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Ruta fragrant

Growing, useful properties and application recipes Rue

Botanical characteristics of Rue

Ruta fragrant perennial is fragrant and strong plant. The stems of the plant are erect, branched and bare, rising not above two feet. On the low stems of Rue are regular leaves that have translucent glands with essential oil content. Rue flowers have linear bracts. Flowers bisexual, collected in inflorescence – panicle. Sepals acute triangular in shape, with translucent glands. The petals of the plant available forms of boats, a yellow color, which are attached to glandular disk. The flower is about 10 stamens. The fruit of Ruta – capsule spherical shape with seeds. Black seeds remain viable for 5 years. Ripen the fruit of Rue, in the month of September.

Ruth rarely seen in the wild. It is grown in the Mediterranean, Moldova, the Caucasus, Belarus and the Baltic States.

Growing Rue

Ruth prefers to grow on the rubbly loam or calcareous soils. The plant is drought-resistant. The plant does not like an excessive amount of moisture in the soil. Ruta is not a capricious plant, as it does not need special conditions for growing, and it can in one place to grow for about 5 years, giving a good harvest.

Multiply the root you seeds. For this you need to collect the seeds and sow them for winter because they only germinate after 5 months from the day of planting. It is possible to plant seeds in boxes for seedlings. For this you need to prepare the boxes with soil and sow the seeds in March. After 1 week, seedlings will appear. When freezing bypassed can be planted in a permanent place. At the request of the plants can be transplanted.

Throughout the year, seedlings will not grow above 12, see the winter seedlings are covered, so they do not freeze. In the spring remove cover from the sprouts and remove the existing plants are dead and frozen branches. After pruning the bad branches, fertilize the soil with nitrogen fertilizer.

Useful properties of Rue

Ruta has many useful properties that are used in the treatment of various diseases and ailments. It has diuretic, carminative and choleretic effect. It is possible to treat Oseni, stomach cramps. Due to the content in Rute volatile oils and glycosides flavanobol, it is used in the treatment of beriberi, atherosclerosis, dizziness. Ruta is used as a good tonic for impotence. Preparations of Rue in the treatment of abscesses, boils, allergies, rickets, and scabies. Then you can use in rickets orrheumatism. From the leaves of plants make drugs that use in atony of the intestines and colic.

The root has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce headaches, convulsions in children, and as an antidote for snake bite. The root is used for preparation fees that are assessed with the exhaustion and marasmus.

Ruta can be used not only inside but also externally. Topically it has a soothing effect. Women use Rue during menopause. Lotion of Ruta will be used in the treatment of bruises, paralysis of the facial nerve. People suffering from rickets and scrofula, may use the decoction of Rue in the form of baths.

The use of Rue

Folk medicine uses the root fragrant more often as a sedative and funds, which reduces the pain in the head, rheumatic pains and neuralgic. Ruta is a constituent component included in charges for the treatment of diseases of the liver, heart, gallstones, colds and coughs.

The root is used in the form of teas, fees, infusions, tinctures and externally. Infusion of Rue helps with boils. The root increases appetite, relieves migraines. Infusion of Rue, you can wash the eyes in the treatment of conjunctivitis. Ruta has a good effect frequent urination, edema and skin rashes. The herb Rue is used to treat impotence, fragility of blood vessels, rickets and myopia.

Tincture of Rue for varicose. Take 2 tablespoons of the herb Rue and pour it in a glass jar, pour 200 ml of vodka and leave for 10 days to infuse in the dark. Strain the finished tincture can be applied at 10 drops which is diluted with 1 tablespoon water. Take tincture need three times a day.

Tea made from Rue. For its preparation you need to pour 1 teaspoon of herbs of Rue, 250 ml of boiling water and infuse for 5 minutes. Filter and accept on 2 cups twice a day.

A decoction of Rue with vitamin deficiency. Take 1 gram of leaves of Rue, 2 grams of violet (herb) and 2 grams of flowers of elderberry. 1 tbsp of this collection pour 200 ml of boiling water and boil for 1 minute. Strain the broth, it take 100 ml 2 times a day.

Ointment of Rue. It is prepared as follows: take the fresh herb of Ruta, and rubs. Ready ointment adjust to injuries or sores to fully treatment.

Contra Ruta

You can't takelarge doses of Rue, because she at least has many useful properties, it is poisonous. Pregnant women it is contraindicated to use, so it may be redness or burns.