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Will I gain weight?

There is another very interesting myth, which occurs when the withdrawal from Smoking. This myth develop, especially those people who quit Smoking by force of will, and trying to replace cigarettes with various gum, candy, and hoping thus at least a little to get rid of the agony of withdrawal from cigarettes.

It is known that withdrawal from cigarettes the body requires continuous administration of nicotine. And in that moment, when this happens, the body begins to develop feeling, which is very similar to the feeling of hunger. But the difference is that the hunger you can satisfy your food, and the desire to smoke does not choke.

New dose

In the case of a drug addict based on, for example, heroin, we can say that after a certain amount of time the body of the addict will not be able to perceive the dose as before. Now the body will simply cease to feel that he is given this dose, and a person constantly have to look for a new dose to stave off hunger in your body.

The same happens with a person who is dependent on cigarettes. When he smokes for a long time, his body just does not take the doses and requires constant repetition. This is due to the fact that the constant administration of nicotine in the body is also regular excretion of nicotine. Therefore, the internal voice of the smoker continuously demands more and more smokes.


Thus, the smoker will always feel a sense of the so-called hunger. And the only way to solve this problem is to become a heavy smoker and smoke cigarettes constantly, without interruption. But it becomes very difficult for two reasons:

1) Money. Oddly enough, but the smoker will not be able to afford an increase in dose of cigarettes because it simply does not have so much money, that's all.

2) Health. Anyway, and with the increase in intake of nicotine in your body health with each smoked cigarette is getting worse and worse, and life shorter.

A way to silence hunger

Therefore, the smoker will never be able to satisfy your hunger and will live with this feeling always. That is why most smokers become addicted as I wanted to find one drug that could quench this hunger. Other smokers become gluttons or drunkards, attempting to drown out the famine (as you know, most alcoholics is a heavy smokers, so maybe deciding a problem can be solved and the second?).

The only possible solution of the problem of hunger for the smoker is getting the food he takes is constantly trying to replacecigarettes.

The extremes of my life

In all the years that I smoked, there was a time when I ceased to have Breakfast and lunch and constantly smoked. Then I was constantly waiting for the speedy approach of evening, because the evening I could not smoke, but I always had something to eat. It seemed to me that this famine is stalking me, but actually, it was only the pangs of withdrawal from nicotine. And to put it right, then in the afternoon I replaced the food with nicotine, and nicotine in the evening meal.

At that time my weight was in excess of twelve pounds of the weight that I have now, and I had nothing to do with these pounds.

The feeling of freedom

When you stop Smoking, and the little monster, which for so long lived in you and tormented you, leave, you will feel a sense of freedom and understand how to live well without a constant feeling of insecurity.

In these moments, get back your self-confidence, and with it will come back and a huge feeling of self-esteem.

Wrong myth

You will feel confident that you can now own yourself, your life, will be able to control food intake. This is another very important benefit of living without cigarettes.

As already mentioned, the myth that there is excess weight, is because people who quit Smoking by force of will, trying to replace the various nicotine gum, candy to ease the pains of withdrawal from cigarettes.

But really, they don't ease his torments, but only complicate your goal to quit Smoking. More detail you can check this information by reading the Chapter on nicotine replacement products.

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