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An insidious trap

Smoking is the most insidious, the most sinister trap created by the joint efforts of man and nature. We are constantly subjected to psychological pressure. From childhood we are told that Smoking is a great help and support. Smoking is not even bad. And if without a cigarette you will look less confident. And, it would seem, would advertisers spend a lot of money on something that nevostrebovannost and not fun. And would they expose us to the risk of death? When you wean a smoker from cigarettes, he feels no pain. He has only a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. He feels that he lacks something. Many smokers are so I think that is something related to their hands. If this feeling persists, the smoker becomes nervous, not confident, nervous, irritable and feels the lack of confidence in the world. Thirst for the poison, nicotine is similar to acute hunger.

Your efforts

One of the curious aspects of Smoking – what you need to try very hard to stick to it. If the taste of the first cigarette in our lives would be very pleasant, we would certainly understand why half the population on the planet smoke.

But as the taste of that first cigarette was horrible, we understand that you never smoke and not become addicted to nicotine.


When a person smokes their first cigarette, then he starts coughing. And if it was smoked too many cigarettes, I felt General malaise of the whole body, begins to feel sick, dizzy. It is at this stage and is determined by whether people smoke or not. If you think that smokers become physically weak or mentally unstable people, you are very wrong. Some cigarette caused the rejection, and they are very lucky because they will never be able to have to get used to it. Their lungs are unable to cope with this poison. And these people are very lucky. When the body starts to produce reactions to the cigarette, he gives us to understand that we use the poison that our body is calling us.

Dependent adolescents

This circumstance is the most tragic. Our body fights very hard until then, until we engage addicted to nicotine. That is why Teens are very difficult to wean from Smoking. Their body is still at the stage of addiction, so they think that at any moment can throw without any problems. But for some reason they don't learn from our mistakes. As we learned nothing from their parents. Some smokers believe that the taste and smell of tobacco bring them fun and not annoying them. In fact, it is just that their body has become used to the smell andtaste. Some people just become immune to these aspects of Smoking.

Don't close your eyes

Also genuinity claim that they like to shoot up. The pain of withdrawal from heroin more violent, and all that they like in fact, is the ritual of relieving the pain. Smoker tries to close his eyes at the disgusting smell and taste to get the next portion of the nicotine. But if you ask a smoker whether to smoke those cigarettes that do not bring him pleasure and really tasted disgusting, would he smoke it? He will answer, "Yes."Because it's not a pleasant emotion, and depending on this drug.

False assumptions

The most interesting suggestion that cigarettes help men the best way to impress women. But all women are very sensitive about their appearance and will not appear on any social events, if they look bad, and they are not going to smell good perfume. But they pretend that they do not bother them breath, which reflects the dependence on tobacco. Some women hate themselves because of their hair, hands, clothes constantly smell like cigarettes. And yet that doesn't stop them before Smoking. This is the fear that creates in the smoker this horrible drug. People begin to smoke, get used to it and later I just can't live without cigarettes. Then life suffer from their habits. Can't help it. I hate myself for my weakness and for the fact that they stink per kilometer of tobacco and the smell of cigarettes always remains with them, so they tried to do to him. Cigarettes do not help while partying with friends; they just spoil them. You have to hold in one hand a glass of wine, another cigarette, while trying to shake off the ashes and empty endlessly filled with cigarette butts in the ashtray. By doing all this, you must try not to smoke in the face of the person talking, trying to figure out whether he feels the smell from your mouth and see whether the stains on your teeth. All of this brings me a lot of unpleasant emotions and you and your companion.

The rest of my life we spend in trying to explain to myself why we smoke, telling kids how not to fall into the trap and trying, from time to time to"engage".

Two causes of failures

There are two causes of failures. The first is your friends and acquaintances. Maybe at some point your friend lit a cigarette. For this reason, we already dwell. And clearly understood that there is no such thing as "just one cigarette". Use this time to benefit yourself. Rejoice that you no longer wantto smoke, and it's not a problem for you. You could break this chain. You know that smoker is jealous of you. You were able to cope with their addiction. Better to regret it. He is now very bad. He needs your compassion. And another common cause of failure is a bad day. Before you decide to quit Smoking, find out for yourself before the end that the bad and good times happen at all. But non-smokers do not require nicotine continuous support. In life there can be only one bright stripes. And highs without lows just don't exist. If the smoker tries to get rid of their addiction through will power, he has problems in the difficult days. He begins to yearn for a cigarette and a bad day getting even worse for him. Non-smokers are much better adapted to the problems, including psychologically and not just physically.

Important fact

For myself I can say, I smoked for 33 years, because they thought that cigarettes make me feel more confident and get rid of stress. But I knew that cigarettes are slowly killing me. Why, then, I went to the doctor and asked him a tool that would help me feel really confident? I may not have gone to the doctor only because he knew perfectly well that he could advise a tool that could easily replace my cigarettes. But that's what I was afraid of that, and always tried to convince myself that this is the reason that Smoking helps me be more confident.

Want to say important thing. Before you really decide to quit Smoking, set the beginning of all the facts, the reasons why quitting Smoking is very difficult. And only then you'll have no regrets to smoke my last cigarette.

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