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Properties and uses of pollen

What is pollen?

Pollen is the male element in the reproduction of plants. This is natural, high quality, nutritious, concentrated, and most importantly – a biologically active food product. Miracle substance that produces flowers under the sun, gets to our table with the help of the hardworking bees. Therefore, we can say that pollen acts as a useful food for bees and for people.

The composition of pollen

In floral pollen contains proteins, sugars, fats, mineral salts and almost all vitamins, enzymes, phytohormones, and volatile – natural antibiotics. Thanks to numerous research, it became known that pollen contains 27 metals and nonmetals:

  • Sodium, potassium, titanium, Nickel, vanadium, zirconium, beryllium, zinc, lead, silver, tin, gallium, strontium, barium, magnesium, molybdenum, copper, calcium, iron, manganese, uranium and aluminium;
  • Silicon, boron, chromium, phosphorus and arsenic.

Their relationship is carefully balanced with nature, so the pollen can be used in the treatment of many different diseases. To explain the beneficial properties of pollen may be the fact that the nutrient content of it far exceeds their content in honey. The protein content of pollen varies from 7 to 30%, and it is worth noting that it is several times more than any other food product.

Floral pollen contains 10 amino acids that the human body itself does not produce, but they have to do with food. In nature, pollen is a natural concentrate of amino acids, which gives the opportunity to correct the errors of the current human diet, can increase the rate of recovery of tissue proteins when there is a decrease in the content of animal protein in the diet. Nowadays, many foods refined, and after heat treatment are deprived of the greater part of the important substances, including amino acids. To fill this gap is especially important for the elderly.

Pollen contains many natural carbs combined with a large set of mineral substances and trace elements, so it is an ideal source of energy for the body and does not cause any harm, unlike the consumption of refined sugars.

Also in the pollen contains vitamin P, which, due to their properties, strengthens capillary walls, and increases the strength of the immune system to infections.

It is known that pollen contains a rare biologically active substances:

  • Phospholipids (lecithin);
  • Ethnolinguistically (cephalin);
  • Insectofungicide;
  • Phosphatidylserine

All the above components are part of the semi-permeable membranes of cells in the human body, they are rather selectively regulate the flow of ions, at the same time take an active part in metabolism.

Very high content of phytosterols in the pollen: approximately 0.6—1.6 percent; among them one of the most prominent places is a 3-phytosterol, which acts as an antiatherosclerotic agent, and is an antagonist of cholesterol in the human body (How to reduce cholesterol at home without drugs?).

The composition of pollen is composed of lipids and paraffin carbohydrates such as:

  • Heptacosane;
  • Nonacosane;
  • Triclosan;
  • Pentacosane

Scientists noted that the pollen of all species of plants are carotenoids (from about 0.66 to 212,5 mg per 100 g of dry matter), which are converted in the human body into vitamin A and vitamin C.

Useful properties of pollen

Flower pollen can greatly strengthen the human body and stimulate the process of cell regeneration. Pollen is very good at helping during recovery after a serious illness, surgery, or just for the elderly or weakened. The pollen can also significantly enhance the therapeutic effect of a large number of medicines.

Students or people working in the creative professions pollen is truly necessary, as it contains large amount of amino acids and complex nutrients that contribute to a better mental performance. Those useful components which are part of the pollen, have an impact on the human brain, increasing its capacity, sharpness, and the power of perception.

Also in the pollen contains a large number of hormones. This fact pollen makes it particularly necessary for people with age-related hormonal declines, which are connected with the period of aging, as well as for those who have a pathological disruption of the endocrine glands. There are estrogen substances, which act as anti-inflammatory agent in pathological changes in the prostate.

Pollen contains growth factors, as well as it includes an antibiotic that helps to containdevelopment of various tumors. For anemia pollen increases the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin. For these purposes, the pollen should be consumed 3 times a day before meals for 1 teaspoon, washed down with water, it can also be mixed in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 with honey.

Pollen, as a rule, take as a food product for the enrichment of the diet those substances which in ordinary products that we use, not contains, but they are needed by the body.

Useful properties of pollen used for the following purposes:

  • Improve appetite,
  • The normalization condition of the body when weight loss, diets and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Restore the stable functioning of the nervous system and relieving psychological stress;
  • General improvement in the condition of the body and the successful growth impaired children.
  • The treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases.

The use of pollen

Hypertension. People suffering from hypertension, for reducing the pressure of the pollen should be taken on an empty stomach (for best results), 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts for 3 weeks, then you need to take a break for 2-3 weeks, after which the rate if necessary can be repeated.

Hypotonic condition. Hypotension pollen is recommended to use exactly the same proportions as in hypertension, in a mixture of honey, but always after a meal, and not before, as in hypertension.

Children with anemia. Anemia in children, no matter what it's origin, is used for the treatment of honey, pollen, and milk. More specifically, does the honey (100 g), pollen (20g) and fresh milk (200g), all pounded together carefully. Make this mixture should be 3 times a day before meals for 1 teaspoon. Store the mixture in a well-closed glass containers in a cool, dark place.

Gastritis. Pollen is very useful in gastritis with low acidity of the stomach, as well as chronic disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract. For the treatment of these diseases takes 20g of pollen 75g of freshly squeezed aloe juice and 500g of honey, all the ingredients are mixed in the following order: mashed pollen needs to be mixed with honey and then add fresh aloe juice. Use the mixture to 2-3 times a day, for about 25-30 minutes before meal 1 teaspoon.

In the neuroses. Floralpollen, as mentioned earlier, is able to exert a stimulating effect upon General weakness, and during recovery after severe diseases. In order to obtain this effect, you need Royal jelly (2G), flower pollen (20g) and honey (500g). Preparation is simple: flower pollen (powdered) should be thoroughly mixed with Royal jelly and honey. The mixture is consumed 2-3 times a day before meals for 1 teaspoon. To keep the cure better in a dark glass container with a sealed lid, in a cool place.

How to take pollen?

Pollen, which are separated for reception (about 1 tsp), you must first thoroughly chew so she had a good Smokies saliva and after that swallow. To facilitate the process of receiving pollen it is possible to pour in a glass, pour boiled water (50ml), and leave to infuse for about 2-3 hours, shaking occasionally. To use such a solution requires approximately 30 minutes before a meal. You can also prepare this mixture: mix honey with flower pollen in a 1:1 ratio. It can be consumed 1 teaspoonful, 2-3 times a day.

It is worth Recalling that the pollen is not balanced in composition to the needs of the human body. Therefore it is better to use its designated doses, no more than 50-100 g per day. The use of pollen in quantities exceeding these doses, nutrients will not be simply assimilated. It is also necessary to remind that storing pollen at home in cool, dry place.

For adults, the standard dose of pollen a day smooth 1-2 teaspoons without top (this is for average weight women), and 2-3 teaspoons for men. If there are increased physical activity, or there is a period of treatment, the dose of pollen can be doubled or even tripled.

Pollen can begin to give children only from the age of 6 months, the dose for these kids – quarter 1 coffee spoon, and it is better to mix it with food. Children aged 12 years and older pollen can give half 1 coffee spoon per day.

Contraindications pollen

In the use of pollen inside allergic reactions occur very rarely. Typically, these reactions are related to the fact that pollen contaminated with residues of chitin shells of insects. It's almost the same as an allergic reaction to fake honey mixed with sugar. Allergic reactions to pollen are identified only 1-5% of people, the pollen is contraindicated.

It should be noted that the increasedsensitivity less evident to the pollen and the pollen fermented by bees than in pollen collected from plants. There is an opinion that the addition of nectar and the secretion of the glands of the bees destroys pollen allergens.

If you take pollen mixed with honey allergic reactions that manifest in the form of severe itching of the skin, headache, runny nose, watery eyes and other things. Before you start to use the pollen for medicinal purposes (just as any other bee product), you must spend at least 1 test for allergic reactions.

Despite the fact that pollen is an excellent remedy, thanks to its unique composition, it is necessary to follow the dosage intake. We must remember that excessive use of pollen can cause various adverse reactions, the consequences of which are unpredictable.

You cannot take pollen 19-20 hours later, due to the fact that it has tonic properties and can disrupt normal sleep of a person. At strongly expressed forms of diabetes pollen should not be consumed mixed with honey.