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Total protein in the blood

The definition and clinical significance

Total protein of blood is one of the indicators of amino acid metabolism in the body, characterizing the concentration of protein molecules of all types and fractions in plasma. We can say that the figure of the products of protein metabolism is mirrored by the recovery ability of the body. Because proteins play the role of a frame or plastic material, which hold all other elements in the cells and tissues. If this substrate is sufficient, any body or system remains full, both structurally and functionally.

All of the protein the human body is represented by more than a hundred different subspecies. These proteins consist only of amino acid set, and can contain various compounds of proteins of different molecular weight with other products of metabolism (lipids, carbohydrates, electrolytes in the form of glycoproteins, lipoproteins, and hemoglobin, etc.) Their metabolism, especially the synthesis one way or another occurs in the liver. Therefore, the functional usefulness of this organ is the main regulator of protein metabolism.

Total protein of blood plasma reflect the body's readiness to timely and adequately respond to any emergency disruption of the structure or functioning of all organs and systems. When this globulin fraction characterizes the immunity, fibrinogen – clotting mechanisms, and albumin – all other resilience!

The main components of total protein, determined in the course of biochemical studies, are:

  1. Albumin – low molecular weight proteins, providing all of the plastic needs of the body building material to maintain the structure and synthesis of new cells. Comprise the bulk of total protein;

  2. Globulins – krupnomasshtabnye proteins necessary for the synthesis of antibodies, immunoglobulins and other immune proteins (components of complement, C-reactive protein, inflammatory mediators, the factor of necrosis of tumours, etc.) In the structure of total protein is a little less than half volume;

  3. Fibrinogen – high-molecular protein involved in the final stage of the formation of the platelet clot, and is responsible for the integrity of blood coagulation system. It accounts for the fewest among all components of the total protein.

Normal total protein in the blood

Each of the indicators of biochemical analysis of blood has its own unit of measurement and normative values with which to compare the obtained during research results. In relation to total protein and its fractions common are the normal values:

  1. Depending on the kind of protein fraction:

  2. Total protein




    64 to 84 g/l

    35-55 g/l

    2-4 g/l

    Are determined only when needed and only to factions and types

  3. Norms total protein age index:

Kids first month of life

Children first year of life

Children up to 5 years




47-72 g/l

61-75 g/

58-76 g/l

65-85 g/l

The norm of total protein in women

Special rules the values of total protein for men and women does not exist in connection with a wide spread of the upper and lower limits of normative values. But the women of the total protein can be reduced to 10% compared with those of men the same age group. This can be explained by the high requirements of the female body in the protein, which is consumed in the synthesis of sex hormones. Synthetic properties of the liver is lower for women than men;

The norm of total protein during pregnancy

In pregnant women the fluctuations of total protein subjected to greater spread downward. Normal and quite natural can be considered a reduction of up to 30% compared to the accepted norm.

This can be a natural consequence of:

  • Increase circulating plasma volume due tofluid in the vascular space;
  • Increased needs of the pregnant woman's body in the plastic material for the synthesis of sex and other hormones of the endocrine glands;
  • Requirements plastic material for the growth and development of the fetus.

Pathological variations in total protein of plasma can be presented as rising and lowering. The second option is more common, but it is less specific. Cases of the increase of total protein level are more rare, but typical for a narrow range of diseases!

Causes of increased total protein in the blood

In case of detection of increasing levels of total protein in the biochemical analysis of blood talking about hyperproteinemia.

She can testify:

  • Dehydration of the body due to abnormal fluid loss or redistribution between vascular space and the tissues in the intoxications, infections and septic conditions;
  • Enhanced antibody synthesis in the formation of immunity after vaccination or infection. As a rule, this increase is not significant;
  • Multiple myeloma. Such cases of hyperproteinemia presented a pronounced increase in protein level due to pathological proteins (protein Bence-Jones);
  • DIC with hypercoagulability in the background of the various intoxications and critical States.

Causes of low total protein in blood

The decrease in the level of total blood protein called hypoproteinemia. Its presence may indicate the following conditions:

  • Pathology of the liver, accompanied by hepatocellular failure: viral and toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Alimentary protein insufficiency due to malnutrition and exhaustion in severe diseases;
  • Enhanced loss of protein in the urine in decompensated renal pathology and proteinuria;
  • The complications of diabetes;

  • Chronic severe anemia and massive bleeding;

  • Diseases of the stomach and intestines with malabsorption of nutrients;
  • Enzymatic and secretory insufficiency of pancreas at a chronic pancreatitis;

  • HIV and other immune deficiencies;

  • Endocrine pathology in the form of hypothyroidism;

  • The progression of cancer and their metastasis.

The decrease in the level of protein is always an alarm indicating the expressed pathological changes. The human body is in this state, it becomes defenceless against any harmful factors of the environment and not capable of independent recovery!