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Meat-eating – benefit or harm?

Quite often you can hear that without meat is quite impossible to live that meat is required for the body, a week without meat can not live, etc. Is usually the most common misconception. We have no idea of the detail that accompany this product. For example, did you know that in the meat before the sale injected with a special solution, which increases its weight and gives it a pale pink color. If you are familiar with this news, you exclaim "a nightmare", and again buy the meat and will use it for food. Not to delve into the essence and do not change their habits much more convenient and familiar to many. But those who still understand this question, forever gave up meat.

There are people who became vegetarian and do not eat meat from a religious point of view. Others gave up meat for the purpose of healthier. Imagine that 10% of the total population – are vegetarians. And they live with hunger does not die, feel great, and their minds clearer. Many great people were vegetarian. For example: Pythagoras, Socrates, Newton, Einstein, Tolstoy, and others. This list goes on and on. It turns out that since ancient times, people realized that the meat of animals not profit. They valued the fact that God has created. God gave the life of any creature living on this planet, from insects to elephants. Any living creature has a soul and desire to live. Why then do we, those who stand above all creatures, allow ourselves to take someone else's life?

After all, giving up meat is the high spiritual level of human development. You cannot abandon something you "don't want". There are sometimes "aggressive"vegetarians. He refused meat, and it is hard to give, he wants the meat, but restrained, suffering, with mad at the world. So better not to do. If you feel that you can easily live without it then go ahead. Listen to yourself, be yourself.

Next, I will give you just the facts, don't take it as intimidation on my part, but read for interest.

For some reason, I rarely eat meat? I absolutely do not like its quality. That it is digested in the body have a lot of time. After eating I feel a weakness, a desire to lie down and sleep, even some numbness. I have no desire to waste time fighting laziness, I prefer to stay awake. My intuition I can hear better without meat.

In addition, it is necessary to prepare! Then wash boards, knives, sink. To figure out how and what to fill it without the spices it has such a rich taste, unlike fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetables after heat treatment is also tasteless. Because the tastemeat by itself has no distinctive taste, coming up with many recipes for numerous sauces, marinades, different spices. And the choice of meat is not so great, cow, pig, sheep, chicken, Turkey, other types are extremely rare. If, for example, to take fish, the choice is much more varied, because species of fish a lot more.

And as far as a diverse selection of vegetables, fruit, saturated different tastes, different variants of their connection.

Try it, cook beef just like that without anything to eat it will still have to add salt otherwise it has no taste. If you eat carrots or some fruit, you do not salt him and pepper. Of course it's a matter of taste, but the taste of vegetables and fruits varied and richer. And cooking vegetables takes very little time, just preparing. All that is required is to wash if necessary to clean or cut. There is nothing easier than to cook in a double boiler or baked in the oven. And to mess with the flesh does desire does not arise.

And a myth that to this day there is, on essential amino acids only in meat. Studies have shown that if these amino acids do not enter the body, the microflora of the intestine itself begins to produce them. The only thing you need to endure the critical period between the cessation of the consumption of meat and the day when they will be synthesized in the intestines. This may be accompanied by not very pleasant symptoms, such as, zaedy in the corners of the mouth can crack the skin on the fingers. Less problematic this period can survive if you eat foods with a high content of vitamins ( brewer's yeast, Apple cider vinegar, pollen, etc.).

A little retreat. I don't have the goal to convince everyone to become vegetarians. Perhaps someday you yourself will come to this. I try to explain that you are mistaken if you think that the meat is so necessary to man. It is of course possible, but as little as possible (1-2 times a week at most).

Meat contains very little carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. After heat treatment the mechanism of digestion destroyed. This product is transformed into a set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and none of the enzymes. Therefore, the body to digest, you have to spend a lot of energy, and of its reserves of enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Everyone knows the expression: before lunch fight hunger, after lunch, sleeping. After a cold lunch really want to sleep. Often meat is still eaten pasta, or potatoes have a bread, that is, with carbohydrates. The body needs energy to cope with such"pleasure". By eatingvegetables feeling "stupid contemplation"seek hard enough, if it is still there, then it passes quickly.

Besides, one reason of acceleration, this abundant meat diet. The majority of scientists concluded that reduced immunity, early puberty is also a consequence of abundant given up eating meat.

If still the same take note of what to feed these animals, we shouldn't even hope for a good quality of meat. Add to this the stress that the animal experiences before slaughter. And all this also applies to meat products.

From the works of hygienists, nutritionists, you can deduct an interesting statement:"in some varieties of sausages, namely, sausage durum, used "conditionally suitable" meat". This term refers to meat from animals suffering from foot and mouth disease, brucellosis, are also affected by larvae of Echinococcus. After heat treatment all this infection of course will die, and the sausage will add more different dyes and preservatives. And as a result, we get a good, tasty, as they say "useful product". Eat with pleasure!.

Rubner German scientist, published his research, that your body gets from animal protein. Proteins in the body, first in the stomach and then the intestines into the pectin, once in the blood they are broken down into two parts: nitrogen-containing and nitrogen-free. Nitrogen-containing part is absolutely useless and does not supply the body with energy. It breaks up the natural heat production into uriniparous substances and excreted from the body. The second part – without nitrous – and gives the body 52-56% of productive energy. It turns out that no nitrogen is part of the carbohydrate contained in the protein. It turns out that the body spends so much time(3-5 hours) at processing protein, so that the result is a carbohydrate contained in fruits and vegetables in an easily digestible form.

And that's not all. When consuming meat the body is poisoned by a large amount of harmful substances:

- Uriniparous substances filled with blood during the digestion of protein. These poisons kill cells. Therefore, children up to 7-8 years meat and meat products eggs is not recommended. Children's bodies are still weak and can not neutralize the toxins generated by the digestion of meat products. In the end, the children are often sick.

The extractive substances contained in meat, adversely affect the nervous system, and their salts on the vascular system. For this reason, people prefer meat products, much more common diseases such as: neurasthenia, sexual disorders, degeneration of the vessels, and anemic heart disease, premature aging.

- Putrid poisons and toxic protein compounds - in abundancecontained in dead, rotting tissue eating meat. Most of them are contained in poultry, oysters, fish, cancers, in old cheese.

- Larvae of different parasites – are kept in poorly cooked or raw meat. Which settle in the body and provoke the development of various diseases.