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The harrow

poleznye svojstva i primenenie nastojki stalnika polevogo

botanicheskaya harakteristika stalnika

stalnik – mnogoletnee zhelezisto-opushennoe travyanistoe rastenie so svoeobraznym zapahom, otnositsya ono k semejstvu bobovyh. stebel rasteniya pryamoj, malovetvistyj, u osnovaniya – dereveneushij, v vysotu dostigaet 30–80 santimetrov. listya ocherednye, chereshkovye, bolshej chastu trojchatye, ostrozubchatye. cvetki motylkovye, rozovye ili belovatye, na korotkih cvetonozhkah, obrazuut na koncah pobegov gustye kolosovidnye socvetiya. plody – boby dlinoj okolo 6–7 mm, s 2–4 sharovidnymi semenami.

period cveteniya stalnika – iun-avgust, sozrevanie plodov – iul-sentyabr. stalnik rastet odinochno ili v vide zaroslej na lugah, po beregam rek, sredi kustarnikov. proizrastaet eta trava v stepnoj i lesostepnoj zonah evropejskoj chasti rossii, na kavkaze i v krymu, rezhe vstrechaetsya v srednej azii, na altae, uzhnom urale i v kazahstane. rastenie svetolubivo, predpochitaet uvlazhnennye chernozemnye ili izvestnyakovye pochvy.

poleznye svojstva stalnika

celebnye svojstva stalnika izvestny uzhe mnogo stoletij. v drevnih medicinskih traktatah bez truda mozhno otyskat massu upominanij ob ispolzovanii etogo rasteniya pri lechenii kamnej v pochkah i mochevom puzyre. v starinu ego takzhe naznachali pri golovnoj boli, zatrudnennom mocheispuskanii i dlya isceleniya ot mnozhestva drugih boleznej.

posle izucheniya sovremennoj naukoj himicheskogo sostava stalnika stanovitsya ponyatnym proishozhdenie ego poleznyh svojstv. v nem v izryadnom kolichestve soderzhatsya dubilnye veshestva, limonnaya kislota, efirnoe maslo, glikozidy izoflavonovoj prirody, krahmaly, smoly, tetraciklicheskij triterpinovyj spirt. imenno eti, a takzhe drugie poleznye komponenty i opredelyaut effektivnost stalnika v lechenii razlichnyh nedomoganij, sodejstvuya normalizacii nekotoryh processov vnutri organizma.

stalnik sposobstvuet snizheniu davleniya, uskoryaet svertyvaemost krovi, uvelichivaet amplitudu serdechnyh sokrashenij. eshe preparaty iz rasteniya okazyvaut gipotenzivnoe dejstvie i umenshaut pronicaemost i lomkost kapillyarov. mnogie specialisty otmechaut polozhitelnoe vozdejstvie etogo prirodnogo preparata na obshee samochuvstvie cheloveka. v lechebnyh celyah ispolzuutsya korni rasteniya, kotorye zagotavlivaut osenu.

primenenie stalnika

nekotorye sorta etogo lekarstvennogo rasteniya aktivno ispolzuutsya kak v narodnoj medicine, tak i v farmakologii. k primeru, otvary i nastoi stalnika okazyvaut znachitelnoe mochegonnoe,disinfectant and diaphoretic action. They are often recommended for the normalization of metabolism in the body, enhance the work of the endocrine glands, dissolve the stones and eliminate inflammatory diseases of the kidney and urinary tract.

Folk healers prescribe a tea made from the leaves of the harrow as a blood purifier and styptic skin rashes and bleeding hemorrhoids. For medicinal purposes mainly used roots, flowers and leaves of the plant.

A decoction of the roots: One tablespoon of the rhizomes of the harrow should pour 500 ml of boiling water, hold ten minutes on low heat, then squeeze and strain. To take remedy recommended three times a day half a Cup.

The root of harrow

The most widely used in medicine, the roots of the plants. They contain many bioactive substances such as flavonoids, tannic and resinous substances, citric acid, traces of essential oil, various micro - and macronutrients. For therapeutic purposes, the roots of the harrow the best harvest in September-October. After harvest they are washed in cold water, slightly dried in the open air for two days and then left to dry indoors with good ventilation at a temperature of 40-45 degrees.

Decoctions of the roots of the harrow is able to provide effective help with hemorrhoids. In the first week of taking these medicines stops hemorrhoidal bleeding, normal stools and are constipated. In addition, this tool will be useful for rheumatism, gout, dropsy.

Tincture of harrow

Harrow the tincture is used in gout, rheumatism, headache, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, hemorrhoids, kidney stones. With regular use, it has a laxative effect. For example, patients with hemorrhoids stops the bleeding, eases the chair and reduces the swelling hemorrhoids.

The infusion of the harrow can be purchased at a pharmacy by prescription. Issued this drug in vials of orange glass in the packaging of 100 ml. tincture Prepared from the roots of the harrow in 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Keep it should be in a cool dark place. The dose – 40-50 drops 3 times a day for two to three weeks. Persistent therapeutic effect occurs within 8-10 days.

The harrow the field

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This type of harrow is particularly common in the Caucasus, in southern Siberia and the European part of Russia. It is a typical representative – a perennial herb with a taproot with numerous lateral branches. The stems of the harrow the field red-brown color, they reach 80 cm in height.

From ancient times in folk medicine in many countries of the world use the roots of this medicinal plant. Due to the presence in them of various biologically active compounds, they are effective remedy for gout, rheumatism and several other ailments. Decoctions and tinctures of the harrow the field, often prescribed for varicose varicose veins of the lower extremities, protogenic constipation, rectal fissures varicose venous thrombosis, prostatitis, uric acid diathesis.

The harrow prickly

The harrow prickly – a perennial plant reaching 60 cm in height. Due to its beneficial properties due to the presence in its composition of biologically active substances, a plant widely used in folk medicine as cardiotonic, styptic, anti-inflammatory, a laxative, and to strengthen capillaries. Drugs based on it tend to tone the bowel wall and to relieve spasms of the sphincter. Contained in this medicinal herb flavonoids known for its choleretic and diuretic effects.

Contraindications to the use of the harrow

It should be remembered that preparations of harrow has low toxicity, but with constant use they can cause a laxative effect. There are a number of other contraindications, so before the use of drugs based on this plant you must consult with your doctor. We shouldn't eliminate an allergic reaction.