| الموضوع | الناشر ردود (المشاهدات) الطروحات الأخيرة |
| problem saving target Excel file in Trados 2017 | 1 (721) |
| Syncing TMs on two devices | 9 (2,556) |
| Xbench options added in Trados | 2 (1,650) |
| search function in Trados Studio 2019 barely working these days | 5 (1,439) |
| "Browse" and "Save As" buttons NOT visible on import wizard MultiTerm 2019 | 3 (2,160) |
| Is it possible to sell my Trados license? | 11 (9,528) |
| Delaying / pausing auto-propagation | 7 (1,866) |
| Need information on software | 10 (2,402) |
| Trados 2017 Any trick or idea to paste multiple rows of text in the target column? ( 1, 2... 3) | 30 (18,384) |
| SOLVED Dependency file not found | 6 (5,390) |
| Well, what happened to my upgrade? | 2 (1,036) |
| How to restore the Upgrade Translation Memory function in Trados 2022 | 1 (982) |
| What files are used for a preview? | 2 (987) |
| Trados 2019 validation error, cannot generate target, Keyref fails to refer to some key | 10 (3,567) |
| Segment merging greyed | 9 (2,005) |
| Error: "SelectedTab Cannot be Set Before the Pane Has Been Added to a Panes Collection ( 1... 2) | 18 (15,412) |
| eliminating trados sound effects ( 1... 2) | 15 (5,371) |
| Add terms to specific termbases (with keyboard shortcuts) in Trados Studio! | 5 (1,711) |
| SDLXLIFF TOOLKIT Plugin - installed but cannot find the application | 5 (1,819) |
| "Add New Term" grayed out - help needed | 13 (10,193) |
| how to create simple Word billingual file without tags originally from Trados 2014 | 9 (5,120) |
| Studio 2011 SP2R suddenly can't recognise XLS files! ( 1... 2) | 16 (8,990) |
| Incompatibility between SDL Trados and XTM CLoud for some language variants | 7 (1,779) |
| How do I make/propagate the same edits in the multiple files in a Trados project? | 6 (2,165) |
| SDL 2022 download version | 9 (4,360) |
| What are the consequences if I am delayed a few days with paying my SDL PSMA level 2? | 0 (837) |
| Installed latest update, Trados 2021 won’t start, how do I contact support? | 2 (1,347) |
| Could not open file to translate or to edit | 3 (1,178) |
| Trados and DeepL | 8 (3,107) |
| SDL Trados (2021) memory update | 5 (1,830) |
| (Title removed) | 1 (855) |
| export of pdf failed: how to solve | 1 (1,196) |
| Trados Freelance 2022 coming soon ( 1... 2) | 27 (6,617) |
| Number of available languages in Trados 2022 Freelance | 1 (1,158) |
| I don't find my Trados Account as I found it previously. | 2 (1,000) |
| RWS sites Service outage | 0 (797) |
| Trados QuickInfo plug in is not working for me | 0 (781) |
| How do I return a translation in the Trados version ? | 7 (1,923) |
| Segmentation rules in Trados 2022 | 0 (736) |
| Issue with opening a SDL WSXZ file | 10 (2,574) |
| Exporting selected segments from trados for bilingual review | 11 (2,435) |
| Bigger fonts for terms | 7 (1,740) |
| How to detect consecutive white spaces if they are mixed with tags? | 1 (847) |
| Why don't return packages contain new project terms? | 2 (956) |
| How to add an Excel file with term pairs to an existing Multiterm termbase? | 0 (690) |
| Multiterm | 11 (2,270) |
| Quickly add current or all segments as term pairs | 1 (691) |
| How to add a glossary to an existing SDLTB, using Glossary Converter | 13 (3,902) |
| How to lock all repetitions except the first occurence? | 2 (1,177) |
| Not a Trados fanboy ad - just some preliminary positive feedback about the new Manager View (Beta) | 2 (1,018) |