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Food Allergy in children and adults

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Definition of the disease

Food Allergy is an allergic reaction to certain foods or ingredients. Often it is caused by proteins, in rare cases, fats or carbohydrates. In one kind of food may contain several allergenic components, which is perceived by the body as a threat and therefore leads to specific defensive reactions. In adults, food Allergy is very rare, more often this disease affects children.

The symptoms of food allergies

The earliest symptom of an allergic reaction is noticeable swelling of the lips, oral cavity immediately after eating. However, as the food is moved further, may cause nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, severe diarrhea. The symptoms of food allergies also include the appearance of bright skin rashes, redness, very itchy. In rare cases, a particular runny nose and cough. If the disease is severe then an allergic reaction can occur when the smell of allergenic food or touching her.

When Allergy is manifested in several organs, it can lead to anaphylactic shock. Thus the throat swells, the itching intensifies, the skin is covered with rashes, the patient to sweat, the pressure is suddenly reduced, breathing is much more difficult. With the progression of the condition can be fatal, for this reason, in such reactions it is very important to provide the necessary medical care.

Causes of food Allergy

Proven food Allergy hereditary is passed on to children from parents. If at least one parent has an Allergy to food, then the child is most likely to occur. But if both parents are allergic, the risk of such reactions is several times higher. But the products to which the child's body reacts pathologically, can be completely different. In principle, an allergic reactionpossible for any food, but more often it manifests itself in the types of food that are known as allergens.

In some cases there is allergic cross-type, that is, if a person is allergic to peas, a similar reaction may occur on other legumes. Often the first use of the product does not give allergic reactions, and even when repeated or prolonged his admission, the body can recognize the allergen and react to it typical symptoms.

Diagnosis of food Allergy

To determine the presence of food allergies, the patient is interviewed in detail, inspect, conduct various laboratory tests. Carefully examine all the symptoms, find out the time of occurrence of such a reaction the first time, reveal the relationship between the appearance of lesions and the ingestion of certain kinds of food. Very important is also the knowledge of whether you ever have parents or other close relatives are allergic.

The patient takes special tests to various allergens. The following Allergy tests help to install the product, on which a person has an Allergy. For this purpose, the patient should record in a notebook all the foods consumed and the body's reaction to them. Also effective is the prescription of an elimination diet, when the patient diet includes possible allergens one at a time and evaluate responses to them.

What you can eat and what is not in food Allergy?

If a person has a food Allergy, it is very important hypoallergenic diet. It plays an important role in the diagnosis and direct treatment. Allergists divide food into groups depending on their degree of allergenicity.

Highly allergenic foods think eggs, all seafood, eggs, fat cow milk, any meats, spicy foods, spices, canned and pickled food, certain vegetables, many kinds of berries and fruits, and compotes of them, citrus fruits, dried fruits, nuts, honey, mushrooms, soda, and alcoholic drinks, coffee.

Srednekaloriynye products is represented by wheat, corn, buckwheat, some types of meat, some vegetables, fruits, concoctions of herbs. Low degree of allergenicity of fermented dairy products, low-fat grades of pork, chicken meat, some types of fish, offal, bread, greens, cereals, sunflower oils and butter, weak tea, mineral water without gas.

How to treat food allergies in children?

The main method used for effective treatment of Allergy to food, especially toddlers, can be called an elimination diet. It involves temporary exclusion from the diet of the individual products allergicreaction which is well established. As a rule, when removing dangerous products, the disease disappears after a certain period of time. To help you understand what to start from, view the most common allergic foods in children.

The use of modern drugs is advisable only in the period of exacerbation. If ten days passed and the child no positive changes, diet should be reconsidered. Possible allergens were not well defined, and the body continues to respond to anything else, or are there others are not taken into account the reasons for this state.

Diet in food Allergy in adults

Diet, in particular, implies the rejection of the allergic products and restriction products with medium allergen activity. This is the first step for the selection of an individual diet.

In the future we recommend to introduce products gradually, to identify individual reactions to them. When buying finished products in stores need to look their composition, since they may be components with a high allergenicity. By the way, some people may be allergic and allergenic products. Therefore, the diet should necessarily be a doctor.

Eating on a hypoallergenic diet, you should try to make the diet varied, but include only permitted foods. Better to use each product only once in a few days. It may be that the Allergy is manifested not receive a particular type of food, but because of the buildup of certain substances contained therein.

Folk remedies from a food Allergy

A food Allergy can be treated in many folk remedies. If the Allergy is accompanied by a bright red rash and severe skin itch, you can take a healing bath of a mixture of nettle, sage, burdock, birch leaves, spruce needles, and dandelion. By the way, an infusion of dandelion helps with oral administration, if you are allergic to foods.

Recipe No. 1. Very effective is the treatment of egg shell. This egg is boiled and cleaned, the shell is dried. Then the shell is ground, mixed with lemon juice and eat. Daily intake of this tool will allow you to achieve relief of the disease after a few receptions, and the reception in the next couple of months there is a complete cure for allergies.

Recipe №2. Pretty simpleand effective is the intake of bran. Bran you need to brew with boiling water and eat it on an empty stomach in the morning. After a few minutes stops allergic rhinitis. This method is useful because removes harmful substances from the body, helps to regulate bowel function.

Recipe No. 3. Also a simple method to treat allergic reactions of various kinds, is a welcome infusion of nettle. To make it dry nettle pour boiling water a couple of hours and drink half a Cup several times a day. Usually three weeks is enough to completely get rid of the manifestations of the disease. If necessary, the treatment can continue.