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Fitness stronger genes!

Scientists from the USA, namely the University of South Carolina, was able to establish that regular fitness classes contribute to the fight against high blood pressure. As they say, even people with genetic predisposition to hypertension can be reduced by 42%, problems with high blood pressure. As you know, the people in the family which for generations, hypertension develops by itself, i.e. hereditary, can significantly reduce the probability of high pressure from yourself in good physical shape, regular exercise.

Through research, scientists has organized the observation of 6 300 participants, aged from 20 to 80 years. All of these participants were in good physical shape. Almost every research participant, or to be more precise - thirds of them in heredity had high blood pressure, some parents suffered from hypertension, others grandparents.

Without the research it became known that physical fitness, physical activity reduces the possibility of developing hypertension by as much as 34 %, in contrast to those who have a genetic predisposition, but they are not engaged in an active lifestyle.

As stated by scientists, regardless of hereditary predisposition, the chances of developing hypertension are reduced in average by 42% and all thanks to just a physical exercise. Those people who are not very athletic, we can say that in average physical shape, suffering from high blood pressure 26% lower.

People who because of work or just life and nature are for the most part, sedentary lifestyle, and if they have a genetic predisposition to hypertension, the possibility of developing this disease increases by 70%, in contrast to those people who live more active lives move more and from time to time engaged in any sport.

So, in order for the prevention of hypertension and treatment was most successful, we should not ignore the connection between the physical form of a man and family predisposition, the so-called genes. Provides information, according to the authors of the conference of the American heart Association, will be useful not only to ordinary citizens suffering from hypertension and fear for their health, but also, of course, the doctors, in order to best pursue a diagnosis of hypertension.

Recommendations that give professionals the following:necessary for each person each day about 30 minutes to engage in physical activity, the intensity of which should be average, overwork is also not recommended, especially if the body is not prepared for a strong physical stress. A week should do about five times, and then you can have two well-deserved days off.

At observance of these simple rules You will be in good shape and won't suffer such a terrible disease like hypertension.