Translation in فرنسا

Freelance translators and translation companies

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Translation in France has long tradition due to the history of the country and of the French language and the crossroads position of France. With globalization and the generalisation of the English language, France has one strength: The Académie française, a language protection institution unique to France.

However, French translators face a lack of regulation of the industry. Nowadays in France, anyone can declare themselves *a professional translator*. The majority remains certified and trained translators (background translators or former specialists who went into translation) - a lot of French universities offer MA-degree courses, and there are 5 professional translations colleges.

The Toubon Act is a French specificity - it aims at protecting the French linguistic heirloom by requiring that legal documents, advertising, products presentations, user manuals, etc. be translated into French. This law guarantess a constant volume of translation work for local translators.

The main translators organization in France is the SFT (Société française des traducteurs). Its members enjoy legal help and consult, and guidance in the French administrative and fiscal jungle.

The French community is active and varied. A lot of powwows, training sessions and conferences take place every year in France. It is actually the record-holder country for conferences, with 3 events 3 years in a row, every year with the same success.

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Translation associations and schools in فرنسا

SchoolUniversité de Strasbourg - Institut de Traducteurs, d’Interprètes et de Relations Internationales
SchoolUniversité du Littoral Côte d'Opale
SchoolUniversité de Toulon
SchoolUniversite de Rennes 1 - Faculte de droit et de science politique
AssociationSociété française des traducteurs
AssociationUnion Nationale des Experts Traducteurs - Interprètes près les Cours d'Appel
SchoolUniversité de Haute Alsace. Faculté des sciences économiques et sociales
SchoolUniversité Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 - UFR 2 Langues et Cultures Étrangères et Régionales
SchoolUniversité de Paris 2 - Panthéon Assas. Institut de Droit Comparé
SchoolUniversité de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

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Upcoming and past events in فرنسا

Powwow فرنسا - Lyon Dec 14
Powwow فرنسا - Strasbourg Oct 1
Powwow فرنسا - Strasbourg Jan 25, 2023
Powwow فرنسا - Paris May 27, 2022
Powwow فرنسا - Virtual powwow Jan 10, 2022
Powwow فرنسا - France Apr 23, 2020
Powwow فرنسا - La Rochelle Jan 25, 2020
Powwow فرنسا - Bordeaux Dec 16, 2019
Powwow فرنسا - Paris Oct 15, 2019
Powwow فرنسا - Strasbourg Sep 30, 2019

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Recent discussions in forums relevant to فرنسا

-Installation informatique idéale
-Que faire pour me faire payer par une agence de traduction avec une adresse fictive en France?
-Studio 2019- Erreur Échec de l'enregistrement du contenu cible : L'index se trouve en dehors des lim
-Conseils concernant l'adhésion à un syndicat ou à une association des traducteurs
-Demande d'informations sur Transparency International
-Date de 0001-01-01 dans mes mémoires de traduction
-Outils de TAO en ligne (pas à télécharger)
-Reconversion traduction scientifique
-Master ILTS à Paris Cité ou l'ESIT ?

More in French

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Translation companies10
Popular outsourcers in فرنسا
Fluido Traduction - Adriana Rojas Ponson
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 37 entries)
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 31 entries)
Bel Ange Translations / Bel Ange Traductions / Belange traductions
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 19 entries)
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 18 entries)
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 17 entries)
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 15 entries)
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 14 entries)
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 13 entries)
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 11 entries)
A2MS Traductions
(Avg. LWA 5 out of 5, 11 entries)

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Featured members in فرنسا
sindy cremer
sindy cremer
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FR>EN and EN>FR specialists
Traductions touristiques en langues européennes
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Translation news in فرنسا