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Irregular smokers, teenagers, non-smokers

All smokers are very much jealous of those who smoke occasionally. Such people are usually unable to survive without a cigarette a week, if not more, and not will be to suffer from this. But none of the heavy smokers don't like what he's addicted to cigarettes, and everyone would like to live again freely, without cigarettes. No one who smokes, didn't want to become a smoker. And it doesn't matter whether his will, he became one or not. All smokers consider themselves to be complete fools. They also come up with various excuses for yourself and others, if only to mitigate his mistake.

When I was actively involved in the life of our football, I constantly bragged about the number of games played, but I always wanted to play more. And every smoker also brags about how little he smokes, but he wants not to smoke at all. If, for example, I would start to brag about the fact that they can live a week without apples, I would have accepted the abnormal, isn't it? Why would I not eat what I love. If I didn't like apples, I could not, but then why am I so proud? Similarly, the smoker. When he says he can live a week without cigarettes, he's just trying to convince himself and others that he had absolutely no problem and cigarette addiction. But in fact, a smoker denied his habit only for a week. For a week he lived without a cigarette and now she has become for him more important than they were previously. Therefore, those who smoke occasionally the dependence is much more than those who smoke constantly. As for the time that they lived without a cigarette, they desire only grew, the illusion that cigarettes bring pleasure to them, has increased. Thus, those who smoke from time to time, only reinforce their dependency and they do not think Smoking is the problem, and therefore do not get rid of this habit.

The only pleasure that can bring cigarette is the satisfaction of the dependency that literally "eats"on the inside. But, as described above, even this pleasure is an illusion. Imagine that inside of you lives a little nicotine monster that constantly reminds you of yourself, but the value is not so great for you that from time to time you don't even notice. So, it is possible to kill completely. When a person feels itchy, his biggest wish is to scratch the inflamed place. Also when Smoking, we want Smoking when there is a desire, because it already became a habit. We indulge this little"nicotine monster"that lives in us. And constantly supported him.

The main causes of infrequent smoker

There are three main reasons for holding smokers from continuous Smoking of cigarettes:

1)one of the main reasons is money. Not everyone will be a lot of savings, without compromising his own pocket to smoke dozens of packs of cigarettes;

2) taking poison, we want to alleviate their suffering;

3) the laws of society do not allow us to smoke wherever and whenever you want. Our relatives, friends and acquaintances are one of the reasons we try to smoke less.

When I was a smoker I thought the Smoking habit – it's just a weakness. I was not quite clear how my friends manage to smoke ten to twenty cigarettes a day. I considered myself very strong-willed person. But it turns out not to Smoking one after another cigarette, you need to have very strong lungs and good health, strong persistent smokers envy those who smokes five to ten cigarettes a day, but maybe they do it just because I can't smoke more for some reason. For example, because of lack of money. Or because it surrounds the society is not allowing you to smoke more. The reason could be work, relatives, friends. And such people may simply not allow the health to smoke more than five cigarettes a day. Well, maybe the reason lies in the fact that a person who smokes a little, hates himself for his weakness in front of the cigarette and his self-respect does not allow him become a smoker. In fact, the people who do not smoke, are important only because fate so ordered with them. Because many smokers would never and could not imagine that ever take a cigarette in his mouth. And certainly didn't want to be dependent and helpless in the face of nicotine.

Irregular smoker

It is necessary to define some types of irregular smokers:

- A person who smokes from time to time, but not yet understands that it has trapped. Don't envy such people. They smoke one cigarette a day, believing that at any moment can stop. But every alcoholic started with just one random shot glasses.

- A smoker who has said that he will never be able to quit Smoking. This category of people should consider a few more:

- A smoker who smokes five cigarettes a day. It is not clear why he smokes so few cigarettes if he gets pleasure from it. But if he does not feel anything good at this, why even smoke? But this kind of dependence is like banging my head against the wall because when a smoker continues to support his addiction, while not getting any pleasure, he just wastes time in vain.If a smoker smokes only five cigarettes a day, he's just the"beating your head against the wall"because it eases their suffering only for a very short time, but remains dependent. This smoker, as a rule, remain to live with his habit until the end of his days. Because such a person is almost impossible to convince to quit Smoking. After all, heavy smokers cigarettes deliver constant suffering, and temporary smoker it seems that it does not even depend on nicotine and then why get rid of this habit, even if it brings them pleasure. But it is fun - just an illusion.

- A smoker who smokes only at specific times of the day. It can be either day or morning. He suffers first half of the day, suffering is to rid yourself of suffering in the second half of the day, but here arises the same question. If he likes to smoke, why not smoke always. But if it brings him nothing but suffering, why then do we suffer?

- A smoker who started Smoking recently or, on the contrary quit Smoking not so long ago. He says he can quit anytime, because it hundreds of times already do that. Well, if he likes to smoke, then why is it depriving yourself of this pleasure? And if you don't like it , then why start Smoking again and again? The fact is that he is still dependent on nicotine. To get rid of the physical addiction is only half the battle. Need to cope with the main reason is psychological dependence. Every time the smoker thinks that he had left this problem behind, but he also catches in its trap. All smokers very envious of those who smoke over a period of time. How nice of the man himself controls when to quit or to start Smoking. But in fact such people is absolutely not something to envy. They do not control your body. When they don't smoke, they are madly want to smoke, they dream of a cigarette. And when you start again to smoke, I think it would be better not started.

- A smoker who smokes only on special occasion. But the reasons are growing every day. And every smoker starts Smoking with this, however, does not even notice the reins over and starts a normal dependency.

-Smokers who smoke one cigarette after a long time. Such people consider themselves completely independent from the cigarettes, but in fact such a path will lead them to a dead end. Because sooner or later they will still be Smoking a lot more often.

A separate category

There are two categories of people addicted to cigarette. The first type of smokers are those who smoke in and to any parties, celebrations. Such people believe that they like to smoke. But such people sooner orlater start to Smoking and no holidays. Sometimes in the company of men there is a tradition - to gather in a circle and smoke one cigar at a time. But even heavy smokers prefer to quickly put an end to this cigarette. They would have been more happy with his own cigarette. The harder the cigarette, the longer it smokes. And it seems that you have to smoke it all night. Really people, these traditions bring a lot of negative emotions. And no, they do not like, but we have continued to go on about the companies.

One cigarette a day

There is another category of smokers. But in my practice I have met only one of those cases. Here it is: Once I had a woman who wanted to sign up for a personal consultation. She smoked for twelve years, every day, Smoking one two cigarettes. I started to explain to her that group classes bring the same positive results, how many and single. And the need for personal meeting no. But the woman started crying, and I couldn't refuse her. Consultation is very expensive. Some smokers would came in wondering why she had to contact me. Many would give a fabulous sum of money only to start to smoke a day, two cigarettes like this lady. They believe that people who are so little smoke, very happy because they can control their addiction. But in fact such people are really miserable.

The woman who came to me for help, parents died from lung cancer. This tragedy happened even before she started Smoking. Like me, she was terrified of Smoking until I smoked my first cigarette. Like me, she was Smoking under pressure and, like me, she really wanted to get rid of this dependence. However, I very quickly became addicted to cigarettes, but she still resisted and resisted his habit. People who smoke, believe that it's a habit. So, if you reduce the amount of consumed cigarettes, soon the body becomes accustomed to the new dose. And then we can reduce the number of cigarettes. Thus, they try to smoke fewer cigarettes. But Smoking is not a habit. Nicotine is a poison. And there's just habits. Have itching resulting from poison. And this itching constantly requires him to scratch. Smoking is a drug and dependence on him. You just want relief, trying to reduce the consumption of nicotine. But the longer you smoke certain number of cigarettes, the more and more you will want to increase the dose. Because the body as the addiction will require an even greater amount of nicotine. There is no way that you can smoke less and less. You can only smoke more. A decrease in the number of cigarettes does not relieve you from suffering.It is impossible to reduce the risk of addiction to cigarettes by reducing their number. You can only permanently get rid of the addiction. The desire to keep Smoking to a certain level will require tremendous efforts throughout his life. Nicotine destroys your physical and mental health and each time your strength on confrontation nicotine dependence is getting smaller. You are no longer able to hold out for the same time interval without nicotine. That's why people who smoke and have no illusions that enjoy it, continue to smoke, despite the fact that every cigarette becomes a real torture.

The woman is not envious. Every day she waited for twelve hours, then to smoke one cigarette. But the cigarette was becoming the most important event in life. She had to spend an impossible amount of effort to maintain their nicotine addiction at the same level. Fear would not allow her to smoke more, because she always remembered that her parents had died from cancer. And ultimately, her efforts, constant voltage reduced her to tears. Let's see if Smoking is something that is worth to wait for the time to suffer, and then again to experience these feelings? Why during any particular time people deny yourself the pleasure? But if the Smoking is no good feeling, then why do you need it?

Five cigarettes

In my practice, is another case. In this case, people smoked five cigarettes per day. A man called me and said he wanted to quit Smoking before you die. Here's how he described his life:"Now I am sixty-one years. due to the fact that I smoked a lot, I got cancer of the throat. Now because of my illness, I can smoke only five cigarettes a day. I used to have a sound sleep, but now I always Wake up and think of cigarette. Even when I sleep, I dream that I really want to smoke. Even when I sleep I dream to smoke. In the morning I can't smoke for the first time up to 10 hours. When I get up at five in the morning, drink a lot of cups of tea. Now that I have a horrible temper, my wife can not long be with me in the same house and so she's kicking me out at eight in the morning when he wakes up. Then I am going to the greenhouse and try to do something, but still every minute I only think of the cigarette. At nine o'clock I begin to roll my first cigarette and I do it perfectly and very carefully. At nine I begin to roll my first cigarette and twisted it until then, until it becomes perfect. I don't need perfect hand-rolled cigarette, I'm just trying to do this business as long as possible. I'm waiting for ten hours then that, frantically picking upcigarette, gradually, immediately, to light it , because when I smoke it , I have to wait for three hours. And it's just unbearable. I don't smoke a cigarette immediately. After all, if I smoke, then I have to wait three hours before following. When I tightened the first time, then immediately the carcass of a cigarette. Thus, I am able to stretch one cigarette for an hour. Then I wait for the next long-awaited roll-UPS". Besides this poor man burned his lips, because every time I smoked a cigarette almost to the end. No, he is not a stupid man. This old man - a former marine Sergeant. And much earlier, one of his Hobbies was track and field. And of course he didn't want to become a smoker. But in the last war, where he took part, it was believed that cigarette gives you courage, and each soldier was given cigarettes. This man just made to become a smoker. And now the rest of his life he spent, spending unthinkable amounts of money on cigarettes and treatment of nicotine addiction, which undermined his health completely.

And, despite many such horrific examples of the unfortunate fate, we still continue just to see how healthy teenagers become dependent and helpless in the face of cigarettes. Perhaps you think I brought the most extreme case. But actually of millions of such cases. Friends of this man, who turned to me for help, very jealous of him, because he smokes only five cigarettes a day. You probably think that they are able to control your body and with you this will never happen, but believe me, it's the outcome of every smoker. And I beg you, stop deluding yourself! You cheat yourself constantly. Each time take a new cigarette, that justify themselves, resulting in a lot of examples of other people who smoked all his life from pleasure, not habits. Let's stop pretending that Smoking brings us joy and happiness. Every smoker is simply lying to himself. He has to do it. A irregular smokers smoke far more cigarettes than I speak.

I have met so many people who said that they smoke only six cigarettes a day, but only when I they smoked more than ten. Watch the smokers. When they, for example, on any parties, holidays. They pull out a cigarette out of his pack every few minutes, and sometimes even smoke without interruption. Don't be irregular smoker. They are fooling themselves and are suffering from this. It is not necessary to envy those who smoke. Life is much nicer and more fun without cigarettes.


And Teens heal from addiction to nicotineis much more complicated. And not because they can't do it or consider it impossible. Most of the young smokers and adolescents are still in the first stage of self-deception. They still believe that get pleasure from cigarettes and continue to believe in the illusion, as it is not moved to the second stage of nicotine addiction. Especially careful and cautious you need to be the parents of those kids who claim that I simply hate Smoking. After all, all smokers in the past didn't want to smoke and many of them hated cigarettes and cigarette smoke. However, their hatred did not become a barrier to nicotine dependence.

Also do not lie to yourself, trusting public companies as opposed to Smoking. They will not save children from the temptation to start Smoking as long as in addition to the state organizations will exist in the promotions of cigarettes that are perfectly cope with its task. The children always knew that a drop of nicotine kills a horse, but they also know one cigarette will be nothing. At a certain stage of life, they will fall under the influence of other people who will be able to convince them that cigarettes bring pleasure and not harm. You may think that the child should only try once to drag on a cigarette and felt her terrible bitter taste, he will forget about cigarettes. But this is not so. And even if it was, would it be in our society so many poor people, unable to cope with his addiction, despite such a terrible and overwhelming the taste of cigarettes.I believe the biggest problem our society is failing to protect our children from nicotine addiction, to shield them from cigarettes and explain that they are not useful. I am very concerned about this issue, so I created a book in Russian "Good book". It talks about how to warn the teenager from Smoking or to help get rid of nicotine addiction are already addicted child.

I don't understand why we so easily look at how our children are doomed to constant anguish. Every teenager feels that he will be able to smoke for a while and then just quit. If he were strong in body and spirit. And all the smokers around just weaklings. Children do not understand the seriousness of the topic. And this habit stays with him for life. Most teenagers learn about chemical dependency, and only then, when already addicted to nicotine. But they have used other types of drugs. So when you explain to your child that Smoking is harmful and nicotine is addictive, you will be able to warn him from the addiction to other drugs. I'm asking you to leave your biased attitude to the subject. Andespecially if you have children, I highly recommend you read my book. It will tell you how to help your child heal from addiction to cigarettes.

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