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The beneficial properties of rhododendron

The beneficial properties of rhododendron

Rhododendron is a very useful plant and its application varied. Are grown as ornamental flowers and are used in different industries. But the most invaluable some of them have to human health. Rhododendrons Adams, Daur, Golden, yellow, Caucasian, Ungern applicable in medicine due to the content of andromedotoxin, rhododendron, arecoline, arbutin. Years of research have shown that the biochemical composition of these plants is enormous.

Sheets discovered ascorbic acid, increased concentration of this vitamin occurs in the summer months. Indisputable advantages is the presence of anti-bacterial, bactericidal and insecticidal properties rhododendrons. Almost all parts of the identified tannins group pyrocatechin. There is no doubt that plants are unique and many of them possess medicinal properties, besides their use for the production of spirits, they contain essential oils have a strong smell of flowers, leaves, and twigs.

Funds rhododendron have antipyretic, diaphoretic, analgesic properties. Composition leaf is not so harmless – tannins, arbutin, rutin, a poisonous glycoside (andromedotoxin) require special caution in their application. Almost all types of rhododendrons choose to dwell in cliffs, rocky slopes, sandy river banks. They are harvested in the flowering period, dried under a canopy, laying a thin layer.

The use of rhododendron

Plants are indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, they can be used to increase the strength of heart contractions, increase blood flow. In the treatment of rheumatism, chronic colitis, vegetative neurosis, epilepsy, colds are infusion from the leaves.

Infusion of leaves: 1 teaspoon of crushed dried leaves pour a glass of boiling water, insist, strain and drink 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day. This infusion is recommended in case of poisoning, inflammation of the mucous membranes, headaches. It removes excess fluid from the body, reducing dyspnea and normalizing the heart rhythm.

Receiving infusion of leaves is recommended in the treatment of infertility and inflammation of the uterus.

When erosion of the uterus it can be used for douching diluting 1 teaspoon of infusion of one liter of boiled water. In Asian and Oriental countries since ancient times useful for treating some kinds of marvelous plants and in eachindividual case, only one, any of them, as they differ in biochemical composition and pharmacological action.

Flower rhododendron

Rhododendrons graceful and elegant as roses, showy flowers on a background of glossy green plants. They bloom the first of all garden flowers are a different color, adding decorative beauty to the garden. The flowers look like bells, or probably collected in umbellate inflorescences. Blossoms very lush, each looks like a separate bouquet.

Cultivation of rhododendron

All rhododendrons are shrubs with distinctive features. They grow slowly but maintain excellent form, bloom profusely for several decades in a row. For their development requires acidic, rich in humus and nutrients, loose, fertile, peaty soil is moderately moistened. The land needs to be drained. Since the root system of rhododendrons are not much deepened, the soil must be carefully plowed, the digging will be excluded.

Rhododendrons can be propagated by layering on a branch, which is located at the base of a Bush do a cut, then a branch is lowered into the pit and covered with loose soil mass. Through time in the cut area will sprout roots, seedlings separated from the mother plant and planted in the spring on a bed in partial shade. Wild species of rhododendrons are propagated by means of seeds. They are sown in spring, mixed with fine sand, they give a good harvest with abundant irrigation.

To grow these plants is not so simple, you need to keep in mind that they are capricious, heat-loving and do not tolerate cold. Moreover, it is important to prevent waterlogging and to pay attention to what the neighborhood grow plants. The best option for rhododendron are larch, spruce, pine and Apple trees. Watered all the plants in this family only preferably rainwater, melt water, water from water supply contains chlorine and lime, the detrimental effect on the development. In winter, the bushes should hide under the cover of the film in a tent.

Seeds of rhododendron

The main breeding rhododendrons is by seeds, which are always checked for germination. For this is planted to 100 pieces each on a wet filter paper, cotton wool or gauze, produce daily watering, spraying from a spray to prevent any drying of the soil. When the sprouts first leaves appear, you can determine the future quality of the plants and the planting material to plant in the soil on the plots.

Varieties of rhododendron

High-ornamental woody plants, an incredibly elegant, rich color of flowers and splendor of flowering. There are about 1300 wild species and use in horticulture more than 600 varieties. Rhododendrons extraordinary during flowering. Known medicinal properties of just a few types.

A rhododendron in the wild it grows in Siberia and the far East. It can reach a height of 2 m, has short leaves that blooms in may. Siberian healers prescribed an infusion of the leaves as a diaphoretic, diuretic, pain reliever. Manifested the ability of the infusion to reduce the excitability of the Central nervous system, strengthen the heart.

With it is possible to lower blood pressure, it has a widening effect on the coronary vessels, regulates breathing difficulties. The root of Dahurian rhododendron is used in dysentery. Substances hypersil, avicularin, isoleucin, resins and essential oils in ethanolic extracts are depressing the activity of pathogenic bacteria and infections in the human body.

Rhododendron Adams popular among hunters of Siberia brewed tea from the leaves is uplifting, relieves fatigue, tones up and gives energy.

The plant has a pleasant aroma similar to strawberry, after drying, the smell persists. Rhododendron Adams is mentioned in Tibetan treatises as a plant stimulant with a tonic and adaptive properties. Volatile oil containing farnesene, nerolidol, germacranolide in the leaves.

Young shoots contain ursolic and oleanolic acid, triterpenoids and flavonoid derivatives. Mongolian doctors recommended the plant to treat cholera, diphtheria and for the destruction of streptococci. Infusions and decoctions are used for outdoor use – washing the infected wounds, ulcers, to rinse the mouth and throat.

Infusion of rhododendron Adams: pour 1 teaspoon of raw liter of boiling water insist 30 minutes and drink 1/3 Cup 3 times a day before meals.

Rhododendron Japanese a low shrub, winter-hardy. Blossoms in may-June. There are many varieties of this species. Parts of the plant contain andromedotoxin, methyl ester Borsellino acid. This kind of plants is studied in detail, yet it is used for furniture, joinery and turnery.

Caucasian rhododendron growing in the mountains of the Caucasus, it identified glycosides, saponins, tannins. Also the leaves contain polysaccharides, ketones, essential oils, phenolic acids.Healers use rhododendron caucasicum as Antirheumatic. Successfully treated bronchitis, infectious diseases. Use the beneficial properties of this type in gynecology. Extracts water as a rinse effective in problems with the gums, for the treatment of angina, stomatitis. Caucasian rhododendron excellent bee plant.

The deciduous rhododendron has many types: canadian, Ledebour, Japanese, costaricanum, pink, sticky, Vasea, yellow. During flowering any of them decorates the gardens with bright colors. Incomparable rhododendrons bloom in the spring and early summer, bewitching an abundance of flowers.

Rhododendron hybrid includes many evergreen varieties, Azurro, Homer Waterer, Catawbiense, Heckmanns, Bernstein, Brigitte, Galmuchet and many others. The shrubs bloom in June.

Shlippenbah of rhododendron growing in the South of Primorsky Krai, in the East Asian countries. It is a beautiful deciduous plants that live in deciduous forests and dry rocky slopes, perfectly survives in the gardens, although growing slowly. In addition, the Bush is incredibly beautiful, besides it is a useful medicinal plant which is very appreciated in Eastern, Tibetan, Indian, medicine.

Currently known narcotic, antispasmodic, hemostatic, astringent. Used in folk medicine as a stimulant of sexual activity and diuretic.

Pink rhododendron is a native of Canada, winter-hardy, undemanding. Grows well in both wet and dry climate, refers to the deciduous varieties. Likes a light place, slightly acidic, loose soil. Although the flowers are small, but a lot of them and they form a magnificent hat.

Rhododendron, perhaps, most other species used in the treatment of many diseases. It is used for insomnia, nervousness. The infusion of the herb reduces swelling, headaches, relaxes muscles in convulsive manifestations.

Recipe of infusion of rhododendron: 2 g dried minced raw materials poured into a thermos, pour 1 Cup boiling water and insist 2 hours. Strained drink drink 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Russian botanist I. Gmelin noted that a decoction of the leaves helps during transitions in the mountains of fatigue and muscle pain. In patients with heart failure while receiving infusions of plants, there is an increase of blood flow velocity, normal work of the heart.

Recipe tincture rhododendron: complete raw materials of 1/5 of the glass container and pour the brim with alcohol or vodka. Infuse for two weeks. Drink 10-15 drops diluting with water (0.5 cups).

The rhododendron room has a superficial root system, so it is advisable to be grown in wide shallow pots. Like all rhododendrons love acidic, well-drained, rich in humus and potassium in the soil. In summer the plant should be kept in a shady corner of the balcony without drafts, spraying the leaves regularly.

Contraindications rhododendron

Rhododendrons can cope with diseases, which treatment in other ways inefficient. Before applying it is advisable to consult a doctor. The useful properties of the infusions and decoctions will have a positive impact only in strict compliance with the dosage! The plant is contraindicated in children, pregnant with the necrosis of tissues, a serious kidney diseases.