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The cultivation and use of useful properties of blackthorn

The Botanical characteristics of the turn

Blackthorn is a spiny shrub growing no higher than 3 meters. Young plants have velvety branches, the ends of which are spikes. The strangeness of the plants in that first flowers bloom, and then leaves. The flowers are white in color and small in size covered with a thin white blanket the entire shrub. Bright green leaves are arranged on short stalks. Fruits turn a small globose drupe, painted black with a bluish bloom, sweet and sour taste. The plant blooms in mid-spring. In the period from spring to autumn the plants appear leaves. Early autumn – the period of ripening sloes.

Today the turn is found both wild and specially grown. Wild thorns can be seen in North Africa, Western Europe, Russia and the Caucasus. Grow it in any country at will. Turn prefers to grow on the edges of woods, ravines, riverbanks. Often the plant forms dense thickets.

Growing blackthorn

For the cultivation of turn you must choose a location with well-drained, fertile and moist soil. The plant is undemanding, so it can grow in full sun and in partial shade. To turn can propagate seeds or root suckers. Given the fact that this lush plant produces basal shoots, to multiply it is not hard. The hole for planting you need to prepare in the autumn, and up to 7 days before planting the plants into the soil fertilizers and lime. Useful for the shrub will be thrown to the bottom of the planting hole eggshell.

Seeds are sown in ready turn of the ridge, separate the suckers are planted in prepared pits with fertile soil. If the plant is already fruiting, the tree trunks need to make fertilizer along with the compost. Don't forget that the thorns are growing quickly, therefore, be planted on the private land.

Care for turn easy, as it requires no special conditions. In March, the need to trim damaged over the winter shoots. Once per season should be made in tree trunks manure or humus. Watering plants is carried out as necessary, if the soil is dry.

The beneficial properties of turn

The turn is a diuretic, laxative and diaphoretic properties. It is used as a sedative. The roots and bark of the blackthorn is used as antipyretic for colds andflu. The plant reduces the permeability of capillaries and improves immunity. Turn recommended for use in chronic constipation, cystitis and kidney stones. The fruit of the blackthorn is used in colitis, dysentery, and food poisoning.

The use of barbed thorns

Turn a long used in folk medicine to treat a variety of diseases and ailments. Its fruits have an astringent effect, therefore, their use in ulcerative colitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In case of poisoning and candidiasis use tinctures and decoctions, prepared on the basis of the fruits of blackthorn. Of thorns make wine, which has medicinal properties, used in intestinal infections.

Fresh juice of the sloe is used in hepatitis. Flowers turn recommend chronic constipation and prostate cancer. Tea from turn useful for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Turn gout. For preparing this medicine need to take the bark and branches of turn and burn them, collect the ash in an amount of 30 grams and to combine it with clove powder (10 grams) and 20 grams of cinnamon powder. To this mixture you need to pour 2 tablespoons of wine (grape). Mix well in the slurry is poured 100 ml of water and again mix everything. Ready medicine take three times a day 2 tablespoons half an hour before a meal. The course of treatment is six months. However, periodically make a break for 2 weeks, and then again resume the course of treatment.

A decoction of the sloes. Take 2 tablespoons of crushed fruits of sloes and pour them two cups of boiling water. Put the composition on the fire for 10 minutes, then remove from the heat and strain. The prepared decoction is taken before meals 100 ml 4 times a day.

Fresh leaves of the sloe. The leaves of the plant are used for healing wounds and ulcers, applying fresh leaves to the affected area. You can also use dry leaves, which should be pre-steamed with boiling water.

Contraindications to the use of barbed thorns

Turn to date, no contraindications for use, however, people with hypersensitivity it is not recommended.