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The cultivation and use of beneficial properties of tamarind

Botanical characteristics of tamarind

Tamarind is an evergreen and tall tree, which belongs to the legume family. Tamarind thick and powerful trunk which can be about 25 meters in height. The tree is very branchy and has a lot of leaves, which are arranged in bundles of 10-40. Flowering plant is very beautiful: on the branches of a tree grows pink flowers, sometimes they meet and yellow with red stripes. Flowers of tamarind, each consisting of 5 petals, collected in inflorescence-brush. The tamarind fruit, long beans, prasravana, slightly curved, painted in brown color. Inside the fruit has a sweetish odor and a reddish-brown pulp, which is smooth hard seeds. Ripening occurs from may to June.

Wild tamarind can be seen in the Sudan, America, the Caribbean and in Asia. In other tropical countries for thousands of years this tree is successfully cultivated.

Cultivation of tamarind

The plant is hygrophilous and photophilous plant, therefore it is planted in a Sunny place and regularly watered soil. When watering it is necessary to look to avoid stagnation of water in the pan. That is why you need to make good soil drainage. Fertilizers in the soil have to be made not more than 1 time in 2-3 months.

Tamarind is propagated by seed. For this you need to prepare first light and shallow substrate. Seeds germinate within 7 days. Such plants can bloom only after a minimum of 6 years after planting the seed. Most plants suitable fertile slightly acidic soil, however, and on saline substrate tamarind also will develop normally.

To education 3 skeletal branches of young plants is required to make the formation of the crown. Further produce sanitary pruning of the crown of the tree.

The beneficial properties of tamarind

Tamarind serves tea, which helps in bronchial asthma, diarrhea and fever from infections. A decoction of tamarind has a laxative property. The plant increases the appetite and can lower your blood pressure. Thanks to the useful substances contained in the tamarind, it is used in diseases of the stomach, or when problems related toperevarivaniem pishi v organizme.

v tamarinde soderzhatsya organicheskie kisloty, vitamin a i drugie veshestva, kotorye ispolzuut pri razlichnyh zabolevaniyah. krome togo, tamarind obladaet vyazhushim i protivoglistnym svojstvami.

primenenie tamarinda

v lekarstvennyh celyah primenyaut myakot, koru i listya tamarinda. chashe vsego eto rastenie ispolzuetsya pri zabolevaniyah zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta i problemah s pishevareniem. semena rasteniya zharyat i primenyaut pri glistah. chaj tamarinda pomogaet pri konunktivitah i drugih vospalitelnyh infekciyah glaz. krome togo, chaj iz etogo rasteniya primenyaut v kachestve sredstva dlya poloskanij pri orz i grippe. kak ni stranno, no tamarind – silnyj zhenskij afrodiziak.

iz tamarinda gotovyat muss, kotoryj primenyaut v kachestve horoshego slabitelnogo sredstva. tamarindovaya voda primenyaetsya pri zabolevaniyah gorla.

muss iz tamarinda. vozmite myakot bobov tamarinda i zalejte ee kipyatkom, posle chego protrite ee i vyparite do konsistencii gustogo soka. dalee dobavte nemnogo sahara, peremeshajte – i muss gotov. etot muss primenyaut dlya normalizacii processa pishevareniya. takzhe etot sostav yavlyaetsya slabitelnym sredstvom.

protivopokazaniya k primeneniu tamarinda

tamarind protivopokazan ludyam, u kotoryh imeetsya yazva zheludka, kishechnika ili zabolevanie pishevaritelnyh zhelez. tamarind nelzya primenyat v chrezmernyh dozah, tak kak eto privedet k diaree.