
You probably smoke now. But if I wouldn't tell you about it, you would not even notice it, because it's a habit ingrained in you brain and become invisible.

How many of us have had claims and here's another thing - you ever wonder, that cigarettes relieve boredom. A little accurate facts. Boredom is the state of the brain at the moment. In that moment, when you smoke cigarettes, your brain does not perceive it, and you don't even notice it until the moment until you notice her. But when you try to cut down Smoking, your brain begins to feel nicotine hunger, and only in this moment you begin to watch you smoke, you literally enjoy.

In practice is this: in the moment when you are without cigarettes, you start to feel that you like something is lacking and you cannot find your place, you are angry and under stress. But if you do your job and distract your brain from the cigarettes, you will be able to stay too long without dependence on nicotine, and it happens because your brain has other problems. But when you are bored, your brain starts to require a nicotine, and you slowly go crazy, and you have to feed the brain. Just when you relax, the brain takes your body in his hands and you start to smoke, but their minds don't notice. Some more interesting: even those who rolled cigarettes or clog up, they do all this automatically. Another proof of this. Try to remember all those cigarettes you smoked, count them. I know that you are remembered is the first and last cigarette.

The fact that cigarettes indirectly lead to an increase in boredom due to the fact that force you to endure a depression, and instead do something fun, entertaining, smokers usually go missing and trying to ease the agony of withdrawal.

First of all, due to this reason it is important not to allow your brain to do so. What, when you get bored, you smoke, you do not need to prove. You simply since the childhood drove parents, mom and dad or whoever you smoked that cigarette, son, relieves boredom, and here you got used to the idea. And if you said what a lot of eat, you get fat, you would now be treated not from Smoking and obesity. I don't want to accuse your parents of anything, but it's a fact. Let's look at what makes an ordinary man under stress. The person who suffers the pain, clench your teeth, straining cheekbones. The smoker and the person bothers to do this cigarette, which acts as a layer between the teeth. As for simple man, when he is bored and tryingsomething to distract from boredom, his face becomes concerned, and the person who smokes, the person is just stupid, he doesn't understand what to do and why.

Like the people that no longer smoke, I want to tell you that you will free up so much time after you stop Smoking, you will not miss.

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