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Growing, useful properties and application recipes dill

Botanical characteristics of dill

Dill is a fragrant herb with a straight stalk, growing not higher than 120 cm Stem of dill, thin and branched, painted in dark green. The leaves of the plant are egg-shaped, depending on the location they have different shapes. For example, the lower leaves long, located on broad stalks. The leaves located at the top of the stem, are sessile and vaginal. Dill flowers are collected in large umbrellas. Fennel seeds are ovate and oval.

This herb blooms from June to July. The plant is cultivated throughout Russia. Fennel can be found growing wild.

The cultivation of fennel

Dill is a cold-resistant culture, so its seeds will germinate at low temperature. The plant likes light, fertile soil. If you want to have a green dill, harvested seeds of different earliness of varieties. Early varieties of fennel sown before winter. The ground for this is prepared in the form of beds and fertilized. Sow the seeds in the prepared furrows and cover them with earth. If there is frost, then make the mulch.

In the spring of dill seeds can be sown in the early days. Seeds buried at 2 cm deep, and on top of compacted soil. When the seedlings appear 3 leaves, you can thin out the plants. To quickly appeared shoots, you need to constantly water the soil. In wet soil, the seedlings will appear 14 days after seeding. Rapid emergence of seedlings is promoted by soaking seeds in moist gauze. Before the germination of plants, there are weeds that need to be removed immediately, as they will not allow dill to grow and develop.

There is another method by which the germination of the plants will be in 10 days. For this you need to fill the seeds with water and keep them in water three days, changing the water daily. After that, you must dry the seeds and sow in the soil.

Care dill simple. Just enough regularly to loosen the soil and remove weeds, and if necessary, perform watering.

The dill perfectly responds to fertilizer potash and phosphate fertilizers. The plant is not overly watered, but the moisture on it is bad.

The beneficial properties of dill

Dill has vasodilating, relaxant, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. In addition, this plant is used as a good sedative and hypnotic. Dill improves the appetite, strengthens the immune system and normalizes the mammary glands. An infusion of thedill have a choleretic and soothing properties. The infusion made from the leaves helps to relieve inflammation and redness of the eyes. Dill is also a great stimulator of gastric juice.

Dill lowers blood pressure, improves heart function, relieves headaches. Infusion of herbs relaxes the gut, which is able to increase diuresis. Newborns who have problems with the tummy, it is recommended to take water with dill.

The oil of fennel

Oil of dill is shown in a state of shock and nervousness, as it has a calming effect. The essential oil of dill has antibacterial and sedative properties. The oil of fennel is recommended for hiccups and poor appetite, it improves digestion. Women with menstrual disorders is also recommended to use oil of fennel.

Oil of dill is used in abdominal pain, itching of the skin, gout, constipation, neuroses and other ailments. It helps in the treatment of long zajivath wounds, and improves lactation in nursing mothers.

The use of dill

Traditional medicine uses fennel as a tea, decoction, infusion roots and leaves. Preparations of fennel are used to improve appetite, to cure diseases of intestine, liver, and abdominal pain. Dill is recommended for pyelonephritis, gastritis, and diseases of the respiratory system. Infusion of fennel is used in hypertension, septic wounds.

Dill for newborns. Take 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds and pour them a glass of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for a quarter of an hour to infuse. Strain the finished water, it give the child 1 teaspoon 5 times a day. The same decoction can cure disease of the urinary tract and inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Dill from bloating. Take 2 tablespoons of fennel seeds and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave the composition for 2 hours to infuse in a closed container . Strain the infusion, it take a tablespoon three times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

Dill cystitis. To prepare this infusion you need to take the herb dill three tablespoons, chop it and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Put the composition in a water bath for 20 minutes. After removing from heat, leave the decoction to brew for 45 minutes. Take this medicine three times a day for 70 ml.

Dill at worms. Take 1 tablespoon of seeds and pour them a glass of milk. Put on the heat for 5 minutes, then remove and half an hourcool. Take remedy warm at worms.

Contraindications to the use of dill

Contraindications to the use of fennel is not available. People who have increased the acidity of the stomach, should use medications of fennel with cautiously.