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Why do we continue to smoke

We all begin to smoke due to the fact that others smoke. It is public opinion that influences us, this happens in meetings, get-togethers and things like that, but me and probably bothers you quite another. We just begin to smoke, but why can't we just quit.

None of those Smoking people can not clearly answer why he smokes. But when it becomes known the true reason for which he smokes, he will quit Smoking. I asked this question to every independent man, and the answer to all of them, but their answers are very different from each other. This part of my techniques are the most interesting for me, but this is bad from the point of view of treatment.

Without exception, all people who smoke understand that they are fools, but can't stop. But even before starting to smoke, they understand that it's a stupid habit and it is not necessary to give in to it. Also all smokers remember the taste of that first cigarette. What was her poor taste and disgusting feeling after it, how long they had to get used to cigarettes, Smoking one cigarette after another. The interesting thing is that they understand that they lose when you smoke, and that they can gain when they quit Smoking and how they laughed at people who smoked.

Independent people – they have minds, they are not fools. They understand how much money they spend on cigarettes, and how every cigarette their life slips through our fingers, they know that for fifty years, become decrepit old men. In all this, they themselves came up with a bunch of explanations.

But one and most important reason is that they got the combination of those facts, which were not supposed to get.

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