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Should I avoid temptation?

In all his writings up to this point I have asked you to take my words not as advice, and as to the detailed instructions of what to do. In this issue I'm very categorical, since a lot of years are already engaged in this issue and know what is facing a person who wants to quit Smoking. Unfortunately, I can't be as categorical in the question about avoiding temptation during a period of withdrawal. Because every smoker needs to decide for themselves what they need. But I can make some recommendations that will certainly be useful for you.

Throughout life Smoking makes us only fear. And this fear consists of two phases:

People just can't figure out how to live without cigarettes. This fear is reminiscent of those moments when you returned home, and the cigarettes you have had. This fear is caused by the pangs of withdrawal, you are subconsciously afraid that you will not be able to go without cigarettes. It is the psychological addiction makes you suffer. Fear reaches its climax when you smoke your last cigarette. This fear can be compared with the fear that one experiences during his first dive. The height of the tower for jumping into the water just 30 cm, but all of 1.80. The water depth is 1.80 m, but only 30 cm to jump, it takes courage because you are convinced that you will break your head. If you find the courage to jump, everything else is easy. If you find yourself stronger than your fear and will only start their business, all problems will disappear. This explains the reason why people who are always brave and strong personality, demonstrate your courage in everything except Smoking. Some smokers smoke twenty cigarettes a day, but they smoke every subsequent cigarette a lot faster than if they were Smoking, not taking a decision to quit Smoking. This panic causes of human stress: the brain gives the instructions to smoke, and you can't do that. You feel miserable, and again stress. The instruction is given again, there is a short circuit... you smoke. Do not worry, this panic is just your psychological condition. But actually nothing, and you do not need to panic. Trust me and jump.

There is a second stage of fear that the smoker takes longer. It lies in the fact that smokers believe that without cigarettes he can no longer get the pleasure received in certain situations. He believes that life will be completely different without cigarettes. And now he will not be able to cope with those life situations that did before. But don't worry, taking the first step, you will realize that it's much easier, and the lack of cigarettes has the opposite effect on your life.

There are two main types of behavior in an attempt to avoid temptations

"I'll keep the cigarettes available, although I will not smoke. I feel more confident when you know that they are with me." I found that the percentage of failures among the folks coming this way are much higher than those who are getting rid of cigarettes. I believe that this is mainly due to the fact that if during the period of withdrawal you comes a difficult moment, to smoke in the available cigarette quite easily. If you need to do to get through the humiliation, to go out and buy a pack of cigarettes and the probability to overcome the temptation above. In addition, the onset of pain is likely to subside before you get to the tobacconists. I believe that the main reason for the higher failure rate in such cases is that the smoker does not feel ready to stop Smoking. Remember that the two most important ingredients for success are two different moods:


"How wonderful that I have no more need to smoke." Why you need cigarettes? If you still feel the need to keep them to yourself, then I would advise you to read this book. This means that something you have not learned.

"I should avoid stressful situations and social meetings during the period of withdrawal". Yes, try to avoid stressful situations. It should not be overburdening themselves.

In the case of a friendly party, I suggest you the opposite effect. Go and have fun! You don't need a cigarette even in the period when there was a dependence on nicotine. Go to the party and rejoice that you don't have to smoke, and it will quickly prove to you that without cigarettes life is so much better. Think about how much better your life will be when the little monster and all this poison will leave your body.

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