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Alopecia (baldness) in women

Alopecia in women is a diseased caused by hair loss. The disease leads either to a partial thinning hairline or to its complete disappearance in some areas of the head and body. There are several types of baldness in women is alopecia (alopecia), diffuse (symptomatic) and androgenic alopecia.

According to statistics, the problem of baldness faced the third part of the female population. The age when onset of the alopecia, varies from 25 to 45 years, but more often, the hair begins to fall after 40 years. However, hair loss can begin much earlier.

To diagnose disease and determine treatment methods should visit a dermatologist, narrower specializes in trichology.

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Causes of baldness in women

There are many reasons that can trigger the process of baldness in women.

Among the most common the following:

  • The polycystic ovary syndrome. Hair fall out as a result of insufficient estrogen, while testosterone begins to prevail, which is uncharacteristic of the woman's body;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia. Often the lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells caused by amenorrhea, adherence to a strict diet, excessive physical exertion. As a result, suffers as the appearance of women in General and the condition of her hair in particular;
  • Pregnancy and lactation. First, a large part of the nutrients entering the woman's body, not wasted on her, and on the fetus. Secondly, there is a serious hormonal changes. Thirdly, the woman was suffering from overwork and chronic fatigue. All three of these factors negatively affect the hair, causing them to start falling out;
  • Fungal infections of the scalp. The activity of the pathological fungus often becomes the cause of baldness in alopecia type. Required doctor's consultation and treatmentantimycotic drugs;
  • Pathological disturbances of the functioning of the thyroid gland. First and foremost leads to of alopecia hypothyroidism;
  • Frequent stress, nervous system diseases, all this becomes a cause of infringement of blood supply of the scalp and lead to alopecia;
  • Chronic diseases. Any long-term disease leads to the deterioration of the hair. In this respect, is negatively affected by systemic disease, e.g. lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, infections – pneumonia and tuberculosis, syphilis, poisoning;
  • Taking certain medicines. Drugs that have a negative impact on your hair, there are many, in particular, hormonal contraceptives, antidepressants, laxatives, aspirin, medicines for treatment of oncological diseases, the means to reduce body weight, etc.;
  • Injuries and cosmetic procedures. Any injury scalp and hair follicles: the tension, colouring, bleaching, blow drying, braiding African braids and other manipulations, has a negative impact. Regular chemical, thermal and traumatic effects of woman will begin to lose hair;
  • Hypothermia of the scalp, which leads to spasm of blood vessels;
  • Regular intake of high doses of caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol;
  • The defeat of the scalp, bacteria or parasites, burns, radiation exposure can all lead to scarring alopecia. The bulb is destroyed, the hair stops growing forever;
  • Chronic telogenous hair loss is alopecia, the cause of which cannot be established;
  • Deficiency in zinc and other essential micro - and macroelements.

Stage of baldness in women

To determine the stage of baldness in women Ludwig scale is used. It is customary to distinguish three stages of alopecia. The disease begins with thinning hair rods in the area of the existing part. Then, the baldness extends in all directions.

So, decided to allocate the following stages of alopecia in women:

  • The first stage is characterized by thinning hairline in the forehead and in the parietal area;
  • The second stage is described as moderately pronounced hair loss in the parietal and frontal area;
  • In the third stage, observed a marked thinning of hair on top. On the sides of the hair remains, but becomes much rarer and thinner.

Types of baldness inwomen

All existing models of baldness in women is represented by several main types: this is alopecia, androgenic and diffuse alopecia areata.

Focal alopecia

Alopecia areata is a local hair loss with the formation of lesions with a round or oval shape. This process develops due to the fact that the cells of the immune defense begins to affect the roots of the hair. Foci of baldness can be several, but most often he's alone.

To distinguish:

  • Focal;
  • Multifocal;
  • Subtotal;
  • Total;
  • Alopecia universal alopecia.

At the last stage of the disease hair will be lost throughout the body. In parallel, there is often damage nail plates. Disease develops on the background of genetic predisposition, under the influence of a number of factors provocateurs. It can be poisoning, stress, administration of vaccines, viral diseases, antibiotics, etc.

Androgenic alopecia

It is considered that this type of hair loss occurs in women often, though the statistics diverge. There is information about what androgenic alopecia affects women in the range of from 20 to 90% of the population. While in the blood of patients revealed a significant excess level of testosterone. Parallel woman suffering from the formation of secondary sexual characteristics typical of men. She begins to grow facial hair, coarse voice. Process causes the loss is not testosterone itself but its transformed form – dihydrotestosterone. It appears in the body under the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase.

To begin baldness can as with the formation of the strip and slot type. The expansion of the zone of alopecia is uneven, the hair falls out completely, the result is a vast area with smooth skin. Hair can grow on the crown, but they are single spikes.

It is considered that this type of baldness is hereditary in 75% of cases is inherited through the maternal line.

Diffuse alopecia

Diffuse alopecia is a hair loss associated with marked sensitivity of hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone. This is the main reason of diffuse alopecia in women in 95% of cases.

The clinical picture may develop along three models:

  • Alopecia type stripes, still called I-shaped baldness. With this hairfall all over the head, and in the parietal region is formed oblong area on which resurfaces skin. Parallel to the drop hair at the temples and bangs. In the absence of treatment, the strip expands and captures all the parietal. The visible area of the scalp becoming more and more;
  • Alopecia on alopecia type, or O-shaped baldness;
  • Female androgenic alopecia, which is considered the most dangerous and can quickly lead to complete loss of hair.

As a rule, to diagnose diffuse type of hair loss doctor-trichologist easy. If the disease is ignored, then in the end all the stronger hair will be lost and the head will be only rare thin rods. Such a state is called trichologists effect of dandelion.

Diffuse alopecia can be telegenova and anagen. Telogen alopecia most often provoke nervous stress, hormone disruption, medication, surgeries, chronic diseases, adherence to rigid dietetic nutrition. In this form of diffuse alopecia the follicle prematurely goes into the resting phase.

Anagen diffuse alopecia occurs as a result of exposure to radiation, chemotherapy or other strong poisons. That is the factor causing hair loss was rapid and disastrous, so hair follicles do not have time to go into the resting phase, the hair withered and fell.

Most often diffuse alopecia takes place after the elimination of the reasons which provoked. After a maximum of 9 months the hair starts to grow again. To accelerate their growth can be applied drugs, in particular, Minoxidil, sprays, medicated shampoos and hair masks.

Topic: Mask for strengthening and growth of hair: the best recipes

Alopecia baldness

This type of diffuse alopecia is characterized by rapid destruction of hair follicles. The manifestation of the pathological process is the formation of a strip in the region of the parting. It increases gradually, becoming wider and wider. Eventually the head appears round the area of baldness, framed on the sides by the hair. From above the head like the nest that gave the name to this form of alopecia.

How to stop baldness in women?

Treatment of alopecia depends on its causes. Therefore, the first step in combating hair loss is to visit a doctor. It is the basis of the diagnostic measures will determine the form of alopecia, and will outline a treatment plan.

Possible methods to combat baldness caused by abnormalities of organs or systems, reduced to:

  • Therapy fungal scalpantimycotic means;
  • Getting rid of iron deficiency anemia with iron preparations and vitamin therapy;
  • The elimination of endocrine pathologies;
  • Correction of immune deficiency;
  • Getting rid of skin diseases;
  • Solving the problems of neurological nature.

If women androgenic alopecia, then it shows the passage of treatment using Minoxidil. Other methods of dealing with this genetic disease are ineffective. It is understood that after the cessation of therapy, the hair will likely be lost again if we are talking about true loss, not the hair loss caused by disease of other organs.

Shampoos for baldness in women

One means of combating hair loss is the use of various shampoos. However, not every tool do has a healing effect, and to apply them to correctly.

As the prevention of the use of the drug with part of it an extract of the thymus gland. This component helps fight dihydrotestosterone that contributes to hair loss. But the fight against hair loss cannot be fast. Two to three weeks is not enough in order to see the effect. Shampoo need to apply for a long time, and the first result will be seen not earlier than in couple of months. In addition, some women, this drug may not help.

Medicated shampoos are dispensed without a prescription, you can find separate products for men and women. They are produced under different marks and brands. It is desirable that it is composed of nutrients that could stimulate and enhance hair follicles. It is better to give preference to well-known manufacturers.

In addition to the useful components in shampoos can meet and harmful components for hair. For example, surfactants are a threat because they have an aggressive effect on the hair follicles. The shampoo they may be labeled as "sodium lauryl sulfate"or"SLS". Therefore, if a surfactant is included in the shampoo composition, it should be abandoned.

When hair loss as a preventive tool you can use shampoos based on natural ingredients, for example lavender oil, grass palmettes or tea tree oil. In any case,before you give preference to a particular facility, consult a doctor.

Maybe one of these shampoos will be a great way to prevent hair loss:

  • Brogan – is a fairly popular medication of alopecia, produced by Rogain. The composition of this shampoo comes with Minoxidil;
  • Shampoo and tablets for oral Provillus. The structure of this complex prophylactic agent is an extract of palmettes, zinc and magnesium, Biotin, and a therapeutic effect on androgenic alopecia Minoxidil;
  • Three-component preventive and therapeutic scheme of alopecia can be based on the use of funds from baldness Nioxin. It's a conditioner, shampoo and directly medicine. In the shampoo and conditioner with vitamins, proteins and amino acids, designed to nourish and thicken the hair. The drug has a depressing effect on the production of dihydrotestosterone. You can choose the most suitable option based on the condition of the hair, the degree of damage and thinning;
  • Nizoral shampoo is an effective means to combat fungal infections of the skin. It has a broad spectrum of activity and effectively allows you to get rid of dandruff. There are indications that Nizoral helps fight the androgenetic alopecia shape, but it should be used on a regular basis;
  • The shampoo part of it blockers dihydrotestosterone – Revivogen. Active ingredients are metol, saw Palmetto and soy protein. This tool can be used alone or in combination with other prophylactic and therapeutic shampoos.

Some shampoos give the best effect if they are combined with other funds. So Nizoral can be used in combination with Rogain. As for the reception of ketoconazole inside, to do this doctors do not recommend, despite the marked depressing effect of the drug on the androgens and DHT. The risk of severe side effects is too high, because it is toxic.

Best shampoo for restoration and hair growth

Many hairdressers recommend their clients complaining of hair loss, try to use a shampoo that is sold in the veterinary stores. This Zoo Vip shampoo and conditioner in one bottle. It is composed of tar and propolis, which allow you to revitalize hair, stimulate their growth.

While using this tool, you can feel the unpleasant smell, but worry about it not worth it, it quickly disappears. The tool should not be applied undiluted. Itthe concentration should be 1 to 10 with a normal shampoo for daily use. Once the shampoo is applied on hair, it should be withstand for 7 minutes and then rinse with water. To ease combing, you can apply any balm or conditioner. If there is a strong hair loss, this shampoo should be used on a regular basis. Most of the reviews after using it are positive. In addition, the price of this shampoo is not high.

Drugs for the treatment of baldness in women

There are many tools for the treatment of alopecia in women, but it is safe to say that at least one of them will help 100%, impossible. According to statistics, the most effective drugs are Minoxidil and Finasteride.

Minoxidil is a liquid that must be applied on the affected areas of the head. Perform the procedure twice a day, which helps to stimulate the hair follicles. As a result, the hair growth resumes, the web becomes thicker and longer remains viable. The males can be used at a concentration of 5%, and women are not recommended to apply Minoxidil more than 2% solution. This limitation is due to the fact that women increased the risk of face body hair growth.

The mechanism of funds remains outstanding to the end. However, it is believed that after application increases blood flow to dormant follicles, as it awakens them, and hair begin to grow again. However, originally the tool was created to lower blood pressure. The increased hair growth was considered a side effect of taking Minoxidil.

Finasteride is a drug for oral administration. It is released when prescribed. The main action of Finasteride is the inhibition of the production of the dihydrotestosterone that contributes to hair loss type androgenetic alopecia. This drug can have toxic effects on the fetus, if it will accept a pregnant woman.

There is evidence that 90% of men can stop suffering from hair loss due to Finasteride. And hair recovery occurs in 65% of cases. Of the side effects may be noted decreased libido. When you start developing negative side effects while taking Finasteride should be discontinued.

Corticosteroids are effective drugs for getting rid of alopecia baldness. With this type of alopecia corticosteroids are introduced in the form of injections.The first results can be seen after only a month. If there are contraindications to the injection introduction, it is possible to use drugs that are available in the form of creams or ointments. However, the effect will be less pronounced.

There is also a cream for getting rid of baldness, its called Anthralin. It must be applied on the affected areas every day, after some time the cream rinse. Effective against alopecia type of baldness. However, a positive result watch about a quarter of patients.

Read more: cure for hair loss in women

Hair loss prevention in women

Hair loss prevention is an important stage in the fight against alopecia.

There are a few practical tips that can help keep hair:

  • Hair restoration will not occur sooner than 6 months. Therefore to stop the treatment prematurely because of the lack of results should not be;
  • You should lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, avoid stress;
  • Growth hair promote, the b vitamins and zinc;
  • Sometimes prevent hair loss allows you to take antihistamines. Maybe you should try to go on a gluten-free diet;
  • It is necessary to avoid overcooling of the head, so as not to provoke vasospasm. Therefore, in the cold season you need to wear a hat;
  • It is recommended to minimize the intake of caffeine;
  • You may want to reduce the traumatic, thermal, and chemical effects on the hair.

If the hair loss proceeds as androgenetic alopecia, specific preventive measures do not exist, as the forecast for the development of pathology to determine quite problematic. In this regard, you must appeal to a trichologist and following his advice regarding therapy specific forms of alopecia.

Read more: Prevention of hair loss