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Agrimony ordinary

The cultivation and use of useful properties of agrimony

Botanical characteristics of agrimony

Agrimony is a perennial medicinal plant is low, which has slabovetvyaschiysya stem. On straight stems of the plants are large the leaves are pubescent, long. With the month of June on stems bloom large yellow flowers collected in inflorescence – spike. Flowering plants goes on all summer. The fruit of agrimony nut, irregular shape, with hooked spines on its surface. While the plant is fresh, it smells amazing, but once it's dry, the smell will disappear.

Agrimony can be seen in Europe, Russia, the Balkans and Asia. Agrimony prefers to grow in dry meadows, forest edges and the side of the road.

Growing agrimony

For growing agrimony choose moderately fertile soil with good drainage. Place under a agrimony should be Sunny or in partial shade. Multiply agrimony can be by seed or plots. For seed sowing suitable spring, but the plots can be propagated not only in spring but also in autumn. Agrimony is not a capricious plant. This plant is responsive to any departure. As the drying soil produce watering. When the seedlings are doing cultivation, weeding. If seeds were sown too thickly, thinning makes sense. Proradio plants between them should be at least 20 cm Plant does not like weeds, so when they appear they must be removed from the site.

The beneficial properties of agrimony

In the agrimony contains tannins that are used in diarrhea. But the plant also contains a bitter and essential oil, thanks to which it is used in gastrointestinal diseases. Prepared from the agrimony tea, which is used for stagnation of bile, poor appetite, colic in the stomach. Agrimony has anti-inflammatory properties that help with inflammation of the throat and mouth. Agrimony regulates the liver and improves digestion. Agrimony has tonic and diuretic properties. In addition, this plant is used as an excellent painkiller and cholagogue. Agrimony is used in hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver.

Application repeshko ordinary

In folk medicine, this plant is a true panacea. It is usedwhen hemoptysis, bleeding, side cramps, asthma and pains in the legs. Painful menstruation – another use of agrimony (it will reduce pain). Agrimony helps to stop nose bleeding, to cure furunculosis, flu and other diseases.

Agrimony is used as a tincture, tea, napara, rinsing and washing. Tincture of agrimony is used in diseases of the oral cavity as a rinse. Tea is used to improve appetite. A decoction of agrimony is used for skin diseases in the form of compresses.

Tea of agrimony. To make it, take 2 teaspoons of agrimony herb and pour it with 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 5 minutes. Then strain the tea and drink 1 Cup three times a day. Tea to gargle, to wash the tonsils.

A tea made from agrimony cholelithiasis. Take 10 grams of herb wormwood and 20 grams of agrimony. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Insisting 2 minutes, drain. The taste of the tea will be bitter, so you can drink in small SIPS, but hot. in this tea you can add no sugar, no honey.

Tincture of agrimony in colitis. Take fresh grass and cut finely, put into a glass jar and fill the unrefined vegetable oil. The oil should cover the grass not more than 3 cm. leave for 3 weeks to infuse in a dark room at room temperature. Every day shake the jar. Ready infusion strain and take 1 tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Agrimony bleeding. For its preparation you need to take 30 grams of grass repeshko and pour 350 ml of water. Put on low heat to evaporate to obtain a half volume. Strain the finished broth, taken every 3 hours on a tablespoon.

Expectorant from agrimony. Prepare it thus: take a Boudreau, agrimony and wild ginger to 1 tablespoon. Next, this mixture pour 750 ml of boiling water and leave for 8-12 hours to infuse. Ready take medicine three times a day for 100 ml.

A decoction for gargling. Take 100 grams of leaves of agrimony, dry them, and pour 1 liter of water. Put on the fire to reduce the volume tripled. Next, add a little rose oil. This decoction is recommended to rinse the throat for people who need a lot of talking.

Agrimony for compresses. Take 3 tablespoons herb repeshko and pour two cups of water. Put on the heat for 4 minutes. After removing from heat, reserve the broth for 4 hours to infuse. Ready, strain the infusion and use it warm for compresses or baths in gout.


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