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Birth after cancer – is it possible?

Scientists in the study of Oncology more and more are beginning to realize that the consequences of cancer treatment are no less distressing and dangerous than itself a terrible disease, and even death. Recently published the results of a survey of experts from one University in Stockholm. The purpose of the survey was to find out how aware the people, sick oncological diseases, the consequences of treatment. And the survey showed that awareness of patients is quite low, we can say even very low.

Specialists in the survey paid special attention to issues such as the possibility of infertility after cancer treatment. As we found out, the male half of the surveyed people know 80% more about the fact that there is a high probability that they will remain without the ability to have children after treatment of cancer. But of the total number of women, among which the survey was conducted, about the risk to remain barren was aware of only 48 %. In addition, it became known that they will know about the possibility of this happening more often than not the doctors. Only 14 % of women and 68 % men learned this terrible information from doctors.

This poll was conducted by Professor Claudia Lampic, after which she said that this attitude is simply unacceptable. Even if at the end of treatment the risk of infertility is extremely small, the patient will still need to warn about it. It should also be noted that the harms of treatment of the human body, the minimum can not be just, on the ability of fertility, he will act anyway.

A course of chemotherapy have a negative effect on the female ovaries, and in men affects the sperm motility. Treatment of cancer likewise has a negative effect on the entire sexual system and its work in humans. Treatment of cancer of the breast, hormone therapy, moreover, can cause the onset of menopause at any age.

Also it was found out during the survey that about 40 % of women with cancer after treatment would like to have children. In men, the percentage wanting after treatment to have children about the same. Specialists before treatment needs, and very often recommended to use "freezing". That is, to take in the so-called Bank men's sperm, andwomen to freeze eggs.

It is worth noting the fact that this method (freezing of biological material) enjoys great popularity in the West, and for a long time. Although many religious people continue to argue at the expense of the ethics of this procedure, despite the fact that the practicality of this method difficult to challenge.