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Useful properties and applications of Orchis male

Useful properties of orchids

Since ancient times people knew about the beneficial properties of Orchis , and used drugs on its basis for the treatment of various diseases: herpes, ulcers, inflammation, diarrhea. Valuable medicinal raw material of this plant are young tubers, also called "tubers salep". Collect them at the end of flowering orchids, in the period from July to August.

The form we distinguish 2 types of tubers: round – thickness 1-1. 5 cm (they are considered the best) and palmate – of a thickness of 0.5–1 cm to Store the collected materials (tubers), preferably in tins in a dark dry room, as in contact with dampness and light finished product and blackens very quickly loses its medicinal properties.

The tuber contains about 50% of mucus, 27 % starch, about 5 % of proteins, savelkinsky calcium, mineral salts, sugar, a small amount of resin.

The use of orchids

The roots of some species of orchids are edible, the plant is often cultivated as an ornamental. Another of his slimy tubers prepare the broth, rendering enveloping effect. This remedy administered orally or as enema in inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines. Orchidaceae mucilage is also effective in cough, sore throat and mouth. In addition, it is useful external application in the form of compresses in the treatment of abscesses and lumps.

In addition, orchids are used as a tonic and General tonic, it is prescribed for nervous exhaustion, weakness after severe disease, chronic prostatitis and impotence. The main direction of use of the orchids – the treatment of prostatitis. However, it drugs can also be treated Qatar bladder, uterine disease.

The use of orchids helps patients with tuberculosis, those who have suffered severe bleeding, children suffering from catarrh of the intestines. The elderly Orchis is also useful to maintain strength. Use it for hair growth. Preparations of some species of plants are a significant help in case of poisoning with poison of Scorpions, snakes, bees, intoxicated different chemical and bacterial toxins. Preparations of orchids have been very successful in therapy for children.

The root of the Orchis

In medicine, there are only young roots of plants. They are dug with a shovel, clear of the ground and the skin washed thoroughly with cold water, then some time immersed in boiling water, and then dried in limbo. The roots containmineral salts, starch, glycosides, essential oil, albuminous substances, and a lot of mucus.Means from the root is recommended to take at impotence, prostate adenoma, chronic prostatitis.

With the use of such medicines should comply with the dosage to avoid excessive sexual arousal. For external use, the root is pounded, mixed with pork fat and steamed milk. This tool can be used for abscesses, panaracer, carbuncles, toothache, to increase hair growth.

Flower of Orchis

The flowers of Orchis large, Canary-yellow, rarely purple, clustered in dense many-flowered spike. Average petal outer circle and 2 inner petals form a sort of helmet. The lip in the middle of the greenish yellow on the sides yellow, without spots. Ovary sessile, twisted, spur equal to the ovary.

Both in scientific and in folk medicine, the flowers of orchids are used very little. Different types of plants flowers of different shape and colour. Some species listed in the Red book of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and belong to medicinal plants. Because of the threat of complete destruction of orchids, this plant can move into the category of cultural.

Oil infusion: 50 grams of dry, powdered flowers (not the roots) you need to fill 0.5 liter of olive oil and insist 2 weeks in a dark warm place and then strain. To adopt such means recommended for inflammation of the prostate gland tablespoon before meals 2 times a day.

Tincture of orchids

Alcohol tinctures prepared from orchids mainly for the maintenance and healing of sexual function in men (young root used to enhance sexual function). In addition, bitters possess all the properties of salep, including enveloping. Their usual cook to prepare tinctures ways.

Recipe 1. Young the root of the Orchis (1,5 tablespoons) and half of rye bread should be pound and pour 500 ml of ethyl alcohol (75 degrees), to insist in a dark place for 2 months. Upon expiration of the composition of the press under pressure, the rest to burn and add it to the tincture, and then another 2 months to insist. Take 1 teaspoon 1 - 2 times a day before meals, diluted in water.

The seeds of orchids

The plant reproduces small and numerous seeds, ripening in fruit. In medicine they are not used. Seed is purchased by growers for cultivation. When planting them buried in the soil, whose temperature should be 18-25 °C. Plant seeds in any season, the first shoots appear inperiod from three months to a year. Distance between landings should leave at least 10-15 cm Orchis is often used for ornamental purposes to decorate gardens.

Types of orchids

There are about 100 species of orchids, many of them are endangered and listed in the Red book in several countries. In the CIS countries grow about 40 species of this plant. Many of them are medical, others are cultivated as ornamental plants. For medical purposes, organized plantations and harvesting of medicinal raw materials. A particularly valuable product is salep.

Male Orchis – a perennial medicinal plant with two large solid tubers. The plant stems simple, single, succulent, oblong-lanceolate, glabrous leaves. Crimson flowers are collected in a short brush. Fruit – capsule, in which are many small seeds. This species blooms in may-June. Male Orchis is distributed in the European part of Russia, in the Ukraine (in mountainous terrain), the Caucasus and the Urals. It grows in oak, aspen, beech forests on soils of different types, but not too wet and sour.

In medicinal purposes are used the tubers of the plant. They contain bitter substances, essential oils, mucus. Medicinal raw material is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cough, cystitis, dental pain. Preparations on the basis of the orchids act as a preventative and restorative means, they are used to increase potency and nervous exhaustion. Decoctions of the tubers are prescribed for the treatment of paralysis, spasms of the lower extremities, gastritis. A decoction with milk cure pneumonia, bronchitis. In some countries, a decoction used as a contraceptive.

Spotted Orchis – a perennial woodland plant. It has two roots: one, the old, the dying, the second – youngest. The stem is erect, with 4-8 leaves. Leaves elliptic, spotted, similar to the leaves of the Tulip. Large helmet-shaped flowers gathered in dense cylindrical spike of pinkish-purple color. The fruit of the plant is a capsule, seeds small and numerous. This species blooms in may-June, fruits ripen in August.

Spotted Orchis grows throughout the forest zone of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. Collection of medicinal raw material – tubers – produce in the flowering period. Of medicinal elements are mucilage, starch, pentosan, dextrin, methylpentane, sucrose. In folk medicine used powder of tubers of this plant. It is used in foodpoisoning, diarrhea, dysentery. The slime used in various diseases of the digestive system, with catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

The common Orchis – a perennial herb with two well-developed roots. The stem is its simple, direct. Elliptical sessile leaves grow 3-5 pieces at the bottom of the stem. Pinkish-white flowers clustered in dense inflorescences. Flowering plants occurs in may-June. In the CIS countries this kind is growing in Russia (from the Baltic to the South of Eastern Siberia), the Caucasus, preferring dry, calcium-rich soil. Grow orchids common, usually, on glades, meadows. In medicine, the use of young, fresh and dried tubers, they are harvested at the end of flowering.

Preparations on the basis of orchids are used for treatment of digestive organs, the respiratory tract. They improve the General condition of the body after serious illness. The plant increases the potency. It can also be used in cooking. It is prepared soups, jelly, jelly and even dough.

Orchis burnt – this species is on the verge of extinction, therefore, listed in the Red book. A typical representative of the species is a perennial herbaceous plant with two globular tubers, from which depart 3-5 adventitious roots. One tuber is old, the dying, the other dense, with kidney renewal for next year.

Oblong leaves, suganya to the base, are located in the basal part of the stem, on top of the stem are the leaf of the vagina. The flowers are small, two tone, with a bright scarlet hat and whitish with red spots on lip, collected in dense spike. Burnt orchids blooms in may-June.

The plant is found in the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, at least in Belarus and Ukraine. It is especially common in Scandinavia, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. This species grows on damp forest meadows, in deciduous and mixed woods, preferring a soil rich in humus, slightly acidic and slightly alkaline.

Medicinal raw materials harvested from wild orchids is prohibited by law. For medicinal purposes it is specially grown on plantations. Tubers collected immediately after blooming. Only suitable young tubers. After processing the raw materials get salep. Store finished product in a dry, well ventilated place, the shelf life of raw materials is 6 years.

Salep is a good coating and a General tonic. It is prescribed for gastritis, and chronic respiratory diseases, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Mucus drink for poisoning, to slow the absorption of venom. Powder old tubers is considered abortifacient and contraceptive, it is well regulates the menstrual cycle. Seedsuse in epilepsy.

Contraindications to the use of orchids

Preparations of orchids is so safe that you can eat them children, lactating women and pregnant women, but only after a detailed consultation with your doctor. In the use of drugs Orchis by men to increase potency must, however, observe the dosage.