Translation dictionaries & glossariesAccess to specialized translation dictionaries and glossaries is very important for professional translators. offers an array of popular terminology resources, from the KudoZ™ terms help network and the GlossPost™ compilation of translation glossaries, to user-contributed collections in specialized areas. Use the following resources to access specialized dictionaries and glossaries in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese and other languages. Subject matter covered includes medical, legal, technical and more.
![]() Search existing translation glossaries![]() Live term translations from professional translators: KudoZ™
KudoZ™ provides professional translators, and others, with a way to solicit and share
translation help on terms that are too new or specialized to appear in most glossaries or
dictionaries. A point system adds enjoyment and rewards participating translators with
improved directory position in their fields of expertise.
KudoZ™ is provided by as a complimentary service to translators and language enthusiasts. It is entirely free to use. ![]() GlossPost collection of translation glossaries & dictionaries
GlossPost is a searchable database of links to glossaries on theInternet. It has been compiled by
members of and the YahooGroup
of the same name created in February 2000 by Brazilian translator and conference interpreter Maria
Eugenia Farre. The database is maintained
by a group of volunteer moderators, however any user can search the database or submit new
glossary URLs.
![]() Live term translations from professional translators: KudoZ™
KudoZ™ provides professional translators, and others, with a way to solicit and share
translation help on terms that are too new or specialized to appear in most glossaries or
dictionaries. A point system adds enjoyment and rewards participating translators with
improved directory position in their fields of expertise.
KudoZ™ is provided by as a complimentary service to translators and language enthusiasts. It is entirely free to use. نظرة عامة على الموقع
لمحة سريعة عن الميزات المتاحة عبر موقع بروز.كوم |