
I believe that the best time to quit is right now to do it finally and irrevocably. But, of course, important still is the timing. In our society, Smoking is treated as some simple habit and nothing more. So fun for people who think to smoke – not a great thing. But actually Smoking is your slow death. Cigarettes gradually kill you. And it's not a harmless habit. Nicotine is a drug. And drugs are terrible and very dangerous thing. Being addicted to nicotine is very dangerous and very bad. But to remain addicted to nicotine all his life even worse.

And therefore one of the important aspects concerning the simulator is timing. And it is important to choose an appropriate time.

Any time

To start, try to trace the time when Smoking is in such moments it is very important to you. If, for example, you are a businessman and smoke for trying in this way to relieve stress, it is a good time to quit Smoking, there will be time variable calm your business. For example, it can be a vacation that you arrange yourself consistently every year. But if you smoke more when experiencing feelings of boredom, then you should choose the time when, on the contrary, you always will be busy. But in any case, you should take this very seriously. Remember that this is the most important decision in your life, and it requires a serious approach to business.

Your future

Try to imagine all the moments of their future over the next three weeks. Consider everything to the smallest detail. And if you have planned a wedding reception or Christmas, it must not deter you.

Because you've presented them long before their beginning, but because they will not be an obstacle. And you won't feel deprived or overwhelmed. Do not need in these moments to reduce their consumption of cigarettes. It will not lead to the result. You begin to yearn for a cigarette. And get so that you want to just increase your intake of this stuff and poison.

Terrible taste the last cigarette

When you smoke your last cigarette, pay more attention to how horrible her taste and smell. And imagine what joy ahead of you that you will never need to again feel those terrible feelings.

No matter how turned your fate, in any case, do not tell yourself that you will quit next time. No matter what, be confident in your decision. And do not turn ever back.

Develop your own schedule of what and when are you going to do, but then stay with your plan and don't give up! Know thatwhat are you not refusing anything you're not depriving yourself. You simply help yourself to live a happy life and more to depend on.

Impact on your brain

For many years I claimed to know about Smoking everything. And the worst problem of dependence on Smoking is that people smoke in order to ease their cravings for cigarettes due to chemical dependency. But he continues to smoke merely because addicted to cigarettes at the subconscious level. It's all in the effects on the brain of the smoker. He himself created himself these thoughts and is now suffering from them. And not from chemical dependency.

Even smart people can fall into the trap. But most smokers are not stupid, they just consider themselves as such. And how in the world of smokers, so many different thoughts that protect the Smoking. So it seems that there are several types of dependencies, and the situation is much worse than it really is. But it's not. Excuses and thoughts on why people smoke, always alone, just a different formulation of these excuses.

My experience

Based on the experience of years of correspondence and meetings with smokers that I have accumulated since the first publication of this book, and remembering that just learning something new about Smoking every day, I was pleasantly surprised, realizing that philosophy, which I proposed to discuss in the first edition still works.

But the experience that I gained in subsequent years, for the fact that I began to understand how to transfer their knowledge to other people. And my own experience that any smoker can understand how simply to quit Smoking, but still get pleasant emotions, joy of life. All this knowledge would mean nothing if I couldn't share them with other people who also suffer as I did.

Understanding the first sentence

Many smokers have told me that I wrote nothing on the first pages of his book a warning that unless one fully read the entire book, he should not quit. As a result of this is that a smoker or do not finish a book, or read it to the end in a few years.

Yes, quite a logical observation. But understand, if I said at the beginning of the book that you need to quit Smoking immediately, this book no one would not even take to read.

When I first started working in this area, I met a smoker with whom I consulted. He once said that he is not nice to ask me for help, as he is a man of very strong-willed.

And in any other area he is not experiencing any difficulties in achieving its objectives.

Butwhy did the other smokers can deal with their addiction using willpower, and he's not? And he has to contact me for help. He also added that maybe he could deal with this problem, if only in that, how to throw, it would be possible to smoke.

These words are rather contradictory, but I understand what he was talking about. It seems to us that quitting Smoking is almost impossible. What we need, when we have a very complex case? It's our little "support"– cigarette.

Double blow

And so to quit – it's just a double blow below the belt. Because and so we need to make a very complicated matter, because we still lose what we just need in this situation is support.

After this man left, it was still a lot of time, I realized that all the beauty of my method lies in the fact that you can smoke at a time when already struggle with his habit.

First you dispersed in your head all the doubts and fears which so long pursued. You prepare yourself for this major step in your life. And then when you're ready, you put out your last cigarette and become happy that are no longer a smoker.

And the only moment when I began to doubt his initial advice to quit was after I read the book, is the moment of creation of this Chapter. I devoted it to the right time and above advised you to choose the time so that if you are very busy and this is the moment when you are a smoker, then quit Smoking when you're free. Conversely, if you constantly smoke when free throw when you're constantly busy with different cases. In General, the main thing is to choose the opposite time of time when you constantly smoke.

Difficult time

But in fact, it will not be then the most easy way. The way will be easy, if you choose the time, when I consider it the most difficult.

It may be stressful situation, the moment of loneliness and boredom, or any other time when you needed a cigarette like never before. And if you can cope with this situation, quit Smoking at this point, but still can get at this time, the joy of past moments, then all other situations will seem a Paradise. And already there is no stressful situation can't get you out of yourself, because you were the most difficult.

But if in the beginning, I would give you a detailed instruction of what to do, would you at least something made in an attempt to quit Smoking?

The analogy of this version

Let's try to understand this by analogy. My wife and I want to swim in the pool. And although we're in onei tozhe vremya tuda, my pochti nikogda ne plavaem vmeste. potomu chto ona snachala opuskaet palcy nog v vodu i zhdet, poka vse telo privyknet k vode, i tolko spustya polchasa zalazaet polnostu v vodu i nachinaet plavat. ya zhe znau, chto ne vyderzhu etoj muchitelnoj pytki takoe kolichestvo vremeni, i poetomu srazu celikom pogruzhaus v vodu. k tomu zhe ya s samogo nachala znau, chto, nesmotrya na temperaturu vody v bassejne, ya vse ravno budu tam plavat. i potomu ya reshil privykat k vode samym legkim sposobom – ya prygau v vodu srazu.

a chto esli by ya stal nastaivat na tom, chto esli ona ne nyrnet v vodu polnostu, to ne smozhet plavat voobshe. absolutno uveren, chto ona by voobshe ne zahotela plavat. teper vy ponimaete, v chem vsya problema?

otzyvy chitatelej

po tem otzyvam, kotorye poluchau ot kurilshikov o svoej knige, ya znau, chto bolshinstvo kurilshikov delali imenno tak, kak ya sovetoval v nachale etoj glavy: otlozhit samyj strashnyj, po ih mneniu, den. dalshe mne prishlo v golovu ispolzovat tu zhe metodiku, kotoruu ya primenil v glave, posvyashennoj preimushestvam kureniya. ya napisal by chto-nibud vrode: «vybor vremeni ochen vazhen, i v sleduushej glave ya dam vam sovet, kakoe vremya mozhno schitat samym podhodyashim i kogda vam sleduet predprinyat popytku brosit kurit».

kogda vy perevernete stranicu, to tam bolshimi bukvami budet napisano: «pryamo sejchas».

eto luchshij sovet, no razve vy primete ego vo vnimanie?


problema borby s kureniem zakluchaetsya v tom, chto kogda vy nahodites v stressovoj situacii, to eto sovsem ne podhodyashee dlya vas vremya, chtoby brosit kurit. a kogda stressa net – to i zhelaniya brosit kurit uzhe tozhe net. togda sprosite u sebya:

kogda vy zakurili svou samuu pervuu sigaretu, neuzheli uzhe togda vy reshili dlya sebya, chto otnyne budete kurit kazhdyj den, kazhdyj chas, vsu svou ostavshuusya zhizn, bez vozmozhnosti brosit? estestvenno, net!

i vy sobiraetes kurit vse eti dni, chasy, vsu ostavshuusya zhizn, i ne imet pri etom nikakoj vozmozhnosti brosit?

estestvenno, net!

tak kogda zhe vy perestanete kurit? poslezavtra? v sleduushem mesyace? a mozhet byt v sleduushem godu?

ne obmanyvajte sebya

no razve ne eti voprosy vy postoyanno sebe zadaete s teh por, kak ponyali, chto stali, zavisimy ot kureniya? neuzheli vy pravda dumaete, chto kogda-nibud, v odno prekrasnoe utro, vy prosto prosnetes i bolshe nikogda ne zahotite kurit? ne stoit sebya obmanyvat! ya tozhe mechtal ob etom na protyazhenii tridcati treh let, poka kuril.

kogda vy popali v zavisimost ot narkotikov, kazhdyj den vy tolko uglublyaetes v vashu zavisimost, a ne naoborot. neuzheli vy dumaete, chto zavtra chto-to izmenitsya i vam budet legche? ne nuzhno sebe vrat. esli vy ne mozhete eto sdelat segodnya, to chto mozhetzastavit vas dumat po-drugomu zavtra?  ili vy hotite podozhdat, poka nakonec-to ne zaboleete, i eta bolezn budet smertelnoj? no eto ne imeet smysla…

otsutstvie stressov

samaya bolshaya problema v tom, chto vy dumaete, chto zavtra sdelat eto budet legche, chem vchera.

my schitaem, chto vedem kazhdyj den napryazhennuu zhizn. no na samom dele my uzhe davno perezhili to vremya, kogda byli postoyannye stressy. teper, kogda vy vyhodite iz svoego doma, to uzhe ne boites napadeniya na vas dikih zverej. mnogie iz nas uzhe ne dumaut, kak by prokormit sebya i zavtra, ili gde najti sebe zhile na sleduushuu noch. podumajte o tom, kak slozhno zhit dikomu zhivotnomu. kogda zayac vylezaet iz svoej norki, on riskuet. takzhe riskuut i soldaty, nahodyashiesya na minnom pole. no zajcu udaetsya spravitsya s etoj problemoj. a pravda v tom, chto samoe tyazheloe vremya dlya cheloveka – eto ego detstvo i unost. tri milliarda let estestvennogo otbora podgotovili nas k tomu, chtoby spravlyatsya so stressom.

moe trudnoe detstvo

kogda mne bylo pyat let, nachalas vojna. nash dom podvergsya bombezhke, i ya byl razluchen so svoimi roditelyami na dva goda. ya zhil togda u ludej, kotorye ploho ko mne otnosilis. eto byl ochen slozhnyj period moej zhizni, no ya spravilsya s nim togda. ya ne schitau, chto etot period vremeni ostavil v moem serdce rany, no on sdelal menya tolko silnee. i oglyadyvayas na svou zhizn, ya mogu skazat, chto u menya byla tolko odna problema, s kotoroj ya ne smog spravitsya – eto zavisimost ot tabaka.

bessmyslennaya zhizn

nekotoroe vremya nazad, ya schital, chto moya zhizn konchena, i byl na grani samoubijstva. ne v tom smysle, chto ya byl gotov brositsya s kryshi, a v tom, chto ya znal, chto skoro umru ot togo, chto tak mnogo kuru. ya schital, chto teper prodolzhenie zhizni bez samoj bolshoj podderzhki – sigarety – prosto bessmyslenno. togda ya ne ponimal, chto kogda chelovek nahoditsya v sostoyanii ugneteniya, kak umstvennogo, tak i fizicheskogo, to vse vokrug kazhetsya emu beznadezhnym i eshe bolshe ugnetaet ego. no sejchas ya snova chuvstvuu sebya, budto zanovo rodivshimsya, a izmenilos v moej zhizni tolko odno – ya izbavilsya ot rabskoj zavisimosti i stal svobodnym chelovekom.

otvetstvennost i stress

ya ponimau, chto slova «esli u vas net zdorovya – u vas net nichego» – tolko literaturnoe vyrazhenie, no ono spravedlivo i pravdivo. bylo vremya, kogda ya schital lubitelej fitnesa prosto strannymi i pustymi ludmi. ved est veshi namnogo priyatnee, chem oshushenie bodrosti, naprimer tabak i alkogol.

no vse eto nepravda. esli vy chuvstvuete sebya horosho i moralno, i fizicheski, to sposobny spravitsya s lubymi stressovymi situaciyami i naslazhdatsya zhiznu. my putaem otvetstvennost i stress. otvetstvennost nachinaet soprovozhdatsya stressom lish togda, kogda vydon't feel strong enough to carry it.

The other side

Let's look at the situation from the other side. You just decided that it was not going to be permanent depending upon the rest of his days. Because at some point in life you still have to go through this, no matter whether it's easy or difficult. Smoking is not just bad, it's not a regular habit. Smoking is to be dependent on drug – nicotine. We have already decided that the thoughts that to quit Smoking will be easier than today – it's not true, because the more time passes, the more difficult you all.

Smoking as a disease

Smoking is a disease. And when we are talking about a complicated disease, which every day increases in our interest to quickly begin to treat this disease as soon as possible.

Consider how fast our life goes. The most important thing. And how cool would it be to enjoy this life without pomrachnee her thoughts on the fact that you constantly have feelings of guilt and fear.

But if you follow all my instructions, you will not need to wait five days. When you put out your last cigarette, you will realize that now you're not just Smoking, you will feel finally really happy man!

Don't expect miracles

To cope with this problem – so do not wait when the moment of truth, and to understand that cigarettes don't really play any role in your life immediately after you smoke your last cigarette. You have already blocked the access of nicotine to your body, and now nothing in the world can make you start Smoking again. Because now you just do not need it. And nothing can stop you to be a free man. If only you yourself will not suffer and wait for a miracle. You just need to go out and enjoy life, then miracle will come to you at the same time.


Remember that you are throwing live or anything in my life refused. On the contrary: you have healed myself from a terrible disease and managed to escape from the scary prison. Over time your health, physical and mental, will be better, and life highs will seem higher, and the lows are less painful than when you were a smoker.

And when you never came the thought of the cigarette in the coming days, subsequent life, think:"Hurrah! I'm a nonsmoker!".

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