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Useful and healing properties of cherries

Useful properties of cherries

Cherry is one of the most well-known and useful plants. It has a wide range of medicinal properties and amount of nutrients is second only to the strawberry. Vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B9 (folic acid) is very successfully combined the cherries with such trace elements as magnesium, cobalt, iron, which together helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of anemia and increases immunity.

The presence in the fruit's biologically active substances coumarin reduces the risk of thrombosis and reduces blood clotting. According to recent research, it became known that cherries contain ellagic acid that blocks the growth of cancer cells. And this is very important for the prevention and treatment of cancer. In addition to these substances, the plant found organic acids, tannins, anthocyanins, enzymes, pectins, sugars (fructose and glucose).

Other useful properties of cherries:

  • Fruit cherries contain a lot of useful macro - and microelements, various vitamins are very important for a healthy body. Due to the presence of anthocyanin, which is contained in the pulp of berries, they are easily absorbed by the body. Slightly reduce blood clotting, prevent the formation of blood clots or blockages of blood vessels will help the substance coumarin. Thanks to the combination of cobalt, iron, magnesium, calcium, folic acid, and other beneficial elements, the berries are used for treatment of many diseases.
  • The fruits of the cherries have a beneficial effect on the metabolism of the body, removes toxins, salts, radiation and excess of cholesterol. The juice of these fruits, improves appetite, quench thirst and is the perfect remedy for mental disorders, arthritis, colds, as an expectorant and constipation.

  • Recently, scientists have found that due to the content of ellagic acid, the daily consumption of cherries in certain doses inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
  • Another name for the fruit cherry heart berry. R-vitaminopodobnye substances, pigments and ascorbic acid contribute to the tone of the capillaries, strengthens blood vessels, reduce high blood pressure, increases immunity and makes the body less susceptible to negative environmental factors. People who have problems with the heart or blood vessels, doctors recommend to include in your daily diet a small amount of berriescherry.

  • After black chokeberry, red currant and pomegranate cherry is ranked fourth in the number of coumarin, which is contained not only in the fruit but in the leaves of the tree.

Do not forget about the toxic substances contained in the berries – amygdalin. The combination of this substance with the gastric juice will begin a chemical reaction in which the stomach begins to produce toxic acid, adversely affecting its operation. In very small doses, amygdalin is used as medicine for kidney stones and gout.

Bone cherry

Hydrocyanic acid in the seed of cherries. The cherry seed contains about 40 % fatty oil with a high iodine number and amygdalin, which is very dangerous in the presence of the enzyme amigdalota (and it is in the cherry), as it can lead to poisoning. During heat treatment of cherries with pits (when cooking jam or compote) amigdaleza loses its activity and amygdalin is not broken down into its constituent components, one of which is hydrocyanic acid is a strong poison.

In small quantities, of course, seeds from seeds of cherries are not dangerous and good for gout. They need to grind and apply to the sore spot.

How to grow cherries from seeds. For further planting pits shall be selected from a large and well-ripened berries. They should be immediately washed or hold for several days in water, changing it daily. Then bone dried and in late summer mixed with wet sand, leaving the boxes in storage until October (in cool room). In the autumn the seeds are planted in pre-prepared grooves with a depth of 2-3 cm.

In the spring after the sun warms appear friendly shoots. Seedlings grow quickly and in the first year reach a height of 40-50 cm in the Fall or next spring seedlings planted in a permanent place.

Remove seeds from cherries

Cherry is used as a medicine and as a delicacy. Often it made compotes, jams, cakes, fruit are frozen for the winter. Much nicer in winter, defrosting the berries, eat them not picking stones. After removing them from the berries is very important to keep the icing intact, as not to crush her .

There are several ways that will help to extract the bone from the berries:

  • means (studs, pins, clips);
  • the separator of the bones;
  • machine to remove the bones.

The first method

The first method involves the use of whatis at hand or simply hands. Berry is squeezing the fingers of one hand and a second hand with pins, staples or studs to hook the bone via the point of attachment of the stalk, and is pushed out of the berries. This method requires some skill, because without it the work will move very slowly.

Also, instead of the available tools you can use the nail, which in the same way to hook the bone and extracted from the cherries. The disadvantage of this method is that all hands will be smeared with juice.

The second method

A partial transition to the use of a special device which in one motion removes bone from each berry, one by one. You just have to fill the berries into a special compartment and push down on the handle of the separator pits. A significant disadvantage of this method – the berries are pierced through and through, lost a lot of pulp and juice.

The third method is most often used in manufacturing or processing a very large number of cherries. The separation of the bones takes place very quickly, cherry is covered in large batches and after processing the berries through a special chute down into the prepared container.

With this method the loss the juice and pulp will be minimal, the hands remain clean. However, about 10% of the berries under this option, processing will remain with the seed, moreover, will constantly need to monitor the silicone nozzles of the machine.

The use of cherries in folk medicine

The fruits of the cherries, as the leaves, bark, branches and even the roots have found wide application in folk medicine. Our grandmothers were often saved from many ailments, making various decoctions and infusions of cherry and berry juice.

  • Seizures, epilepsy, mental disorders and the neuroses of well-cured decoction, made from the bark or dried cherries:

  • The bark is ground into powder, 2 tablespoons pour 0.5 liters of cold water. Infuse in a dark place for at least 6 hours. Thereafter, the mixture should be brought to the boil and cook for 6-8 minutes in a water bath. Cool and strain through cheesecloth. Decoction taken daily 4-5 times a day for 250 ml.
  • Dried berries are crushed and take 3 tbsp, 2 tbsp oregano and 1 tbsp of green tea. All the ingredients are poured 500 ml of water and stew for 15-20 minutes on medium heat under the lid. Afterthis broth must insist for 1.5 hours in a warm place and strain. In the finished broth, you can add a little honey to taste and drink twice after lunch.

  • Due to high content of tannins in the cherry berries are often used to treat urinary tract and kidneys. But as a means, which displays the excess fluid from the body (diuretic) and swelling of cuttings, take the infusion of cherries, sometimes mixing them in equal proportions, with leaves of wild strawberry. For this infusion, take 2-3 teaspoons of crushed cherry stalks and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Insist at least half an hour, strain. For treatment, take 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day.

  • For the treatment of infections in the urinary tract, pain when urinating, use a tea made from corn silk and cherry stems. The ingredients are ground into powder and, as required, brewed in equal parts 4-5 times a day.
  • As an expectorant used cherry juice mixed with milk.
  • Arthritis or joint pain well helps decoction of the stalks of cherries, and tea from young twigs (1 tbsp sprigs per Cup of boiling water).
  • Jaundice give an infusion of cherry leaves with milk. Fresh or dried leaves carefully crushed, 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of milk. The mixture boil 15 minutes on low heat, strain and cool. Throughout the day drink after a meal of 50 ml.

  • In the formation of kidney stones, tuberculosis or untreated dry cough apply resin cherry. For infusion you need to take 1 tablespoon and dissolve it in 300 ml of boiling water. Cool and take 1/3 Cup 3-4 times a day shortly before meal.

  • For stomach disorders, disease, 12 duodenal ulcer, ulcer, gallstone disease well helps decoction of the branches of the cherry, and the tincture on alcohol from the roots of the tree:

    • The roots should be good to chop, then pour cold water, room temperature, and leave for about 5 h. thereafter, the resulting liquid is boiled on the fire for 10-15 minutes the Decoction is allowed to cool, strain and take 0.5 cups before meals three times a day (in the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer).

    • The roots of the cherries are thoroughly crushed, 1 tbsp should be taken at least 250 ml of vodka or alcohol. Insist the mixture for two weeks. The treatment can take 20-25 drops three times a day.
    • If you are uncomfortable digestion, diarrhea help the fruits of the cherries, and dried berries have a more effective impact in contrast to the fresh.

Do not forget about the healingthe properties of the leaves of cherry. They are used as plantain as a styptic. The leaves bruised, or chewed, placed on the wound and, if necessary, fixed with a bandage.

In addition to treating the cherry used in the household during conserves. Its leaves are added to various pickles and seaming, they give not only a pleasant aroma, but also a special taste.

Cherry in cosmetics

Cherry is used in cosmetic purposes:

  • For example, Veniks young shoots of the tree will help to maintain the tone of skin, giving it a healthy look.
  • Fresh berries are good to use as facial masks in combination with starch. Such a mixture may be a great alternative to a scrub will remove dead skin cells and tightens the pores.
  • A few fresh berries grind and add 2 tsp of starch. Applied on the face for 15-20 minutes. Then wash off the mask with cold water.
  • With fresh cherries as an ingredient of face masks you can experiment: use only fresh berries, or adding dairy products, which will have a positive effect on the skin.
  • Masks made of cherries for hair can strengthen the hair follicles, freeing strands of hair from oily sheen and make them more strong and healthy. Fresh fruits are carefully pulverized in a ceramic container , add some drops of lemon juice and starch. All mixed, the mixture is applied to the individual strands before washing the head for 40-50 minutes. The head should be wrapped with a film and wrap in warm. This mask is easily washed off with shampoo. After washing your hair you can rinse in lemon water.

Recipes cherries

In medicinal purposes are used not only cherries, but also roots, branches, leaves, bones, cooked in the form of tinctures, decoctions and infusions.

Tincture of cherry vodka: the bottom three-liter bottles are required to fill 0.5 kg of sugar, and washed and dried seedless cherries. The Bank needs to fill 1/2 of the volume. Bone should be removed, since the poisonous substances pass into alcohol. Next you need to pour a liter of vodka over the cherries and infuse for 21 days in a cool dark place. It is not only an effective therapeutic tool, but also a delicious alcoholic beverage.

A decoction of branches: 10 gcrushed twigs of cherry boiled for about half an hour in 250 ml of water, infused for 1.5–2 hours, filtered and adjusted the remaining volume to the original. Decoction to rinse your mouth with inflammation of the gums and throat with angina.

Cherry infusion: 10 g fresh or dried finely ground leaves and stems and steam it in a Cup of boiling water, insist 30 minutes and filtered. Infusion drink gradually during the day. Use this remedy for bleeding and hypertension.

Healing properties of cherry juice

The use of cherry juice in the treatment of many diseases due to the presence of salicylic acid, iron, copper, cobalt and other biologically active substances. It has an antibacterial effect and is a powerful antiseptic, inhibiting the pathogens of pyogenic infections and dysentery. The juice is good also because it can be stored for future use. This is a great dietary tool to increase your appetite.

Cherry juice is recommended for diseases of the respiratory tract, it is effective for colds and high temperatures. It is used to improve brain activity, in the treatment of arthritis and prevention of atherosclerosis. Both whole and diluted juice rids the body of Escherichia coli.

In addition, cherry juice:

  • Cherry juice helps to strengthen the body, eliminates anemia, metabolic processes occur faster. Due to the content of folic acid combined with vitamins from group b cherry juice is very useful for pregnant women.
  • Fresh juice increases hemoglobin, improves blood flow and strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels. It is good to drink in the prevention of thrombosis and blood clots.
  • Cherry juice has strong anti-inflammatory effect on the body, kills bacteria Staphylococcus, dysentery, and Streptococcus, promotes more rapid healing of wounds, inflammations of the joints. Arthritis or gout cherry juice with milk is the first tool of traditional medicine, which contributes to the treatment of these diseases.

  • Daily consumption of cherry juice improves digestion, reduces risk of cancer, improves memory and allows to avoid the development of diabetes. With timely treatment the juice can be a great cure for mental diseases at an early stage. And due to the large content of copper,can be used as a sedative.

  • When severe constipation help drinking a glass of fresh cherry juice on an empty stomach. And for full body cleansing from harmful substances and toxins juice you should drink at least 0.5 liters per day half a Cup for 10 days before eating.
  • Recently, scientists have concluded that cherry juice is very useful to drink to athletes. It significantly reduces pain in the muscles when you use it before exercise and after – promotes faster recovery, reduces fatigue.

Cherry leaves

In folk medicine, in addition to the fruit, also used cherry leaves, containing in its composition of organic acids (citric and malic), tannins, coumarin, sucrose, dextrose. For the treatment of collecting only the leaves, that after flowering fell off on their own. It is advisable to use fresh ingredients, but in winter the leaves can be dried.

The useful properties of the sheet cherries have long been used in cooking and folk medicine. Of spring leaves brewed tea vitamin, has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and styptic action.

A decoction of the fresh leaves in milk is recommended in various liver diseases (biliary dyskinesia, hepatitis, cholelithiasis).

When heavy menstruation and nasal bleeding effective remedy is the infusion of the leaves and stems. In addition, mashed leaves can be put in the nostrils for some time – and the bleeding will stop.

Characteristics and description of the leaf of cherry. Depending on the varieties of cherries the leaves are small, large and medium-sized, smooth or tomentose-pubescent. At length they reach 2-8 cm, a maximum width of 3–5cm. the shape of the leaves are divided into oval, elliptic, ovate and obovate with a pointed, round or blunt apex of the leaf. Leaf blade usually corresponds to a characteristic of the variety to shape, edges can be serrated, toothed or crenate, often there are combinations of these characteristics.

The structure of the leaf of cherry. Cherry leaves are simple, alternate, petiolate, dark green above and paler below. At the base of a leaf or on the petiole of many varieties have special education – glands. The presence or absence of iron, and their form, number and color are the distinctive varietal characteristics of cherry.

Cherry flower

The cherry blossoms are invariably associated with rebirth, purity, beauty and love. Its white or pale pink flowers, gathered in inflorescences and densely dotting a tree in the flowering period, do look very tender and touching. Cherry trees are planted in almost every garden, and near each house. The healing properties of flowers little studied, it is only known that in the distillation of the flowers of the cherries with the water vapor turns cherry water used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eye.

The structure of the flower of the cherry. Flower is on a short pedicel – peduncle. It extends up and forms a receptacle to which is attached the calyx, consisting of 5 green sepals, and a Corolla of 5 petals, pale pink. Inside the flower are stamens and pistil. The lower, flared part of the pistil is called the ovary. On the upper part of the ovary is a rounded thickening of the stigma. In the ovary of the flower develops a single semjazachatki, so the cherries ripen only one-seeded fruit.

Contraindications to the use of cherries

Despite the many healing properties of cherry berries, they have a number of contraindications:

  • You can't abuse the cherries with stomach ulcers, chronic lung disease, disruption of bowel, obesity, diabetes.

  • before preparing teas or tinctures from berries, be sure to remove the seeds, which are very harmful and contains toxic substances;
  • people suffering from gastritis, diabetes mellitus or peptic ulcer disease should avoid eating the fruit of the cherry, they have a negative impact on the course of the disease;
  • in disease of the gastrointestinal tract, the number of used berries should be limited so as not to provoke the exacerbation;
  • with liver disease to eat cherries is possible only after consultation of the expert;
  • people who are overweight need to monitor the number of used berry, no more than 1/3 Cup a day as berry increases the level of glucose, which can cause weight gain or developing diabetes.