or elliptical form, with a serrated triangular ends, with the number of blades to 5-7. The flowers of this species are white or pink, collected in inflorescence Flirty with aspiring to the skies and fluffy yellow stamens. The plant begins to bloom in July and pleasing to the eye about three weeks. Sometimes, in early summer, the shrub begins to bloom in may. Fruits physocarpus English ripen in September-October.

This species has many varieties with a range of color interpretations. Combining all the varieties of this plant, it is possible to decorate your lawn or garden. Plant firmly endures cold, it is sometimes necessary to prune the tops; tolerates any soil except limestone; fast growing, loves the haircut; the lifespan is 40-50 years old; likes abundant moisture. Physocarpus English is a beautiful decoration of yards, gardens and suburban areas.

Physocarpus"Red Baron"

One of the most famous English varieties physocarpus – physocarpus "Red Baron". Crown physocarpus "Red Baron"(its diameter) in adulthood can reach two meters, the height of the plant is also up to two meters. It also has the hemispherical shape, with small shoots on the top, featuring dark red.

The leaves of the"Red Baron,"a narrow, ruffled, reach a length of 7 cm, with 3-5 lobes. Plant light-requiring, and depending on the availability of shade, the leaves are changing color. If physocarpus grows in the sun – red leaves if the shade of green with a small reddish tint. In autumn the color changes to bronze. In the care of the plant it should be remembered that the emerging green shoots need to be cut.

Physocarpus"Red Baron"is a fast growing, very compact, require minimal watering, it is recommended to grow it for the greening of the city or hiding the problem areas of the soil. The shrub is able to perfectly decorate a curb space.


Physocarpus "Luteus"resembles a loose vine in the September period, only leaves it a little less sweet and the fruit it has. But it has a luxury look and growing quality. The Bush grows up to 2.5 meters in height. Physocarpus"Luteus"is a plant with distinctive yellow leaves which by late summer, becoming green ottenok. Leaves 3-4-lobed, in width to 5-7 cm, with angles similar to the blade.

Physocarpus branches tend upwards, but the last 10-15 cm are nasadowski. The crust can peel off smallribbons. The fruits ripen in August-September and have the form of a box with pointed corners. The variety does not tolerate waterlogging, winter-hardy, quietly tolerate drought, are not afraid of shade, but the colour of yellow leaves only stores in the sun. The plant likes urban conditions, so could easily be used as a decoration for hedges.

The Golden physocarpus

Decorative Golden physocarpus particularly original coloring of the leaves. The leaves of this species are bright yellow in summer season, Golden during the autumn. The branches rapidly rise from the ground to 1.5 m in length. Branches smooth, durable, can withstand a huge amount of leaves.

The Bush has a triangular elliptical in shape, reaching a width of 1 m. This cultivar of physocarpus sleek and small, neat and delicate. He is unpretentious to the presence or absence of light, cool to cold and wind, love the sun.

Physocarpus red

The red physocarpus is widespread in our country. This plant has no flaws: it is hardy, does not require much moisture, not afraid of light and shade, is always artistically beautiful and impressive. The leaves of this plant are lobed, with toothed rounded ends. In the spring and summer the leaves are bright red when autumn comes, the leaves become purple-crimson hue.

In late spring – early summer red physocarpus pleasing to the eye abundant pink and white bloom. You can easily transplant this plant by grafting. So if the garden has at least one Bush physocarpus red, it is absolutely free you can make yourself live the red fence.

The purple physocarpus

Physocarpus purple is, in other words, physocarpus"Diabolo". Its crown diameter reaches 2.5–3 meters in width this plant can reach three metres (if not to expose his haircut). Leaves of physocarpus purple long, to 10 cm in width up to 15 cm usually leaves 3-5-lobed, purple, autumn, changing color to yellow.

The diameter of the inflorescence is about 5 cm, it is with many small white flowers that bloom in June. Initially, the fruits are light green color fades into purple red. Use this plant as decoration of garden or hedge.