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Nicotine dependence

Nicotine is a substance that has no color, the oily composition is contained in the tobacco causes the smoker's addiction. This drug is the most dangerous, because the quicker all substances is addictive in humans. In order to be addicted to cigarettes, just one cigarette. After each inhalation to the brain via the lungs gets a small dose of nicotine, acting much quicker than other drugs that addicts injected through a vein. Every time you are delayed in your lungs gets nicotine. And if you make twenty puffs, you will receive twenty doses of the drug through only one cigarette.

Nicotine – a fast-acting drug, and levels in the bloodstream drops by about half within 30 minutes and to about one quarter of an hour after Smoking a cigarette. This explains why the average smokers smoke twenty cigarettes a day. Once you have smoked a cigarette, starts rapid removal of nicotine from the body, and the person begins to suffer the pains of withdrawal. I want to dissuade you of the misconception that smokers suffer when they begin to wean from cigarettes. They believe that will experience the most intense agony, when alone or forced to become to wean of cigarettes. In fact, they will wean from the illusion that cigarettes give them pleasant emotions and joy. A smoker feels deprived of support. More on this is explained below. Actually pain withdrawal from nicotine is not very significant. Many smokers live a lifetime and not even know they are addicts.

We consider only those addicts who use drugs such as heroin. It is believed that tobacco depend person is one who has acquired the habit. But in fact, a person who smokes is a drug addict. But fortunately for us, nicotine is a drug, which can quickly break the habit, but only if you acknowledged that dependent. When you wean a smoker from cigarettes, he feels no pain. He has only a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. He feels that he lacks something. Many smokers think, therefore, that it is something related to their hands. If this feeling persists, the smoker becomes nervous, not confident, nervous, irritable and feels the lack of confidence in the world. Thirst for the poison, nicotine, like acute hunger.

After the man lit a cigarette, after seven seconds, the blood receives a fresh nicotine, and a burning desire to smoke ends, there is only a sense of confidence, calmness and relaxation. In my youth, when we are just starting to smoke, the pain of withdrawal and its relief is so weak that we are not even aware that theyexist. When we begin to smoke regularly we think it is because get pleasure from cigarettes or say that Smoking has become for us a habit. In fact, we are simply addicted to nicotine. We already settled the little nicotine monster that constantly demands his food. All smokers start Smoking for their own stupidity. Because really no one is forcing us to smoke violently. And the only reason people continue to smoke, the desire to feed that little monster. In fact, the whole business of Smoking consists of a mass of riddles. All smokers know are trapped and dependent on cigarettes. But the pleasure derived from cigarettes, is an attempt to regain a state of peace, confidence, order that his body felt before he became dependent on nicotine.

Remember a day when many hours howled a broken burglar alarm or a neighbor you long tortured other loud noises. Then the noise suddenly stops, and you feel an intoxicating sense of peace. But actually this is not peace, but only the ending of noise. Before we become dependent on nicotine, our bodies are perfect. Then we acknowledge a nicotine and when a cigarette is thrown, we feel emptiness. This emptiness is the pain that occurs when the withdrawal from Smoking. It's not physical pain. We are not even aware of its existence, but it operates inside our body, like a leaky faucet. But we did not want to recognize it and to understand the mind.

So we just agree to feel an acute shortage of cigarettes, and when again securiteam, this desire goes away for a while, and we are just as confident as they were before they started to smoke at all. Now, however, this satisfaction is only temporary because, in order to remove the craving for cigarettes, we have to introduce into the body an even greater amount of nicotine. As soon as you extinguish a cigarette, craving will arise again, and so on to infinity. Shackles this long in life if you do not break them.

Depend on Smoking is like wearing shoes that you close, but you wear them with the intention to experience the pleasure that you get when you take them off. There are three reasons which don't allow smokers to look at things from the right perspective.


We are constantly subjected to psychological pressure. From childhood we are told that Smoking is a great help and support. Smoking is not even bad. And if without a cigarette you will look less confident. And,it would seem, would advertisers spend a lot of money on something that nevostrebovannost and not fun. And would they expose us to the risk of death? When you wean a smoker from cigarettes, he feels no pain. He has only a feeling of emptiness and loneliness. He feels that he lacks something. Many smokers think, therefore, that it is something related to their hands. If this feeling persists, the smoker becomes nervous, insecure, agitated, irritable and begins to experience a lack of confidence in the world.

Thirst for the poison, nicotine, like acute hunger. And people who smoke, are unable to monitor this delicate process when they wean, you feel devastated and overwhelmed. First, they do not associate these feelings with the withdrawal from cigarettes. But one day, when I smoke after a break, feeling the power rush of vivacity and energy. Thus, the use of cigarettes continues. This delicate process makes quitting the drug difficult. Imagine the panic peronista which had run out of heroin. Now imagine his joy when he could finally make a shot. But can you imagine anyone who really enjoys the injection of the drug, if the idea fills you with horror? Addicts dependent on heroin, do not experience similar feelings of panic at the thought of the absence of heroin.

Thus, the drug did not remove, but rather creates. Non-smokers do not experience feelings of emptiness or need for a cigarette and not start to panic when the stock of cigarettes. Non-smokers can't understand how smokers can get pleasure from the fact that stick that nasty thing in your mouth, stir up them and drag this filth, filling her lungs. You know what's interesting? Smokers also can not understand why they do it. We already talked about the common misconception that Smoking relaxes and gives satisfaction. But in meeting the need of only those who is deprived of something. Why then do non-smokers do not suffer such deprivation and why after a meal, when all are happy non-smokers, smokers can't relax until you "feed"your little nicotine monster? We will focus on this more. The biggest reason stands in front of a smoker who wants to quit Smoking. He believes that Smoking brings him pleasure, emotional release, relaxation and enjoyment. This is the biggest misconception of all smokers. One should clearly realize that you don't give up anything.

The most accurate comparison would be with food. When we eat regularly, get used to a regular daily servings of food at a certain time. We do nottest needs food at any other time, unless our dinner or lunch is not delayed. If the meal is delayed for whatever reason, we experience some feeling of emptiness and this feeling called hunger. However, the process of eating food we find very pleasant. About Smoking, you can say the same. We smoke at certain times and in between cigarettes are not experiencing cravings for cigarettes. We begin to remember this is only if at some point we did not satisfy your habit of Smoking. Then we feel a sense of emptiness that cannot be filled physically. We call it a"desire to smoke". Then, finally, lighting up, we would feel satisfaction.

The similarity of eating Smoking makes us believe that the cigarette really bring us pleasure. Some smokers can not believe that Smoking brings only harm. They begin to vehemently protest and say that cigarettes bring pleasure to them, because otherwise how would they have felt a sense of satisfaction when it's lit. Although eating and Smoking are very similar, in reality, these processes – quite the opposite.

Differences in food intake from Smoking

1) we Eat in order to survive and prolong his life, and Smoking only shortens that life.

2) Food pleasant to the taste, and eating is a pleasant experience, which we can enjoy throughout our lives. Smoking means the inhalation of disgusting and toxic smoke into their lungs.

3) Adoption of food breeds hunger, and relieves him; while the first cigarette sets off a craving for nicotine and each subsequent – does not ease the cravings, and ensures that you will suffer from it the rest of your life.

Came the moment when it is necessary to dispel another myth that Smoking is a habit. But we can't say that eating is a habit. Then why are people easily can not refuse to eat at all? Of course, many people eat at the same time, the same food, but it does not mean that they used to. It is still what is called the inhalation of the air – a habit. And then breathing and nutrition are the most important functions of the body, allowing us to survive. But Smoking is significantly different in structure. A smoker wants another cigarette, only to return a lack of confidence and calm myself again, to remove the feeling of emptiness, which gave him the previous cigarette. Of course, smokers tend to ease your discomfort at different times and in different ways, but the Smoking habit is not. Society often turns to Smoking as a bad habit, so in thisthe book for convenience, I also call it "habit". However, always remember that Smoking is not a habit, and ADDICTION!

Starting to smoke, we must learn how to handle cigarettes. Before we realize it – again! we not only buy them regularly, but are forced to carry constantly. Now with no cigarettes we panic and over time you smoke more and more. So it is with any other drug: our body seeks to defend itself from the effects of nicotine, and simultaneously, the demand for it is growing. After a short period of Smoking the cigarette ceases to completely ease the discomfort of the lack of nicotine, which she herself creates. Therefore, lighting a cigarette you feel better than a moment ago; in reality, you become more nervous and tense even in the Smoking process than if all were non-smokers.

This habit is even more absurd than the habit of wearing tight shoes: a growing feeling of discomfort remains even when the shoes are removed. But that's not all. When cigarette is smoked, it begins a rapid excretion of nicotine. That is why smokers in stressful situations Smoking one after another cigarette. As I said, "habits"does not exist. The real reason why every smoker continues to smoke is in the same little monster that lives in the womb. From time to time every Stoner needs his"feed". He decides when to do it, but, as a rule, it is possible to identify four types of cases or their combinations:

Boredom – focus (but it's the absolute opposite).

tension – relaxation (also complete opposites).

What magical means can suddenly change the action itself had twenty minutes ago? Think about what, besides sleep, can so dramatically change the reality? The truth is that Smoking never eases the stress, or boredom and does not promote concentration or relaxation. It is all illusion. Besides the fact that nicotine is a drug, it is also a potent poison, which enters into the composition of insecticides (look that word up in the dictionary!). The dose of nicotine contained in one cigarette, if you enter it directly into a vein will kill you. Plant tobacco contains many poisons, including carbon monoxide, and belong to the same kind as the well-known belladonna. If you want to switch to pipe Smoking or cigars, it is not worth. Because everything said here applies to all types of tobacco, and any substances-nicotine, including chewing gum, patches, sprays and inhalers.

The most complex object on earth is our body. No species, even the lowly amoeba and worms, notwill survive, not knowing the difference between food and poison. For thousands of years, in the course of natural selection, our mind and body have formed the ability to distinguish between food and poison, as well as reliable methods of getting rid of the latter. Almost all people hate the smell of smoke and cigarettes as long as do not start Smoking. If you exhale the smoke on a child who is still not addicted to cigarettes, he will sakarlal.

When a person smokes their first cigarette, then he starts coughing. And if it was smoked too many cigarettes, I felt General malaise of the whole body, begins to feel sick and dizzy. It is at this stage and is determined by whether people smoke or not. If you think that smokers become physically weak or mentally unstable people, you are very wrong. Some cigarette caused the rejection, and they are very lucky because they will never be able to have to get used to it. Their lungs are unable to cope with this poison. And these people are very lucky. When the body starts to produce reactions to the cigarette, he gives us to understand that we use the poison that our body is calling us. This circumstance is the most tragic. Our body fights very hard until then, until we engage addicted to nicotine. That is why Teens are very difficult to wean from Smoking. Their body is still at the stage of addiction and therefore, they believe that at any moment can throw without any problems. But for some reason they don't learn from our mistakes. As we learned nothing from their parents.

Some smokers believe that the taste and smell of tobacco bring them fun and not annoying them. In fact, it is just that their body has become used to the smell and taste. Some people just become immune to these aspects of Smoking. Also genuinity claim that they like to shoot up. The pain of withdrawal from heroin more violent, and all that they like in fact, is the ritual of relieving the pain. Smoker tries to close his eyes at the disgusting smell and taste to get the next portion of the nicotine. But if you ask the smoker whether he is Smoking those cigarettes that do not bring him pleasure and really disgusting to the taste, whether it will be to smoke them. He will answer, "Yes."Because it's not a pleasant emotion, and depending on this drug. It does not matter whether you pass on cigarettes, menthol cigarettes, cigars or pipes: in the beginning you will feel this awful taste, but continuing to smoke, learn to love it.

Smokers trying to smoke even during a cold, flu, sore throats, bronchitis, and emphysema. Does that sound like having fun? If it was then nobody would be able to smoke more than one cigarette. About seventhousands of former smokers are addicted to disgusting nicotine chewing gum offered by doctors, and many of them still smoke. When I am having my consultation, I often notice that many people are simply afraid to consider themselves addicts, otherwise the fight against Smoking becomes even more complicated. But I think that, on the contrary, even helps, and here's how:

Smoking is much more disadvantages than advantages. But, despite this, it is believed that the cigarette contains any substance that helps them stay more confident and relaxed. That is why many still continue to smoke. We think that without cigarettes, our life will be empty and some will be less bright without cigarettes. But it is only an illusion. But in fact, the cigarette gives nothing, only takes. Though all she can give, is the illusion of pleasant sensations. But it will be considered in the next Chapter. Although nicotine is the most effective drug in the world due to the speed with which you have formed a dependency, you'll never have to depend on him in the extreme.

Since the drug is fast acting, to withdraw from the body 99 % of the nicotine, requires only three weeks, but the real pangs of withdrawal are so insignificant that many smokers have lived the life and died, never realizing that they were experienced. It is a fair question about why the majority of smokers it is so difficult to quit Smoking, why they go through months of torture and spend the rest of my life, from time to time yearning for the cigarette. The answer to this question is contained in the second reason why we smoke – in"brainwashing". With chemical dependence, to cope much easier. All smokers are perfectly happy without nicotine night. Flour weaning't even awaken them. Before you smoke the first cigarette they leave the bedroom, some even have time for Breakfast. Some wait until they arrive at work.

They can abstain from nicotine for at least ten hours sleep time and not worry, but if you spend ten hours without a cigarette a day will start to tear my hair out. Some people buy themselves expensive cars and do not smoke, ever. When smokers visit theatres, cinemas, churches, supermarkets, etc., they are absolutely not worried about not being able to smoke there. Smokers are almost pleased, if someone or something is not allowing them to smoke. Now many smokers do try to refrain from Smoking in certain situations. And they will experience very minor discomfort. When I smoked, I was very glad that there are such evenings when I'm at a party or anywhere else and can forget about this poison. Sometimes I really looked forward to those evenings. In suchin the evening I could quite happily relax without thinking about cigarettes. But many smokers may survive for long periods without cigarettes. Some can easily take a break for a week.

To cope with the chemical addiction is easy, even if you still depend on Smoking, and there are thousands of smokers who throughout their life remain occasional smokers. But they are dependent as a heavy smoker. There are even heavy smokers who, tying with "habit", Smoking the occasional cigar, keeping this dependence. As mentioned above, nicotine addiction is not a problem when withdrawal. It just acts as a catalyst by holding our minds in disbelief about the real problem: "lip service".

And I want to say that those who smoke constantly, it will be easy to quit Smoking as those who smoke, not regularly. Sometimes it's even easier. Because the farther you go into the habit, the greater will be the loss for you. The greater your desire to quit Smoking. Perhaps the consolation for you is the news that the rumors circulating from time to time ("to this "infection" has left your body will take eight years"or"every cigarette you smoke reduces your life by five minutes") is not true. Do not think that the harmful effects of Smoking exaggerated: they are rather undervalued. Obviously, the rule "five minutes"– preliminary assessment, applicable only in those cases if you just picked one up from a deadly disease or poisoned himself"in full". Well, the same "infection"actually never completely eliminated from the body. And if someone near you smokes, the nicotine contained in the smoke, gets into your body. But our bodies are so resistant that they are able to recover with amazing speed.

And if you quit now, your body will get rid of nicotine for several weeks, but provided that you already do not have any serious diseases. And quit Smoking it is never too late. In my experience, there were a lot of elderly people who got rid of Smoking. I helped to heal many patients older than 60 years and even a few people at the age of 70-80 years. My clinic called for 99-year-old woman with his 66-year-old son. On the question of why she decided to quit, she said,"To become him". Six months later she wrote me that again I felt young. The longer you smoke the more nicotine you destroy, the more the desire to get rid of dependence on him. When I finally quit Smoking, instead of Smoking a hundred cigarettes stopped Smoking altogether. And I didn't have then no diseases. And the weaning processwas in truth nice. But first we should get rid of the impact on our brain.

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