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Therapeutic properties and application of decoction, infusion and tincture of yarrow


Botanical characteristics of yarrow

Yarrow is a common perennial, Asteraceae, low, fragrant plant. The rhizome of the plant is thick, yellow in color, with lots of roots and underground shoots. The plant has erect stem, slightly branched in the upper part. Located on a low stalk once the leaves are gray-green, sometimes glabrous or pubescent. On the underside of the leaves have oil glands. At the top of the stem is an inflorescence consisting of many small flower baskets. The fruit of the plant is achene oblong shape, painted in silver gray color. The plant blooms from early summer to early autumn. The fruits ripen in September-October.

Yarrow is found throughout Russia, Central Asia and the far East. The plant prefers to grow on forest edges, in forest clearings, roadsides. Yarrow grows in gardens, towns, parks lit, and clean from weeds.

Yarrow medicinal. The plant is well known to traditional healers for its medicinal properties. Yarrow flower is unpretentious, he is the ancestor of many ornamental varieties for the garden, featuring bright colors and endurance. In nature the plant grows in open areas, open forests. The yarrow many tonkorassechennaya leaves at the base of the stem, and this justifies the name of the flower. Small flowers are collected in large umbellate inflorescences.

As a medicinal plant yarrow used since ancient times. Even the Greek hero Achilles healed his grass his soldiers, bleeding to death. According to some ancient names translated into modern languages, you can understand which illnesses and who were treated this flower: "yarrow knights", "grass soldiers of wounds," "blood grass", "grass consumptive" and so on.

The ancient Romans after the conquest of the land must sow near their military camps this plant and called it a military grass. The yarrow is specially planted near the workshops to have always on hand fresh grass andhad to bandage it up from the plant in the event of an injury or open wound. In addition, yarrow has been used for magic rituals. With the help of the plant wondered conjured and imposed damage.

In the XVII century, the grass began to add in food as a spice because the leaves and flowers have a fairly pleasant taste. The most attractive for therapeutic purposes are the flowering tops of the plants, cut together with the stem length not exceeding 15 cm Flowers tear, stepping back from the tops of the plants 2 cm the raw material is Dried in shade and stored for not more than two years.

Growing yarrow

The plant is not whimsical, it quietly grows in the sun and in partial shade. Yarrow reproduces vegetatively and by seeds. The seeds of plants sown in the spring or fall, sowing seeds is carried out in the beds or on the bed. In April you can sow the seeds for seedlings in pots. The shoots of the plants are very small, making them easy to confuse with a simple weed. Division of rhizomes the grass is propagated in the spring and summer you can propagate plants by green cuttings. Yarrow grows in one place for 5 years. When will the 5 years, the plant should be transplanted to another place. To do this, dig out the grass along with the roots, remove weeds, bushes divided and planted them individually. When will come the autumn, the Bush should be cut, while leaving stems with a length of not less than 12 see

Three times a month required in the soil fertilizer. First time make fertilizer to flowering plants, second in the flowering period, and the last time – after flowering plants.

Useful properties of yarrow

Yarrow has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The plant has a positive effect on the internal organs, and it promotes the formation of mucus, relieves gas in the intestines. Yarrow acts on the smooth muscle of the intestine. The plant has antispasmodic effect on biliary and urinary tract. Due to the content in the grass tannins, chamazulene and essential oils it is used as wound healing, bactericidal and antiallergic means.

Plant infusion is used to increase blood clotting, but it does not cause blood clots. Yarrow also helps with burns. In addition, the plant is able to make less your heart rate.

The use of yarrow

Traditional medicine uses the aboveground part of plants in the treatment of bleeding, inflammation of various kinds. Plantused in flatulence, stomach ulcers, gastritis, and heavy menstruation. Herb helps in dysentery and as a tool that enhances appetite and improves digestion.

A decoction of yarrow is used for nosebleeds, tuberculosis , and hemoptysis. Plant infusion is recommended for diathesis, hysteria, urinary incontinence, obesity and as a means of improving lactation.

The plant helps to cure bleeding gums, atherosclerosis. Of broth to make an enema with hemorrhoids. Based on yarrow take baths in skin diseases. The juice of the plant mixed with honey, used as a tonic. Also the juice of the plant used for skin tuberculosis, fistula and ulcers.

A decoction of yarrow for weight loss and diabetes. Take 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs pour a glass of boiling water. Put the composition on the fire to boil. Removing the tool from heat, infuse for half an hour. Strain the finished broth and take 100 ml three times a day after meals.

Fresh juice of yarrow. Take the fresh leaves of the plant and wash them under running water. Grind the leaves to a pulp and squeeze the juice. Take the prepared juice three times a day 1 teaspoon. The juice can be used for irrigation for skin lesions, to rinse in the treatment of periodontal disease and in the form of lotions.

Tincture of yarrow. Take 2 tablespoons of dry grass half with flowers, pour a glass of vodka and leave for 1 week in a dark warm place. Medicine filter and take 20 drops three times a day before meals. Use a tincture with angina, impotence and cramps in the intestines.

Bath of yarrow. To do this, take 200 grams of dry grass, pour three liters of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Strain the infusion is ready, it is poured into the bath and take it before bedtime for 15 minutes. After bath, you need to wrap yourself in a warm sheet. To take such a bath is not needed more than 2 weeks. This infusion can do and lotions used in eczema and abscesses.

Medicinal properties of yarrow

Yarrow is an effective styptic, it is used in internal and external bleeding. Also grass is very good for inflammation of the uterus and gastrointestinal tract. Chemicals from it eliminate the metabolic disorders.

Flower baskets and leaves of yarrow are rich in vitamins K, C, tannins, essential oils, volatile and carotene. Thanksthe combination of these biologically active plant substances used in the treatment of:

  • the catarrh and ulcers of the stomach

  • malaria

  • pulmonary tuberculosis

  • kidney disease

  • women's diseases

  • cold

  • hemorrhoids

  • diarrhea

  • diseases of the liver

  • anemia

  • headaches

  • nervous diseases

  • hypertension.

The juice of the plant is prescribed for the treatment of anemia, it prevents kidney stones, liver and possesses many useful medical applications. There is an opinion that preparations of yarrow should not be used in tendency to thrombosis. However, most herbalists believe that the plant can be used in all situations related to blood. It operates very gently, and even long-term use clots are not formed.

In addition, yarrow helps with diseases of the nervous system – hysteria, hypochondria, headaches and the most severe impact is when the headache, accompanied by epistaxis. Yarrow is also used in diseases of vessels and hearts, because the plant has the possibility of extension, especially of the vessels of the heart. One of the important properties of yarrow – the ability to impact on the venous wall. That's why this herb helps varicose veins.

Used in gastric ulcer, even in those cases where the stomach wall is covered by erosion and sometimes bleeding. It is also used in colitis, enterocolitis, dysentery. Yarrow is well expels worms, it is effective for enuresis, diseases of the female genitourinary system. Especially good to take for painful periods, accompanied by profuse bleeding. In addition, preparations from the plant are used for the resumption of lactation.

Decoction, infusion and tincture of yarrow

A decoction of yarrow. Decoctions of plants help to get rid of such diseases as bronchial asthma,colds and skin diseases, severe headaches. A decoction of yarrow the water is used for the treatment of renal stone and renal diseases. In addition, the broth was treated and treat diseases of the heart and stomach, it is used as an expectorant.

To prepare the broth chopped herbs placed in a glass or enamel bowl, pour cold water and allowed to stand for several hours. The mixture is boiled in a closed pot over a slow fire for about 20-30 minutes, stirring frequently, then filtered and squeezed through cheesecloth.

Infusion of yarrow. The grass in the form of infusion is used for Qatar airway as a means of improving appetite and digestion, increase the amount of milk in nursing mothers and menstrual irregularities. Excellent results gives the infusion in gynecological practice in inflammatory processes. In addition, it is used for rinsing in inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, and also used in enemas for hemorrhoids.

Recipe. 200 ml of water at room temperature it is necessary to add 15 g finely chopped herbs. The dishes with the mixture you should put in a boiling water bath and leave with the lid closed for 15 minutes while stirring constantly. After 15 minutes the pan should be removed from the stove and cool at room temperature for at least 45 minutes, then strain the means , and add water to the original volume. Take the infusion is recommended in the form of heat one tablespoon 3-4 times a day. Keep the medication should be in a cool place at a temperature not exceeding +10 °C.

Tincture of yarrow. Alcohol tincture of yarrow is prepared by 40% ethanol from the dried or fresh raw material in the ratio of 5:1. As raw materials use a mixture of leaves, stems and flowers of plants. Usually tincture is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic and for healing wounds, bruises. Externally the infusion is used to impregnate bandages for wounds. In pulmonary hemorrhage, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract tincture taken orally 40-50 drops 3 times a day.

Fees based on yarrow

Quite often, the flowers, the grass and the leaves of the plant are the delicious and gastric charges, which improve digestion, especially with secretory insufficiency of gastric glands. In addition, preparations from the plant are bezbolevaya, protecting our nervous system from excessive stimulation of receptors of the intestine and stomach.

In mixture with nettle leaves and plantain grass centaury,the root of chicory and hops cones yarrow is used as a sedative, a styptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Fresh flowers and leaves of the plant contain volatile volatile, harmful for Paramecium and the microflora of air. In the extract of the dried leaves and flowers contains a substance having a detrimental effect on streptococci and staphylococci (white and Golden).

Collection of baskets yarrow, flowers and leaves of the lemon balm, hawthorn flowers, flowers and grass motherwort is prescribed for angina, exhaustion of the nervous system, neuroses of the heart, hysteria.

For treatment of enuresis used the following set of herbs: yarrow, basket, grass violet fragrant herb lemon balm in the ratio 1:2:2. Two tablespoons collection, pour 400 ml of cold water, simmer on low heat for at least 5 minutes and infuse for 1 hour. For children aged two to four years is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of broth for half an hour before meals. For children six - and 12-year-age – 50-70 ml for 30 minutes before eating.

Yarrow is also useful to cure various women's diseases. It helps to restore menstrual cycle, reduces pain syndrome and normalizes secretions. For this purpose, the gathering of oak bark, tormentil root (10 g), grass shepherd's purse and yarrow herb (25 g). All the ingredients are mixed at the rate of 200 ml boiling water to 10 g collection. To insist tool should be 2 hours and take 25 mg 3 times a day.

Yarrow hair

Breakage, graying of hair, dryness, keratinization and peeling of the head skin suggests that the body is starved for vitamin A. the Use of yarrow produces excellent effect for dry skin and hair. The plant extract strengthens hair and Shine adds to them.

The prescription for improving hair growth. 10 g finely chopped dried flowers of the plant is recommended to pour 250 ml of boiling water. To insist means 1 hour is necessary so that the infusion has not cooled down completely, best thermos. Then the composition must drain and pour 2 tablespoons. The infusion should be rubbed into the hair roots, and the remainder to wet hair an hour before shampooing, then wash hair with shampoo. The remaining broth should be added to water for rinsing hair: 2 tablespoons in 1 litre of water.

Contraindications yarrow

Preparations of yarrow cannot be applied to pregnant women. The plant can not be used for people who have thrombosis. You can't take a long time, the preparations of this plant because it can becomethe cause of skin rashes or dizziness.