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ALT in the blood

What shows ALT in the blood?

Alanine aminotransferase abbreviated as ALT is a specific endogenous enzyme. It is included in the group of transferases, and aminotransferases subgroup. The synthesis of this enzyme is intracellular. The blood receives its limited number. Therefore, when biochemical analysis shows ALT levels are elevated, it indicates the presence of a number of abnormalities in the body and the development of serious diseases. They are often associated with the destruction of the organs, which leads to a sudden ejection of blood enzyme. Causing alanine aminotransferase activity was also enhanced. To establish the extent of necrosis and the degree of lesion tissue disease based on this difficult, as the enzyme not typical of organ specificity.

Alanine aminotransferase is found in many human organs: kidney, heart muscle, liver, and even skeletal muscle. The main function of the enzyme is in the metabolism of amino acids. It acts as a catalyst for reversibly transfers the amino acid from alanine to alpha-Ketoglutarate. As a result of the transfer of an amino group is obtained glutamic and pyruvic acid. Alanine in the tissues of the human body is necessary, as is an amino acid that can quickly turn into glucose. It is thus possible to obtain energy for the brain and Central nervous system. In addition, among the important functions of alanine strengthens the immune system of the body, production of lymphocytes, the regulation of the metabolism of acids and sugars.

The highest alanine aminotransferase activity was detected in the blood serum in men. In women, the processes involving the enzyme are slower. The highest concentration observed in the kidney and liver, followed by skeletal muscle, spleen, pancreas, erythrocytes, lungs, heart.

What is the analysis?

The greatest number of transferase found in the liver. This observation is used to detect diseases of the body that have no external symptoms . ALT unlike many of the other components considered in the biochemical analysis of blood examined more fully. Therefore, it is possible to identify even minor problems in the body. In some cases, ALT is mapped to the volume of other elements in the blood. This allows us to make conclusions about the presence of pathologies.

For example, often used such an enzyme is aspartate transaminase or AST. It is also synthesized intracellularly and in the blood is its limited number. Deviation from established medical standardsthe content of aspartate aminotransferase, as in the case of alaninaminotransferase, the manifestation of deviations in the work of certain bodies. The most complete picture of the nature of the pathology allows to obtain the correlation of the contained amounts of both enzymes. If there is excess amount of alanine aminotransferase aspartate aminotransferase above, it indicates the destruction of liver cells. The AST level rises sharply in the later stages of disorders such as cirrhosis. When the level of aspartate aminotransferase greater than the content of alanine aminotransferase, there are problems with the cardiac muscle.

To confirm the disease and the degree of organ damage provide additional ongoing diagnostic methods. However, ALT is an accurate indicator, in some cases, it is possible to install even the stage of the disease and to suggest possible options for its development.

When assigned to the analysis on the ALT?

The volume of the contents of alanine aminotransferase determined in the framework of the common biochemical analysis of blood. Often assigned only one type of survey when there is no need to use additional methods. They are provided with the analysis of ALT. This is due to the selective tissue specialization, which has the enzyme.

Amount of alanine aminotransferase in the liver helps to identify them even before the most characteristic symptom is jaundice. Therefore, the analysis of ALT, the doctor will prescribe most often to test the presence of damage to this important organ as a result of taking medications or any other substances that are toxic to the body. Also a study is carried out for suspected hepatitis. Analysis of ALT is mandatory in the presence of symptoms such as fatigue and weakness of the patient. He loses appetite, often feels sick, resulting in vomiting. Yellow spots on the skin, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, light stool and dark urine can all be a sign of liver disease. In such cases definitely require this analysis.

ALT may be mapped to AST for more information about the causes of liver damage. This is done if the quantity of enzyme much higher than normal. The ratio of AST to ALT is known in medicine as the de Ritis coefficient. Its normal value ranges from 0.91 to 1.75 in. If this parameter becomes greater than 2, we diagnosed the lesion of the heart muscle occurring with the destruction of kardiomiotsitov. Possiblealso Myocardial infarction. The de Ritis coefficient not exceeding 1, evidence of liver disease. And the lower is the index value, the greater the risk of adverse outcome.

Analysis of ALT may be used not only as a method of diagnosis but also during treatment. This allows to determine the dynamics of the disease and to identify improvement or deterioration of patient's condition. Analysis of ALT is necessary if there are factors contributing to liver disease. These include the abuse of alcohol or drugs that destroy the cells of the body. In excess of the normal amount of alanine aminotransferase in the blood are assigned to other drugs. Be sure to check the number of ALT if the patient had contact with patients with hepatitis or he recently moved him, has diabetes and excess weight. Some people have a predisposition to liver disease. It also shows the analysis on the ALT.

It is either venous or capillary blood. To obtain reliable results, it is necessary to observe some requirements. First, do not eat for 12 hours before delivery and for a week not to drink alcohol. Even a small amount of food could significantly affect the result. Secondly, for half an hour before analysis to stop Smoking, not to worry, to avoid moral and physical overload. Results are usually ready the next day after delivery.

The norm of ALT in the blood of men and women

Alanine aminotransferase (ALT or Alat) - a marker enzymes for the liver.

Aspartate aminotransferase (AST, or AST) - a marker enzymes for myocardial.

The amount of content of the enzyme alanine aminotransferase in the blood is measured in units per liter.

ALT (Alat)

ALT in children varies depending on age:

  • Newborns to 5 days: ALT must not exceed 49 U/l (AST 149 U/l.)

  • For children up to six months, this rate is higher – 56 U/L.
  • In age from six months to a year the amount of ALT in the blood can reach 54 U/l
  • From one to three years – 33 U/l, but gradually the normal amount of the enzyme in the blood is reduced
  • In children from 3 to 6 years its upper border is 29 U/l.
  • In 12 years the contents of alanine aminotransferase should be less than 39 U/l

Children are allowed small deviations from the norm. This is due to uneven growth. Over timethe amount of enzyme in the blood should stabilize closer to normal.

ALT (Alt) in adults


The norm for men

The norm for women

In mmol/l

ALT (Alat)

up to 45 U/l (0,5 – 2 mmol)

to 34 IU/l (0,5 – 1,5 mmol)

28 – 190 mmol/l (0,12-0,88)


to 41 U/l

up to 31 U/l

28 – 125 mmol/l (0,18-0,78)

The increased enzymes

The increased enzymes

In what diseases increased AST and ALT?

  • Easy – to 1.5-5 times;
  • Average – 6-10 times;
  • High – 10 times higher.
  • Myocardial infarction (more than AST);
  • Acute viral hepatitis (ALT more);
  • Toxic liver damage;
  • Malignant tumors and metastases in the liver;
  • The destruction of skeletal muscle (compartment syndrome)

But the results of the analysis of ALT are often far from the established norms. Associated it can be not only with the presence of inflammatory processes in the body, but also with other factors. The high content of alanine aminotransferase can be caused by taking aspirin, warfarin, paracetamol and oral contraceptives in women. So the doctor needs to know about the use of such drugs before testing on ALT. A similar effect of drugs on the basis of Valerian and Echinacea. Inaccurate results can be caused by increased physical activity or intramuscular injection.

ALT is elevated in blood

Amount of alanine aminotransferase in the blood is considered elevated if it exceeds the established norm, especially in the dozens, and in some cases hundreds of times. Depending on this, determines the presence of the disease. When increase in ALT levels 5 times to diagnose myocardial infarction, if it reaches 10-15 times you can talk about the deterioration of the patient after an attack. The value of de Ritis coefficient also changes in a big way.

Hepatitis provokes an increase of ALT in the blood is 20 to 50 times, muscular dystrophy, and dermatomyositis – 8. About gangrene, acute pancreatitis says the upper limit figure 3-5.

Perhaps not only the increase in the content of alanine aminotransferase in the blood. Its too low quantity due to lack of body B6, which is part of this enzyme, or complex inflammatory processes in the liver.

As evidenced by the increased ALT?

The increased ALT indicates the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body. They can be caused by the following diseases:

  • Hepatitis. It is an inflammatory disease of the liver can be presented in several forms. For chronic or viral hepatitis exceeding the level of alanine aminotransferase in the blood slightly. In the hepatitis A analysis of ALT gives the opportunity to identify infection. The amount of enzyme in the blood increases, for a week before popping the first symptoms of the disease in the form of jaundice. Viral or alcoholic hepatitis is accompanied by a pronounced increase in ALT levels.
  • Cancer of the liver. This malignant tumor often occurs in patients with hepatitis. Analysis of ALT in this case, it is necessary to diagnose the disease and for decision making about operational decision. When the level of alanine aminotransferase is significantly higher than normal, surgical intervention may be impossible, as there is a risk of occurrence of various complications.
  • Pancreatitis. About the presence of this disease also says the level of ALT. It an increased amount of evidence of aggravation of pancreatitis. Analysis of ALT patients with this diagnosis will have to periodically throughout life. This will help to avoid attacks of the disease and to monitor treatment progress.
  • Myocarditis. It manifests itself in lesions of the heart muscle. The main symptoms is shortness of breath, fatigue and the patient's ALT levels are elevated in the blood. For the diagnosis of this disease is determined by the level of AST, and then calculatedthe de Ritis coefficient.
  • Cirrhosis. This disease is dangerous because for a long time may not have pronounced symptoms. Patients quickly get tired, feel tired. Rarely have pain in the liver area. In this case, to determine cirrhosis is possible for higher content of ALT in the blood. The amount of enzyme in the blood may exceed the norm by 5 times.
  • Myocardial Infarction. The disease is a consequence of the disruption of blood flow, resulting in tissue necrosis of the cardiac muscle. In case of uncomplicated infarction the level of ALT increased slightly compared to the AST, however, can be used to determine the attack.

The reasons for the increase of ALT

  • Administration of various medicinal or herbal medicines – barbiturates, statins, antibiotics;
  • frequent consumption of fast food before testing for ALT;
  • muscle damage;
  • alcohol use in less than a week before blood collection;
  • failure to comply with the basic rules of delivery of the analysis, including sterility of the procedure;
  • increased emotional or physical stress;
  • conduct analysis just before the catheterization of the heart muscle or other surgical intervention;
  • steatosis – a disease which manifests itself in the accumulation of fat cells in the liver, is most often found in people with excess weight;

  • necrosis malignant tumors;
  • chemotherapy;
  • the intake of narcotic substances;
  • lead poisoning of the body;
  • the psychological shock;
  • mononucleosis is an infectious disease that is manifested in changes in blood composition, damage to the liver and spleen;
  • hepatitis.
  • ALT is elevated in pregnancy

    In women, the number is limited alanine aminotransferase 31 U/L. However, in the first trimester of pregnancy, a slight excess of this value. It is not considered a deviation and is not evidence of the development of any disease. In General, the level of ALT and AST during pregnancy should be stable.

    A small increase in the number of enzymes of this group are observed with gestosis. They then have a light or medium weight. Preeclampsia is a complication, which happens in late pregnancy. Women experience weakness, dizziness andnausea. They have increased blood pressure. The greater the deviation of ALT from the norm, the more severe the preeclampsia. It is the result of too much load on the liver, with which she cannot cope.

    How to lower ALT levels in blood?

    To reduce the content of alanine aminotransferase in the blood is possible, eliminating the cause of the phenomenon. As the most common factor in increasing ALT levels be diseases of the liver, heart, start with their treatment. After the course of treatments and medication re-done biochemical analysis of blood. With proper treatment, the ALT levels should be OK.

    Sometimes it is lower, use of special drugs, such as geritol, Heptral, duphalac. They should appoint a doctor, and the reception is under his supervision. Most drugs have contraindications that should be considered before starting treatment. However, such tools do not eliminate the main reasons for the increase in ALT. Some time after taking drugs enzyme levels may again change. It is therefore necessary to consult a qualified specialist who will diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.