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Symptoms and causes of stress

The concept of stress

Stress is a response of human organism to the stress, negative emotions, or just my vanity. During times of stress the human body produces the hormone adrenaline that makes the search for a way out. Stress in small amounts is necessary for all, as it forces you to think, to seek a way out of problems, without stress life would be boring. But on the other hand, if stress becomes too much, the body weakens, loses strength, and the ability to solve problems

This issue is devoted to a huge number of scientific papers. The mechanisms of stress were studied in detail and quite complex: they are related to our hormonal, nervous and vascular systems.

It should be noted that considerable stresses affect health. Stress lowers the immune system and is the cause of many diseases (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, etc.). It is therefore necessary to be able to resist the stress state and ask yourself positive attitudes.

Symptoms of stress

What is stress from a practical point of view? To understand this, let's consider the main symptoms of stress:

• Constant feeling of irritability, depression, and sometimes for no particular reason.

• Poor, restless sleep.

Depression, physical weakness, headache, fatigue, unwillingness to do anything.

• Decreased concentration, impede study or work. Problems with memory and reduced speed of the thinking process.

• Inability to relax, cast aside all their Affairs and problems.

• Lack of interest in others, even your closest friends, relatives and loved ones.

• Recurring desire to cry, watery eyes, sometimes turning into sobbing, melancholy, pessimistic, sorry for yourself beloved.

• Loss of appetite – although sometimes Vice versa: excessive absorption of food.

• Often appear nervous tics and compulsive habits: people biting lips, biting nails, etc. Appears restlessness, mistrust of everyone and to everyone.

If you are under stress, it means one thing: your body reacted to any external stimulus.

Types of stress

In some cases, the definition of "stress" is used to refer to the stimulus. For example, physical is strongcold or unbearable heat, decrease or increase in atmospheric pressure.

Under chemical stress understand the impact of all sorts of toxic substances.

Mental stress can be both strong negative and positive emotions.

Injuries, viral diseases, muscle strain, is a biological stress.

Depending on the result in psychology distinguish the following types of stress:

Eustress (good stress). For the successful existence of each of us need a certain dose of stress. She is the driving force of our development. This condition can be called "reaction of awakening". It is akin to waking from a dream. In the morning to go to work, you need to get out of bed and Wake up. To achieve the working activity you need a boost, a little shot of adrenaline. This role and perform eustress.

Distresse (harmful stress) that occurs when a critical voltage. It is this state and meets all notions of stress.

The causes of stress

The cause of the stress can be essentially anything that the person touches that irritates him. For example, the external causes can be attributed to anxiety for any reason (job change, death of a relative)

Internal causes of stress include life values and beliefs. It also includes personal self-esteem

Stress and depression can be affected by both women and men about equally. However, each organism has its own characteristics. If you begin to notice signs that speak of stress and strain on the body, it is first necessary to identify their causes. It is quite clear that to eliminate the causes of stress is much easier than its consequences. It is said that "all illnesses from nerves".

Clinical observations have shown that minor stress is not harmful to the body, and even useful. They stimulate man to search out of the current predicament. To depression is not moved in a more severe, protracted condition, each of us must take self-education, development of will power.

Many people used to cope with stress with the help of antidepressants, drugs, alcohol. Why spend time developing their will power, if there is a more simple way? They don't think about the fact that there might be a dependency which theywill not be able to cope without professional help.

Treatment and prevention of stress

It is known that there is no better medicine than a good night's sleep. So it's worth thinking about how you sleep. Here are some guidelines that will help to make your sleep better.

• Very helpful for proper sleep regular exercise. It is advisable to carry them out in the fresh air for a couple of hours before bedtime.

• Before going to bed, take a warm bath, listen to soft quiet music. If possible, combine a bath with listening to music. Try to do it every day.

• To sleep was more sound and healthy, the body needs the hormone melatonin. Its content increases with the reception of vitamins of group b, which are abundant in rice, wheat, barley, sunflower seeds, dried apricots. In the refined products of these vitamins almost there, so try to eat organic foods, preferably high in carbohydrates.

• Your bedroom should not be stuffy, noisy and bright: all this is not conducive to restful sleep.

To help cope with the stress maybe even, calm breathing. Inhale, you should make deep, through the nose. Also need to exhale slowly and through your mouth.

Under stress it is also important to eat right. The food should be light and well absorbed. Eat slowly, small portions. After eating you should get some rest.

There are traditional ways of dealing with stress. A good remedy is chamomile. Broth helps with headaches, insomnia, has a calming effect. Effective relaxing property also have the herb oregano and Clary sage oil. The perfect remedy for exhaustion is Melissa. It is used to relieve tension, anxiety, it can help, even under extreme stress. Teas from lemon balm good for insomnia and depression.

aria Alekseeva Y., physician