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1 of 3 mentoring program

The mentoring program is an initiative intended to provide a means for site members to meet language professionals who are well-established enough to take on an apprentice. Participation in this program is open to members. Click here to learn more.

Displaying 67 mentors in this pool

Malgorzata P.
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Malgorzata P.

Służę pomocą w stawianiu pierwszych kroków

  • Italiaans Pools
Native in:
  • Pools

Laurea magistrale in Italianistica (Università di Varsavia e Università di Roma Tor Vergata) + Master in Traduzione specialistica (Università Jagellonica di Cracovia, rete EMT, European Master's in Translation); attività professionale in partita IVA dal 2013 con residenza fiscale in Italia; dal 2016 socio aggregato dell'Associazione Italiana di Traduttori e Interpreti (tessera n. 216015) e dell'Associazione Polacca dei Traduttori Giurati e Specialistici (tessera n. 1458).
Chala M.
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Chala M.

When in doubt, I can help!

  • Engels Amhaars, Amharisch
  • Engels Oromo
Native in:
  • Oromo
  • Amhaars, Amharisch
  • Tigrinya

I am a professional translator with more than six years of experience working on different kinds of projects from translation to proofreading and editing as well as subtitling.

Graduated in Bsc Construction Technology Management from Dire Dawa University in Ethiopia which requires special abilities to work individually and developing problem-solving and organizational skills, among others.

Knowledge of CAT Tools such as SDL Trados, XTM, Memsource, MemoQ, SmartCat, Subtitle Edit and others.
Eirini T.
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Eirini T.

Experience coupled with expertise

  • Engels Grieks
  • Frans Grieks
Native in:
  • Grieks
  • Engels
  • Frans

I've been working in the translation industry for quite sometime right now. Over the years I've learned a lot of lessons you should not miss out. Always at your disposal.
Oda S.
Verenigde Staten
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Oda S.

Empowering Your Journey to Excellence

  • Spaans Engels
  • Catalaans Engels
Native in:
  • Engels
  • Spaans

With extensive experience as a professional translator and interpreter, I have honed my linguistic skills over several years working in diverse environments. My background includes translating a wide array of documents, from legal and medical texts to technical manuals and literary works. Additionally, I have provided simultaneous and consecutive interpretation services in settings such as international conferences, business meetings, and courtrooms.
Maria S.
Verenigde Staten
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Maria S.

Here to help you learn from my successes (& mistakes!)

  • Italiaans (Standard-Italy) Engels (US, UK)
  • Slowaaks (Standard - Slovakia) Engels (US, UK)
Native in:
  • Engels

My start in translation was thanks to a mentor - and now it's become something I'd like to give back. This industry is constantly changing, but the basics remain the same: delivering top quality results and staying organized on the administrative end. Over the last 5 years, my income as a freelance translator has steadily increased and I am also giving back by mentoring up and coming translators and industry professionals - here on Proz, and other virtual linguist hangouts!
Nyein Sandar O.
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Nyein Sandar O.

Always ready to help!

  • Engels Birmaans
Native in:
  • Birmaans

Nothing is more powerful than assisting others by giving possibilities. I like to provide useful advice when listening to their various challenges with translation and localization career.

About me?

—Over 7 years experienced Language & Localization Specialist
—Highly skilled at content localization and language quality management processes, and balancing the needs of clients and end-users
—Well-versed in CAT Tools, including SDL Studio, MemoQ, Memsource, SmartCat, Smartling, and others
Muhannad A.
Verenigde Arabische Emiraten
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Muhannad A.

Tech and Programming Mentor

  • Engels Arabisch
Native in:
  • Arabisch
  • Engels
  • Site localizer
  • Contest winner

I am an experienced and well-established educator and translator who can guide you to success. My extensive experience includes most CAT tools, subtitling tools and DTP applications. I specialize in tech and programming translations for apps and websites. If you expect any work in these fields, then you will find all the help you may need with me.
Guanzhu  Z.
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Guanzhu Z.

#NATTI #Game #Marketing

  • Engels Chinees
Native in:
  • Chinees

A native Chinese translator with over 10 years of experience, specialized in game localization and marketing translation. Also competitive in other fields.
An owner of NATTI 3 accreditation and master degree of translating and interpreting. Worked as a tutor of translating practice at Melbourne.
Hit me up if anyone wants to share ideas/learn about the above areas or topics:)
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Translator, Business Developer, Editor and LQA

  • Engels Tivi
  • Engels Nigerian Pidgin
  • Engels Hausa
Native in:
  • Nigeriaans
  • Tivi
  • Hausa
  • Nigerian Pidgin

Professional translator, Editor, language verifier, Language Quality Assurance (LQA) and a Certified Business Development service Provider with 11+ years of experience as a coaching and MSMEs Business Services Provider, I Volunteer as an ambassador with Proz Pro Bono program to help NGOs and INGOs who needs language services in Nigeria, Africa and the World at large to offer them these service free of charge.
I shall share my Translation, Editing, LQA, Language Verification Services.
Reed J.
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Reed J.

Your ticket to success

  • Spaans Engels
Native in:
  • Engels
  • Author

As a direct descendent of founding father Benjamin Franklin—a language man in his own right, Reed James, a freelance language facilitator, has helped his clients apply the law, win more business and consequently, earn more money. His secret to success is his reliability, dependability and legal savvy. Comfortable with both common law and Roman law, he stacks the building blocks for prosperity.
Vito S.
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Vito S.

slovenščina je naše skupno dobro

  • Engels Sloveens
  • Duits Sloveens
Native in:
  • Sloveens
  • Site localizer
  • Author

O lokalizacija spletišča ProZ - jezikovna kontrola in skrb za terminološko enotnost
O pomoč in delo v slovenski Wikipediji
Isabel V.
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Isabel V.

Full-time translator since 2003

  • Engels Portugees
  • Frans Portugees
Native in:
  • Portugees
  • Event speaker

Since 2003 working full-time for several translation agencies as a freelancer, translating from English, French, and Spanish into Portuguese and from Portuguese to English, French, and Spanish.
Providing translation mentorship since 2009.
I belong to the management team of APTRAD (Portugal) and SINTRA National Union of Translators and Interpreters of Brazil.
Translation event's organizer and speaker.
Claudia C.
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Claudia C.

Translator, teacher, mentor.

  • Engels Roemeens
Native in:
  • Roemeens
  • Site localizer
  • Author

Translation, proofreading/editing, quality checks, localization, language consultancy.

M.Sc. - Clinical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania)

M.A. - Anglo-American Studies (Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)

B.A. - Romanian Language and Literature - English Language and Literature (Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania)
Oksana W.
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Oksana W.

Medical and legal translation since 1997

  • Engels Russisch
  • Engels Oekraïens
Native in:
  • Russisch
  • Oekraïens

In 1997, I graduated from Kharkiv National University with a Master's degree in English Language and Literature, with German as my second major. Since then, I have worked as an In-House Translator with various international companies (Gillette, DTZ) and NGOs (TACIS, EuropeAid). Since 2006, I work as a Freelance Translator and Proofreader.
Alessandra M.
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Alessandra M.

Fashion, Tourism & Luxury goods Translator

  • Italiaans Italiaans
  • Engels Italiaans
  • Frans Italiaans
  • Portugees Italiaans
  • Spaans Italiaans
Native in:
  • Italiaans
  • Contest winner

The key to my business is a lifelong passion for the written word, whatever the language.
Sanjay R.
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Sanjay R.

Unlocking the Path to Translation Excellence

  • Engels Bengalees
Native in:
  • Bengalees
  • Author

As a seasoned freelance translator with over 30 years of experience, I have honed my skills in translating documents into Hindi, Bengali, and Russian. Throughout my career, I have encountered a wide range of translation projects, allowing me to develop expertise in various subject matters, industries, and cultural nuances.

I am thrilled to participate in's mentoring program and share my knowledge and experiences with aspiring translators.
Julio M.
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Julio M.

Level Up Your Game: Master the Untaught

  • Engels Spaans
Native in:
  • Spaans
  • Engels

Seasoned translator, bridging cultures and languages with 18 years of experience! I thrive on helping new Language Specialists navigate the real world: client management, building networks, marketing magic, mastering cultural nuances beyond textbooks, and the best practices one learns with years of experience that are not taught in the classroom nor will you find in any commercial podcast. Let's hone your business instincts, refine your image, and crush those first deadlines together!
Güzide A.
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Güzide A.

Get yourself equipped for a more rewarding business.

  • Turks Turks
  • Engels Turks
Native in:
  • Turks

Whether you are a beginner trying to figure out how to get established, or a peer willing to pursue more efficient ways to flourish their business, I am happy to help you understand the skill sets that you should acquire.

Our Zoom sessions will be based on the curriculum that I have developed over the last 4 years and it will be tailored according to your needs. I have had the opportunity to mentor 17 people so far and I will be glad to help you to get prepared for a more rewarding business.
Ahmad B.
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Ahmad B.

Let's just work it out!

  • Engels Arabisch
  • Arabisch Arabisch (Yemeni)
  • Arabisch (Standard-Arabian (MSA))
Native in:
  • Arabisch
  • Site localizer

My BA in English Language and Translation, from most probably the first university in Jordan with such a translation program, the Applied Science Private University, was a real start into the field of translation. After graduation in 1997, I worked in Saudi Arabia in various fields.

As a mentor for a couple of years, I can share my Arabic linguistic and cultural knowledge and my translation experience in the English-Arabic language pair.
Constance d.
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Constance d.

Traductrice depuis 15 ans, je t'aide à te lancer !

  • Engels Frans
  • Duits Frans
  • Nederlands Frans
  • Italiaans Frans
  • Spaans Frans
  • Zweeds Frans
  • Roemeens Frans
  • Grieks Frans
  • Portugees Frans
  • Frans
Native in:
  • Frans
  • Trainer

Salut !

Je m'appelle Constance et je suis traductrice indépendante depuis 15 ans.

Si tu veux que je t'aide à t'installer à ton compte en tant que traducteur/-trice indépendant(e), n'hésite pas à me contacter et nous discuterons ensemble des modalités de ce mentorat !

Bonne journée à toi,
Alexandra V.
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Alexandra V.

Online-Praktikum für Englisch/Spanisch> Deutsch

  • Engels (US) Duits (Germany)
  • Spaans (Standard-Spain) Duits (Germany)
Native in:
  • Duits
  • Spaans
  • Site localizer
  • Contest winner

Villengua Translations ist eine in Spanien ansässige kleine Übersetzungsagentur mit einem Schwerpunkt auf medizinische Übersetzungen, Videospiele, Handbücher und Software etc in die deutsche Sprache. Wenn du gerne den Alltag einen Freelance-Übersetzers und verschiedene Übersetzungstools kennenlernen möchtest, freuen wir uns auf deine Bewerbung. Neben einer angemessenen Bezahlung erhältst du von uns Anleitungen, Tipps und Korrekturen deiner Arbeiten, um dich beruflich weiterzuentwickeln.
Muhammad S.
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Muhammad S.

English <> Arabic Professional Translation Trainer

  • Engels (US) Arabisch (Egyptian)
Native in:
  • Arabisch
  • Trainer
  • Site localizer
  • Contest winner
  • Author

Muhammad Said is a translation and localization professional with +12 years of expertise in the industry. He started his career as a teaching assistant at Helwan University, then shifted his teaching career to pursue his passion for translation. Through his years of expertise, Muhammad translated +4M words and delivered +1.2K projects for many translation agencies all over the world. He is a certified translator from the Arab Professional Translators Society (APTS), based in Beirut, Lebanon.
Mohsen  A.
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Mohsen A.

A Shortcut to Your Translation Dream

  • Engels
  • Engels Perzisch (Farsi)
Native in:
  • Perzisch (Farsi)
  • Site moderator

I started my journey as a translator back in 2010 and I am working as a full-time freelance LSP since 2014. During these years, I had the chance to work with some of the most prominent translation/L10n agencies. I also was able to build an impressive network of LSPs by seizing the networking opportunities both here on Proz and on other places like LinkedIn. For the past few years I have served as a moderator here on Proz and now I am ready to share my experience with newcomers as a mentor.
Raquel I.
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Raquel I.

Overcome your fear of interpreting

  • Engels (US, UK) Portugees (Brazilian, European/Portugal)
Native in:
  • Portugees

I have graduated at the University of Brasília and soon after I have entered the interpreting universe. I love mentoring newcomers in the profession so as they have a chance of making their first steps into the field and seeing if that is what they want to do of their lives or not. Therefore, I truly believe I have the mission to perpetuate the generosity of my mentor Paulo Bié to other people who wish to taste and experience this wonderful simultaneous and consecutive interpreting ability.
Hassan Bekhit H.
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Hassan Bekhit H.

Let's bridge the gap!

  • Engels (US, UK) Arabisch (Egyptian, Standard-Arabian (MSA))
Native in:
  • Arabisch
  • Author

Hassan Bekhit is a professional translator accredited by ETLA with +14 years of expertise in the translation industry now. As a professional trainer, he arranged many on-site and online lectures, training courses, and workshops mainly on CAT Tools in cooperation with AST. By mentoring, he aims to help graduates and translators to bridge the gap between academic studies and practical experiences in the industry using smart tools and professional skills. His secret to success is professionalism.
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Menad M.
Bosnië en Herzegovina
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Menad M.

Let's learn from each other!

  • Engels Kroatisch
  • Engels Bosnisch
  • Engels Servisch
Native in:
  • Kroatisch
  • Bosnisch
  • Author

After 8 years in the industry, I have gained substantial experience in the fields of translation, editing, subtitling, transcreation and research. I now believe I possess the knowledge which would help people with similar interests.
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