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Herbs for alcoholism

Information on these herbs from alcoholism are General information and is not a guide to action!

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Ivan tea (koporsky tea) from alcoholism

Many people know what Indian tea, Chinese tea, but few know that there are also Russian tea or Koporye tea, aka fireweed. This traditional drink has a very long history, which originates in the 12th century, and was once world famous.

Hard to believe, but Russian tea or Koporye tea is manufactured in very large quantities and was very popular all over the world, especially in England. References to the Russian tea found in the British Encyclopedia, records from the 18th century. It was exported to many countries, and in terms of sales ahead of hemp, gold and furs. After the outbreak of the First world war, the tea was discontinued and, after the revolution, the production was discontinued altogether.

The tea's popularity determines its composition. Ivan-tea is a medicinal plant that has long been known for its beneficial properties. Ivan-tea is included in the leaders in content of vitamin C and vitamin P, increases immunity, strengthens blood vessels, removes toxins and heavy metals. Another useful property of Ivan-tea is its ability to help with various intoxications and poisonings, radiation damage. It perfectly cleanses the body, including by alcohol poisoning. Koporye tea increases stamina.

Ivan-tea or Koporye tea is useful in endocrine disorders, and in inflammatory processes in the body. Another special feature of Russian tea is its ability to increase potency, to help in the treatment of BPH and prostatitis.

Ivan-tea alcohol recipe. To reduce the craving for alcohol and relieve a hangover Ivan-tea must be mixed with thyme in a ratio of 5:1 and brewing. Drink with honey for emergence of craving for alcohol. During the day you should drink 5-7 cups of tea.

Americna water (puppeteer grass) from alcoholism

The hellebore Lobel is known under the name the Dollmaker (grass). In the nature of a perennial plant can reach over a meter in height. He laid a lot of useful properties, includingquite significant:

  • analgesic,
  • antiparasitic,
  • antimycotic.

This is a very poisonous plant! The large amount of poison in its root and in the roots, so do not try to prepare it yourself!

Americna water – known medical cure. Acquire it without providing prescriptions at almost any pharmacy. In 100 ml of water 50 ml contains tinctures created on roots and rhizomes of hellebore, plus 50 ml of purified water. This tool is today used in folk medicine, and its main objective is to fight parasites in the human body.

Due to its composition this water worsens the condition of a drunk. On the one hand, the toxins and poisonous substances. On the other – a feeling I do not want to experience once again. Thus, alcoholics have created a negative attitude to alcohol. It more does not bring former satisfaction, and the alcoholic begins to experience a bad feeling, drinking only vodka without the addition of the drug. Still appear symptoms, such as:

  • severe nausea,
  • bouts of vomiting,

  • liquid stool,
  • heart failure in the acute form,
  • strong spasms,
  • increased muscle tone,
  • sneezing,
  • weakness with trembling.

European wild ginger from alcoholism

Kopitnik European has many advantages. This is an unusual plant with green leaves, with a mirror shiny surface. In the medicinal properties of the rhizome and also roots themselves. To treat alcoholism, they are collected when comes the second half of the summer or in the fall. It is advisable to use fresh components. Dry the slices in a room that is well ventilated.

Should definitely consult a doctor!

Recipe 1: one tablespoon of root, finely chopped, pour a glass of boiling water. It should insist in a pot with a tight lid. After 3-4 hours you can use the liquid. Its pre-filter. Then the patient should drink it with vodka. In the glass it is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon, maybe two tablespoons for the whole bottle, stirred right into it. Because of the infusion is called vomiting. Any adverse effects – similar to those that cause regular vomitingfunds.

Recipe 2. Famous recipe when plant roots are mixed with 2 teaspoons of the pericarp and the famous walnut. This mixture, take 1 teaspoon and pour 4 liters of wine. Cooking time - 2 weeks. Serving is 1 Cup, 1-2 times a day, before meals. The condition becomes much worse, the patient is forced to give up drinking alcohol.

Side effects. Contraindicated use without knowledge of the exact formulation and supervision. In case of overdose, significant violations in the work of the kidneys, gall bladder, liver and stomach.

The root of lovage from alcoholism

The root of lovage is used since ancient times. It is a known remedy in herbal medicine and folk medicine. Doctors know him as a good remedy for obesity, heart problems. In the folk medicine know that to achieve results it is necessary to combine with the Bay leaf. In the end, is called a steady gag reaction to any alcohol-based products.

Tincture of lovage. To prepare the requested drink – you need to take 100 g of plant roots in fresh form, as well as 10 g of Bay leaf, finely chop, pour a liter of vodka. To obtain the tinctures requires 3 days. The drink given to the patient. There is a strong emetic response in an hour.

Sometimes it is enough just to feel the smell of alcohol. In the end, is called aversion to any product with the appropriate staff.

Lovage increases intestinal peristalsis. It is well suited as a nutritional product, especially for people suffering from atonic constipation. Through the course of treatment:

  • stabiliziruemost the Central nervous system,
  • we can stop a migraine
  • eliminates swelling,

  • acts as anti-inflammatory.

St. John's wort for alcoholism

St. John's wort is considered a well-known folk remedy. This plant has many other names:

  • St. John's wort,
  • pierced,
  • pricked,
  • the ordinary hunter

It is well known to its bright-yellow flowers.

A decoction of St. John's wort: 4 tablespoons herb plants in powdered form pour 0.5 liters of boiling water,kept using the boiling water bath for 20-30 minutes, cool, strain. take - 2 tablespoons, twice a day, before lunch and dinner. The duration of treatment is 2 weeks. Due to the regular intake of decoction within specified rules produces an aversion to alcohol.

A decoction of this herb is very popular. It is a simple tool for cooking that requires minimum ingredients. They are all natural and safe, does not contain alcohols and chemicals. In 2-3 weeks you can get rid of alcohol addiction.

Herb hellebore from alcoholism

This herb is used in folk medicine to combat alcoholism. But we do not recommend!

Dosage. Plant by nature is endowed with toxic properties. Manifestations and clinical picture in this case is similar to poisoning. When the dose is large, the effect of the dosage is too active. It is believed that this is the reason why the hellebore is not used in the traditional medicine.

There is an analogue, which is used externally, as hellebore a lot of medicinal properties. To obtain the result enough two drops. They are added by pipette, mixed drink, and food. This is a user guide for a tool like americna water. Enough to irritation of the respiratory tract, resulting in starts expected reaction.

Overdose: do not forget about the toxic properties of plants. So, in case of overdose, in the treatment by hellebore, the most innocent symptoms of poisoning are diarrhea and vomiting. If too large a dose of consumed drugs of hellebore can be fatal.

Why traditional medicine is against the use of chemerisy? The answer is obvious: the drug provides only an external application, but not orally (by mouth). Scientific studies have shown that the use of this herb man inside can lead to severe poisoning.

Thyme from alcoholism

Thymeis one of the most popular tools. It is also know as thyme.

A decoction of thyme. 15 grams thyme brewed by boiling water (0.5 l), placed in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then the workpiece is drained infusion of the same breed again until you reach the volume of 0.5 L. the portions make up 50-70 ml of infusion with a small amount of vodka (half a shot glass), to be taken several times a day.

Quickly manifest the expected symptoms, such as nausea. The course is 1-2 weeks, a drinking achieve the effect of latersome sessions. Treatment of this grass is possible, if you have the following disease:

In case of overdose, any side effects such as vomiting, which is the effect of the drug.

Tincture of thyme. For its preparation is necessary 3 tablespoons of raw materials pour water that has just started to boil. Its volume should be 200-250 ml Time of infusion is no more than an hour. The workpiece to drain. The daily serving is 4 tablespoons. The duration of 10-14 days, then make a break for 5-7 days and repeat the course again.

Collecting herbs is carried out during flowering, waiting produces the maximum of these substances. Due to this produced by the active healing properties. In this plant very useful fees of leaves, flowers and shoots.