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Treatment of adenovirus infection

Treatment of adenovirus infection folk remedies

Today there are many folk methods of treatment of adenoviral infection, many of them are effective as preventive measures.

Treatment of adenovirus infection aloe, turnips and oats

Recipe 1. To prepare you will need 350 grams honey, two glasses of Cahors, 250 grams the leaves of aloe. The aloe leaves do not wash, only wipe down to remove dust, after which they are finely crushed. Plant pour honey and Cahors, stirred and allowed to infuse for two weeks in a cool dark place, then raw squeeze and strain. Take the drug is recommended three or four times a day a tablespoon.

Recipe 2. Two tablespoons chopped turnip pour one Cup of warm water and put on slow fire for 15 minutes, then infused for one hour and filtered. Take drug 3-4 times a day a quarter Cup, or drink one Cup before bedtime.

Recipe 3. For cooking tools for this recipe will need one Cup of untreated oats, five glasses of boiled milk and honey added to taste. Thoroughly rinsed the oats and pour the milk and after boiling the mixture is boiled for an hour, then strain and mix with honey. The decoction is taken throughout the day in small SIPS.

Treatment of adenovirus infection in a honey mixture, onion, rosemary and anise

Recipe 1. As a traditional medicine for the treatment of adenoviral infection, you can also use a mixture of two egg yolks, two tablespoons butter, teaspoon of flour and two teaspoons of honey. After thorough mixing, the mixture it can be used inside a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.

Recipe 2. 250 grams peeled and finely chopped onion mixed with 25 grams of honey and 200 grams of sugar, pour a liter of warm water and keep on slow fire one hour, then cooled, poured into a dark container, cover it and put in a cold place. Takethe drug is in the form of heat 6-7 times a day on a teaspoon.

Recipe 3. Three tablespoons of rosemary pour 300 ml of white table wine and allow the drug to infuse in a dark cool place for 5-7 days, then filtered. Take means one quarter Cup 2-3 times a day.

Recipe 4. For the preparation of the drug will need seeds of anise, a tablespoon of honey and one pinch of salt. A tablespoon of anise seeds mixed with honey and salt. All this pour a glass of warm water and put on low heat and cook, without boiling, for 30 minutes, strain and squeeze raw materials. The drug is used 3-4 times a day a tablespoon.