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Treatment of erythema folk remedies

Treatment of erythema folk remedies

Treatment of erythema Arnica

Erythema is a serious disease whose treatment should appoint a doctor. But, in addition to taking antibiotics and other medications traditional medicine, there are also folk remedies that can speed up recovery. Refer to these medication Arnica (Baranets). They are particularly effective in the treatment of erythema multiforme. Medicinal drugs can be prepared in two ways.

Method 1. Pre-crushed Arnica flowers at night pour boiling water (200 ml) and insist in a thermos until morning. Morning medication should be filtered through cheesecloth and drink one teaspoon per dose. Per day number of receptions should not be less than five.

Method 2. Prepared from Arnica and healing ointment. You will need to dry the roots of plants and 100 g grind in a mortar to a powder. Then the powder is mixed with fresh pork fat and, stirring occasionally, boil the mixture for three hours on low heat. When the time, remove the medication from heat and cool it. A day affected areas of skin should be lubricated three times.

Treatment of erythema nettle and ointments

Effective external folk remedy for the treatment of knotty erythema is a wrap of lower limbs medicinal herbs. Meadow grasses are harvested every day in the spring and summer and wrap this mixture in the feet. It is also useful at this time to drink fresh juice nettle burning.

It is recommended to do foot bath of a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The duration of this procedure – about 15 minutes. Then you need to wipe dry the legs and lubricate the affected skin with Ichthyol ointment or 10% solution ihtiola. Also suitable tar, corticosteroid ointment or butadiene. From the top of the Shin is wrapped with paper for compresses and wear long warm socks. Carry out the procedure should be for the night. In the morning the ointment wipe a dry sponge. Don't forget that during the treatment of erythema nodosum should be on bed rest, less standing and walking.

Treatment of erythema mistletoe and elderberries

Viscum album is a poisonous plant, but if properly prepared it alcohol tincture, following the dosage, you can cure the erythema. Half a liter of good vodka you will need exactly 10 g dry herb. Preparing the medication for one month. Drink it in the evening before dinner (40 minutes), 30 drops, drinking clean boiled water. In this way treated for one month, after which it should be interrupted for another 30 days.

Similarly prepared, and the tincture on the basis of the red elderberry, but to insist such a remedy should within forty days. Drink it once a day before bedtime. The dosage is calculated depending on the weight. If the weight of the patient to 70 kghe should drink 20 drops of tincture, if 70 or more – 30. Elderberry tincture is recommended to eat a slice of black bread with sunflower oil and grated garlic. The course of treatment is one month, and then make one month break.

Treatment of erythema infusions of herbs and berries

In the treatment of erythema are widely used cholagogue, and the best of them, as you know, – medicinal herbs and berries. Steep cranberries (leaves), Helichrysum, Melissa, mint, birch and yarrow with 1 tablespoon of raw materials to a pint of boiling water. To drink such infusions should be before meals (15 minutes) one third of a Cup.

Among the berries healing properties of black elderberry, hawthorn, rose hips, and red ash. Infusions of the berries is better to brew in a thermos and leave overnight. In a day drink two glasses of medication in the morning and before bedtime.