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Useful properties and applications of scardy Siberian

Botanical characteristics of scardy

Skerda – annual, rarely biennial, pubescent or glabrous herb with stem height from 10 to 150 cm thick and highly branched rhizome. Leaves oblong-elliptic or lanceolate, nearly glabrous or pubescent below. Flowers usually yellow, ligulate, bisexual, collected in baskets in a common corymbose (or racemose) inflorescence, 1 to 5 pieces on the stem. Fruits – fusiform achenes brown or red-brown color.

The flowering period of the plant from June to October, the fruits ripen from July to late autumn. Main areas of distribution skerdi are in Europe, Africa, North America and Asia. Skerda loves to settle on vacant lots, forest edges, open forests, roadsides, fields, dry meadows and weedy in a variety of places.

The beneficial properties of scardy

This medicinal plant for several centuries used in folk medicine. Decoctions and infusions of scardy help the human body to more effectively counter the many diseases among which it is worth noting the various gastric diseases, bronchitis, pneumonia and other. Young stems of the plant are frequently used for the preparation of vitamin salads and other dishes.

It is established that skerda contains flavonoids and some other nutrients, in addition, the green shoots of this medicinal plant exhibited significant amounts of ascorbic acid. Fully the chemical composition of this herb has not been studied. For therapeutic purposes, usually used aboveground part of skerdi: stems, flowers, leaves. This is harvested in June-July, thoroughly dried and left for storage in a darkened room.

The use of scardy

Aqueous extract of some kinds of scardy used in folk medicine in pulmonary diseases, tuberculosis of the bones, various contusions, gastralgia, diseases of the nervous system and as an effective laxative. Tibetan medicine treats the grass bronchitis, atherosclerosis, pneumonia.

Some experts say drugs from skerdi as a good means to restore the nervous system, improve blood circulation and atherosclerosis prevention. Furthermore, the plant is often recommended for effective healing of wounds and stop bleeding. Special baths from this herbs help to relieve swelling of the legs, and lotions from skerdi well be applied to boils, ulcers and other skininflammation.

Infusion: one Cup boiling water, pour one tablespoon of dry grass to insist in a thermos for two hours. The product is recommended in the form of lotions with carbuncles, abscesses, boils.

Flowers scardy

Different types of skerdi have excellent shape, size and color flowers. Many of them are used for decorative purposes, but some are actively used in folk medicine. Flowers certain types of scardy along with the rest of the aerial parts of the plant are used to prepare various decoctions and infusions, which are effective in the gastro-intestinal diseases, injuries, inflammations of the skin.

Skerda Siberian

Skerda Siberian grows in average and wet climate throughout the Eurasian continent. Often it can be found on forest edges, glades and forests. The plant has a thick woody rhizome, green spear-shaped leaves and ribbed stems that reach five feet in length. The flowers are usually painted in bright yellow color and collected in numerous corymbose inflorescences.

It is a medicinal plant widely used in folk medicine. It positively affects the human nervous system and can be used as a hemostatic and wound healing remedy. In addition, tincture of Siberian scardy recommended for lung disease, pneumonia, hypertension.

Skerda roofing

Skerda roofing is an annual herbaceous plant, reaching from 10 to 90 cm in height. He has a very branchy, vertical root, and green upright stems. This species grows in China, Mongolia, Western and Eastern Siberia, Middle Asia, Europe, the far East.

The above-ground part and the green shoots of this medicinal herb endowed with some useful components, making skerda roofing is very popular in folk medicine. It is often used to prevent and combat atherosclerosis, as well as an effective laxative and anti-emetic. A poultice of the crushed herb of this plant help with carbuncles and boils.

Contraindications to the use of scardy

The plant is not recommended to use with hypersensitive and hypersensitive, and children under twelve years of age, nursing mothers and during pregnancy. In addition, possible allergic reaction to the individual components included in the chemical composition of scardi.