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Useful properties and applications of Rhaponticum carthamoides

Botanical characteristics of Rhaponticum

Rhaponticum is an herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae (Compositae), with erect hollow stem, up to 2 m In the upper part it is slightly pubescent. Rhizome woody, thick, with numerous slender fibrous roots. The leaves are large, alternate, serrate on the edge. The tip of the stem is crowned by a globular single basket.

The flowers at Rhaponticum tubular, violet-purple. Fruits – four-sided ribbed achenes 5-8 mm. in length Blossoms in July and August, the seeds ripen in August to September. Rhaponticum propagated by rhizomes and seeds. The plant belongs to the endemic and has a limited areal distribution. Grows in the Altai, Sayan and isolated in the mountains of Kazakhstan. Listed in the Red Book.

The beneficial properties of Rhaponticum

Fame and popularity is a medicinal plant found in the middle of the last century. Since then conducted ongoing research of useful properties of this natural medicine. It is established that Rhaponticum is an effective preventive means to prevent the development of many diseases and pathologies. Some experts say its beneficial effect on the restoration and maintenance of the immune system, the ability to tone the body and give the person energy and vitality.

The whole plant has a significant number of nutrients and elements. It contains: essential oil, alkaloids, tannins, resins, a variety of vitamins, organic acids, carotene and other beneficial compounds. In addition, it is worth noting the presence in its composition of ecdysteroids and biostimulants as ecdysone, ecdysterone, inokosterone.

The use of Rhaponticum

This herb is quite actively used in medicine. It is often recommended in functional disorders of the Central nervous system, impotence, severe physical and mental fatigue. The positive effects of herbal medicines on the basis of Rhaponticum are also observed with excessive irritability, headaches, loss of appetite, fatigue, decrease in sexual activity. They are used to reduce the impact of adverse environmental factors on human.

The plant is often used for a speedy recovery after a serious illness, elimination of disorders associated with metabolic disorders, formaintain General body tone, relieve irritability and nervousness. Some of the substances contained in this medicinal plant is used in advanced areas of medicine. Earlier people used the drugs as an effective remedy for fractures, food poisoning, and to normalize low blood pressure.

Rhaponticum Smolevichy

This perennial herb reaches a height of two meters. Its roots and rhizomes have a characteristic smell and a huge set of useful properties. They are most often used for medical purposes.

Biologically active substances contained in the roots, is a part of various medicines. Experiments on animals have shown that tinctures and fluid extract of this medicinal plant have the ability to excite the Central nervous system. This type of grass can provide effective help with various neuroses and depressive States.

Contraindications of Rhaponticum

Medicine is still not fully studied all its contraindications, so before the use of drugs from plants, be sure to consult with your doctor. The individual intolerance, allergic and other complications. In order to avoid unintended consequences, the drugs based on raponticum it is prohibited to take during pregnancy, nursing mothers and children.