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"The impact of the subconscious" and "dormant partner"

Why do we still begin to smoke?

The answer to this question we receive, if we refer to our subconscious mind, or the so-called "dormant partner". We all consider ourselves to be independent individuals, able to soberly assess the situation. In fact, in our society there is a certain pattern of behavior, which we are trying to match. And this applies to everything that surrounds us, be it clothes, houses or any other belongings. The subconscious mind makes our life a lot of rules and laws. Millions of people may be mistaken about this or that belief, even in the simplest things. People always thought the earth was flat, but after the discoveries of Columbus can safely assume that it is round. It would be possible to talk endlessly about the fact that the earth is not flat, but hardly anyone believed it would. But on the other hand, we believe that, even though traveled the entire globe, would not be able to see this themselves, as they would move in the plane.

The impact of advertising on the subconscious

Today is a very good effect on our subconscious. Huge billboards that we see everywhere, which inevitably affect us. And this is not a vain publicity stunt cigarette manufacturers. Imagine yourself when on the street the sun shines brightly, so that it seems as if even the asphalt melted from the heat, you'll want to drink mineral water, little to satisfy his thirst, and the person walking beside you will tell you that doesn't like mineral water. What if instead of the usual phrase "I want mineral water"to try to say:"Ah, would now enjoy a cold refreshing mineral water, after it feel like immersed in sea water in hot summer day."The effect will be quite different. And even a person who does not like mineral water, want to take a SIP.

From the very beginning of our lives our subconscious always acts different kind of advertising, trying to convince us that cigarettes is an important part of our lives. They give us elegance, charm, mystery and a certain completeness to our way. And it is not an exaggeration. In many movies we have seen that before his death, the people asked for one last request – a cigarette. Thus, our subconscious mind has formed the view that cigarette is the most important thing in life and existence without it is impossible. The impact of this scene is not fixed our minds, but"dormant partner"enough time to absorb it into himself. Thus, we are trying to convey that the cigarette is all we need in life, and it should strive always and in every situation. When we are bad, only a cigarette can help us and before death is the only thing that will bring us peace and happiness. You think that now alldifferent. No, not at all. Advertising still affects the subconscious mind of our children when they watch TV, read magazines.

We can say that today the advertising of cigarettes on television is prohibited, but at a time when most people are in front of their television screens, we can observe how in another famous film, the main character slowly smokes a cigar while enjoying a game of Billiards. From this we can conclude. What we want to show that the cigarette is a reliable companion and a reliable assistant in difficult situations. And pleasant moments of our lives it gives us more relaxation and enjoyment. Nowadays advertising has become so perfect, and the imagination and intelligence of its creators can only envy and admire. In whatever situation a person was not, whether a collision with an iceberg on the ship in the vast expanses of the Arctic ocean or somewhere on the beach in the warm sand, reveal a beautiful scene where the hero looks into the distance, his face expresses pleasure and satisfaction and it drags on a cigarette, Recalling the best moments of his life. At this point we do not even think that watching another ad and our"dormant partner"thoroughly digest and assimilate the obvious implication.

At the moment there is another advertising, claiming that Smoking is not just harmful to our health and is the main cause of cancer in humans and other dangerous diseases that can lead to death. But this is stands very little money and hardly it will be able to get to stop Smoking those who have already started or to prevent the emergence in our society of new smokers. People who smoke often say that if they knew about the threat of diseases, which can lead cigarettes, never started Smoking. But unfortunately, knowledge does not always provide a compelling reason to not start Smoking. On every pack of cigarettes you can see the inscription of one read:"Smoking is harmful to your health". But does anyone ever think about those words when, once again took a pack of cigarettes in his hands? Nobody pays these words attention. Such phrases only create confusion in our thoughts. Perhaps the manufacturers of cigarettes to write such phrases on their products and in advertising their product only in order to further attract the shopper's attention exactly to their product. It's hard not to notice the huge letters on the Billboard, calling to refuse Smoking, but the same is said about any brand of cigarettes. Andthen, the anxiety experienced by a smoker when reading this label, it will be associated with a specific pack of cigarettes.

The reasons why people cannot quit Smoking

However, the biggest reason due to which a smoker can not quit Smoking, are his thoughts about the Smoking. Fear that people will not be able to quit Smoking, is a major problem. Because of his fear of the smokers refuse to get rid of their addiction and stubbornly continue to insist that one of their friend could smoke ten packs of cigarettes a day throughout his life never complained of poor health and lived a very long and happy life. But they forget that there are hundreds of other examples when people died at a very early age, and the reason was the addiction to cigarettes, despite the fact that they had not smoked ten packs a day. If you think about who you know smokes, you can find out for yourself that it's the people holding any of certain high positions, has the business, your business. They are constantly busy, are leaders in life. Thus, it is possible to avoid the idea that people who smoke are considered to be quite successful in his Affairs and, allegedly, Smoking gives them confidence, strength, relieves stress and fatigue, giving new strength. And the people we admire are an example for us to follow, and we also want to follow them and start Smoking. Another reason why people may start to smoke is boredom. But as practice shows, the cigarette is not a means by which you can get rid of boredom. There is an opinion that the inhalation of smoke obtained while Smoking, causing more severe harm to our health than the Smoking. And if in a year hundreds of people die from that constantly inhaled smoke from cigarettes. But in fact the number of deaths due to the vapors that contains nicotine, is ten times less than, for example, the number of deaths from heroin.

The most powerful of the drug is nicotine. More than 60 % of people throughout their lives become dependent on nicotine and thus shorten their lives. In addition to car accidents, fires, and other causes of death in our time there is the nicotine that kills fewer people than the above phenomenon. But why heroin addiction for us is something terrible, unthinkable, and nicotine addiction is just a social habit? Nowadays a pack of cigarettes can be considered as a complementary accessory, finish, and certainly not life-threatening. Now it's just a bad habit that can not be considered something terrifying. On the contrary, some believe that Smoking is not fashionable,wrong. And many are aggressive to those who are not fond of cigarettes. Smoking has become a very profitable business and for our government. It annually earns smokers 8 billion pounds, and the tobacco campaign is spent annually only on promoting your goods to 100 million pounds. Try not to fall for the advertising of such goods as cigarettes. "Filter"all information that provides us TV and magazines about Smoking. Don't believe the hype that says that Smoking can help you become stronger, more confident. This is just a publicity stunt, and if you believe in him, you doom yourself to the diseases and ailments that occur because of Smoking habits.

Another opinion

Maybe you should try to look at the pack of cigarettes otherwise? In fact in this bundle, so beautiful and alluring is poison. And those beautiful ashtrays and lighters not even attractive as you might think at first. Ask yourself some questions that will help you to understand everything:"Why am I doing this? Do I need it? OF COURSE NOT!".

The most difficult is to explain to people why they shouldn't smoke and why you need to abandon it. It is almost impossible to give a good explanation man, so he was just thinking about what harms himself.

My story smoker

And the most important fool, who was the hardest part to explain the whole situation, was me. I destroyed their health, every day Smoking dozens of cigarettes, although my father was a heavy smoker. He died from Smoking at a young age, though, before he started Smoking, he had no health problems. Remember, I have seen what a serious problem it gives him the habit of Smoking, and also cigarette didn't bring him any satisfaction. Perfectly clear was the fact that he dies from this poison, but there was nothing I could do. One day he said to his mother: "Never let me smoke".

In early youth, I was very concerned about his health. I was into sports, was confident and full of energy. And if then somebody told me that a hundred cigarettes a day for me will be my norm, I would very much laughed and waved his hand at whoever told me.

However, in forty years I was literally a drug addict, which no day can not live without a portion of nicotine. Cigarettes have become for me the meaning of life, and without them I simply could not. I became like a robot that does everything only with the help of makeup of cigarettes. My every move I was making, Smoking another cigar. No matter what I had to do, whether mounting lights or switching channels on the TV remote, it was only when smoked.

I was fooling myself though and know that Smoking is killing me.At the same time I ceased not every day to smoke a hundred cigarettes a day. The drug has captured not only my body but mind. Now, when I already got rid of this bad habit, it seems to me that it was all just a bad dream. I continued to deceive myself and do not understand this, come up with any excuses just to continue to smoke. Most importantly, it seemed to me that cigarettes make me calmer and more confident. Currently I can't even imagine that could fool myself once.

Nicotine is a drug that can blunt your taste buds and sense of smell. The worst thing about Smoking is that it harms your health and hurts, and the fact that it deforms and destroys your psyche. You are trying to find any justification for their habit of Smoking. One day I wanted to quit, but nothing came out, and I began to smoke a pipe. I sincerely believe that tube will help me to consume less nicotine than regular cigarettes. It was my error and deception, but I continued to believe it. Some of the varieties of pipe tobacco is absolutely not cleaned. At the beginning of their pleasant scent, but Smoking them is simply impossible. I remember that I have approximately three months pick the tip of the tongue. In the bowl of a pipe accumulates a brown sticky liquid. From time to time you accidentally raise the Cup tube to a horizontal position and, before anything understand, swallow a mouthful of that disgusting shit. As a result, you immediately spit it out, and no matter what company you are. I spent three months trying to learn how to smoke a pipe, but what is strange: all this time I never thought, why do I need it? Why do you torture yourself, if it's me causing only harm. Smokers, who have learned to smoke a pipe, becomes, in the end, ardent opponents of Smoking. But some of those who smoke a pipe, say they get a lot of pleasure from this activity. However, why so many suffer, trying to learn to smoke, if they lived without it totally happily.

"Get rid"of Smoking

The answer to this question is very simple. When you get used to Smoking effect on your brain becomes even stronger. It is fear that makes us continue to smoke. As mentioned above, it is fear that tells us that without nicotine we become insecure personalities. What you don't realize it, does not mean that this is not a problem. You do not need to understand any more than a cat understands about where under the floor to pass the pipes with hot water. She knows one thing – if you sit in a certain place, you can warm up. By and large, with deliverance from the area main problem is the impact on the human brain. Itexposure is carried out with the help of us. But also other people around us. These are our friends, relatives.

For all the above thoughts, I used the phrase"quit Smoking". This is another way of influencing the brain. I specifically used those words. Your subconscious mind perceives them from a different angle. Like "stop Smoking"means that you need something to break up that you was expensive and very important. But actually to leave something important to you don't have to. On the contrary, you will get rid of bad habits, which interfere with you to live a normal life. And from now on, in order to eliminate the effects on your subconscious, we will use the word"throw, and the word "DISPOSE". And indeed it is. We will get RID of the poison, a poison that harms us and our health.

Actually, the biggest influence on us have people who already smoke. Looking at them, we feel we're missing something in life, we lose some good chances. We, like they, tend to start Smoking to try out what it is. We're another example. And when a person quit Smoking, looking at other people who smoke, it feels deprived of something. He thinks forever get rid of this bad habit and can now only afford one puff or a cigarette, but in reality it all starts again.

Tobacco addiction is a terrible thing that should be remembered. Once upon a time it was a series about Paul temple, who after the war was a very popular radio program. The plot of one episode was associated with addiction to marijuana, commonly known as "grass". The attackers secret from the smokers were sold cigarettes filled with "grass"that does not cause negative effects. Just the people became dependent and had to continue to buy cigarettes. I was very young when I saw this show. When I first realized that such an addiction. The fear that you can become dependent on any drug for me was a real horror and nightmare. And even today, despite the fact that everyone thinks that"weed"is not addictive, I would never in my life would not have tried under any circumstances. But I just might become a drug addict that is addicted to a certain drug, the name of which is marijuana. However, the fear remained in my subconscious as a child, when I watched this movie helped me not to become addicted to the drug that caused the most addictive. I narrowly escaped a disaster that could ruin my life. Much time has passed, but ironically, people are investing millions to cancer research, butthey spend twice the spreading and advertising of cigarettes to healthy people, and especially underage citizens of our country.

Eventually, we came to the conclusion that it is better to be deprived of something non-human than a smoker who has tried to let in your body of the poison, and become addicted to this useless and very harmful lesson. Let us ask ourselves the question:"What is a man who was able to abandon the the impact of cigarettes on your body?". The answer consists of several words. This man purchased:

- a healthy body and mind;


- he refused from the problem of constantly wasting money;

- peace of mind;

- confidence in yourself and in the future;

- courage;

- respect for yourself;

- happiness;

- freedom.

And what is so keeps a smoker who does not want to get rid of this bad habit? He keeps the illusion that the cigarette brings him peace of mind, enjoyment and confidence in themselves and their actions.

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