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The TUI oil for the nose and adenoids

Thuja is a coniferous woody plant with a conical crown shape. Other familiar evergreen trees (pine, spruce, cedar) it is characterized by scaly type of pine needles and smooth texture of the cortex – the characteristic features of plants of the family Cupressaceae. Because of its simplicity cedar from Southeast Asia have successfully spread throughout America and was later introduced in Europe. Young trees are well acclimatized in room conditions, so grow them in the houses for the formation of a health environment, as well as for medicinal purposes. This is due to the ability of TUI to fill the surrounding air with volatile production, detrimental to bacteria and fungal parasites.

Despite the fact that the home of the TUI Asia is the first who began to use her healing arts, were American Indians. A decoction of the needles of thuja were used for treatment of rheumatism, prevent infections and relieve inflammation. Special funds on the basis of micro-toxic substances, contained in the Thue also used in folk medicine.

In addition to leaves medicinal properties have also seeds and young shoots, rich in tannins, resins and a unique TUEV acid.

Made from these parts of the plant drugs have a wide range of medicinal properties:

  • Antiseptic;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Antirheumatic;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Regeneration;
  • Binder;
  • Anti-allergic;
  • Anticarcinogenic;
  • Diuretic;
  • Tonic.

Thanks otharkivajushchego pronounced effect of the oil of thuja is able to eliminate congestion in the respiratory system. It is also known property of arborvitae to soften scar tissue, used in cosmetic skin care.

For making essential oil need young fragrant needles and cones at least fifteen trees of thuja. Thuja essential oil is extremely viscous texture and a light camphor aroma. Prokopivna nose this drug is able to quickly arrest the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses, and relieve nasal congestion and reduce mucus secretion.

In the list of properties of the essential oil of thuja include sedative, anti-inflammatory and tonic effects. It is useful to regenerate the mucosa after injury and other pathologicalchanges. One of the most effective methods of the use of oil of TUI – inhalation. Through medical research it was found that the best results give the procedure of duration about 7 minutes.

The content of the article:

The beneficial properties of oil of thuja

Thuja is used in folk medicine as a medicinal plant since ancient times, but separated from it essential oil has a much stronger therapeutic properties, so from the nineteenth century, it is widely recognized as a pharmaceutical drug. The oil produced is used by homeopaths to address problems with the intestines, skin, respiratory, and genitourinary system. In traditional medicine the scope of application of the thuja oil are outlined in the same plan, but much more clearly: asthma, tuberculosis, bleeding, dermatological and venereal disease. Modern trends in the use of oil of thuja include stimulation of immunity and the treatment of papillomas on the eyelids.

Quick effect from the use of thuja oil provided a unique way to incorporate active components in the metabolism, thanks to which there is an acceleration of skin regeneration and normal secretory function of the epithelium. That is why the oil helps with problems such as warts, acne, otitis media, rhinitis, stomatitis, arthritis, adenoids and others.

To suppress inflammation, TUEV oil and its other extracts applied thrice a day directly on the damaged skin. If you have problems with nasal passages medicine is used in mode four drops in each nostril three times a day.

The chemical elements of oil of thuja

Studies of the composition of the essential thuja oil showed the following:

  • The oil contains a unique substance thujone (twin), which is able to communicate with cannabioids receptors and produce a weak analog of the inhibitory effect caused by the terpenoids of cannabis. Thujone also is a potent poison due to its toxic properties, there are some restrictions on the use of thuja oil.
  • Essential oil more is rich in tannins and resins, which cause antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
  • Other active vegetable substances: cedrol, cardioville, seskviterpenovy alcohol, pinene, piripiri, various flavonoids and saponins.
  • A special ratio of nutrients provides the two mainthe integrated properties of the oil: immunostimulation, strength comparable to the known effect of Echinacea, and rapid integration into the metabolism.

Oils of thuja

Before you start treatment with oil of thuja, you should look into one issue. Thuja oil can be essential and homeopathic. The main difference in the concentration of the drug. A homeopathic remedy created for self-use in its pure form, so the content of oil in it – only 15 %. Essential oils are called 100% means that in most cases have to dilute. The exception is the treatment of papillomas, when you need very strong point impact.

The TUI oil for nose

The usefulness of the oil of thuja in the treatment of pathologies of the nose and adenoids reliably confirmed by research and medical practice. The regular application of the oil is the normalization of the secretory function of the nasal mucosa, and local stimulation of the immune system. When sinusitis the use of essential oil of thuja greatly accelerates the Department of purulent secretions and expectoration. In the process of removing phlegm exempt Airways and removed a swelling of the maxillary sinuses, which occurs due to the improvement of the condition of the patient.

A comprehensive treatment of sinusitis often provides therapeutic treatments from TUI oil, as it is a strong natural antiseptic, penetrates deep into the mucous tissue and sinuses. Unfortunately, significant benefits oil can bring only in the early stages of disease development. If the moment is missed, and pathological changes moving into running shape, you will need tools more powerful and specialized.

Thuja oil is buried in the nasal passages only in the absence of inflammation. The treatment is performed a maximum of two weeks after which a break of ten days. Additional therapy TUI oil is assigned if necessary based on the results of the previous course.

Aromatherapy oil of thuja in the sinus is made aromalamps, filled with a solution of 2-3 drops of pure essential oil per tablespoon of purified water. The lamp is retained in the patient's room for a few hours a day or overnight.

On topic: TUI Oil when cold

How to use oil of thuja

The application of thuja oil provides strict and mandatory observance of the corresponding instruction to avoid excess dosage. The presence of toxic component, thujonecreates the preconditions for refusal of treatment if any signs of overdose (seizures).

Methods of application and dosage of the medication:

  • Outer: apply in small amounts (1 drop) to the affected skin two to three times a day;
  • Homeopathic TUI oil is dug directly into the nasal passages with a frequency of two to three times daily in the amount of two drops;
  • To relieve the symptoms of the inflammatory process, you can prepare a decoction of medicinal plants of thuja oil (10-15 drops in half a liter of broth) as the aromatic component. Make the broth 250 ml morning and evening for half an hour before meals;
  • Inhalatory solution prepared in the ratio of 12 drops of essential oil on 1 l hot water. Carry out the procedure need by deep breathing above the solution under the towel for about 5 minutes;
  • For the application of the burner must be added to the solution of the essential oil of thuja in the proportion of 5 drops to every 45 m3 the amount of room the content of the patient;
  • Otitis media treated with daily plug in ear homeopathic oil soaked turundy;
  • When lesions in the mouth can speed up recovery with daily lubrication the patient places a small amount of oil;
  • Relaxation bath is prepared by adding 10 drops of essential oil. Bathroom with thuja oil should not take more than 15 minutes.

Oil arborvitae in adenoids for children

A group of scientists under the leadership of Philip of Stammer held in new York, the medical study of the effectiveness of treatment of adenoids in children TUI oil. The participants took a two-week course of treatment folk remedy on the basis of thuja oil.

Three times a day each patient was burying two drops in each nasal hike. The procedure is done in a special way: the patient, lying on his back, throws back the head, and after putting the money remains in this position for another 10 minutes for the best treatment of adenoids cure. After completing the course 70% of children recorded a normalization of the volume of lymphoid tissues, and the absence of pathogenic organisms in adenoids. For these patients have been cancelled operation to remove the adenoid tissue.

Principles of treatment of adenoids TUI oil

Developed the following course of therapy TUEV oil in adenoids in children:

  • Course duration – not less than six weeksthe break between courses – 1 month;
  • Mode of use: instill 2 drops in each nostril 3 times a day with the obligatory tilting the head for 10 minutes (the performance of this rule increases the efficiency approximately 40 %);
  • Before the procedure, you need to wash the nose with sea water or spray based on it: the Phrase, QuickCam, Akvamaris Dolfina, Allergology doctor's Fee etc.;
  • Possible variation of treatments using assistive devices: first 2 drops Protargola, and after 15 minutes the homeopathic thuja oil, and so during the week. The next week replace butter with Agroliga hygiene drops with colloidal silver. Thus alternating: week butter week with Agrolita.

The study shows that in some cases despite therapy a wide variety of means, surgical treatment remains relevant. Removal of adenoid tissue will restore normal nasal breathing, but this does not mean that the adenoids will no longer be able to grow again. In an attempt to save the child's health without surgery tested a lot of drugs. But the above studies show that homeopathic remedies, and specifically, the TUI oil, the most effective among them. The competition it is only the laser therapy.

Permanent cure TUI oil system, developed by the American doctors allows the child and his parents to forget about the problem of adenoids itself after 6-12 months.

Read more: How to treat adenoids in children

Contraindications to the use of TUI

Before you use the oil of thuja for the treatment and prevention of various diseases should consult with your doctor for possible allergic reactions.

The presence of specific toxin thujone and other active ingredients involves the renunciation of the use of oil arborvitae in:

  • Pregnancy and breast-feeding
  • Personal intolerance, or the manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • Epilepsy.

During treatment with application of thuja oil should abstain from alcohol in all forms and concentrations. For the treatment of children under the age of 12 years should consult with the pediatrician.