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Antibiotics for sore throat adult

Especially the use of antibiotics in the treatment of angina in adults:

  • In middle-aged and older often found intolerance to a particular drug, in addition, when treating such patients it is necessary to know how the antibiotics fit in with other accepted medicines;
  • The complications of superinfection, which can develop when you abuse antibiotics, the infection acquires a resistance and become immune to most antibacterial medicines;
  • Violations of the course of treatment because of the irresponsibility and carelessness of the patient. This problem frequently arises in the treatment of angina in children, since they usually constantly monitors someone of the parents;
  • Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, in which treatment with antibiotics alone is not enough. Needed is a comprehensive therapy, which includes removal of pus tubes in the throat and receiving immunomodulatory drugs;
  • The variety of forms of production – adults, unlike children, you can take antibiotics in any form: powder, tableted preparations, capsules and solutions for injection;
  • Side effects of antibiotics in sore throat in adults usually do not appear so pronounced as in children, but this does not mean that there is no risk. In addition to the typical side effects (digestive disorders, and sleep) there may be unusual reactions that need time to detect and adjust, or change to another drug.

Based on the above characteristics, the physician selects a particular drug for the treatment of angina in an adult patient.

The content of the article:

The choice of antibiotics from a sore throat, depending on the situation

Allergic to antibiotics in adults

An Allergy to a certain drug can develop only if a person took it before. Accordingly, to allergic manifestations are more likely adults than children, as to manhood, every man at least once, but took antibiotics. All antibiotic medicines before and you are allergic to them you must tell your doctor.

Most often found in adults allergic to penicillin and antibiotics based on it. Among the means of this group for the treatment of angina is often used ampicillin, amoxicillin, phenoxymethylpenicillin.

Allergic to penicillin is found in 6% of adult patients, half of them also has a high sensitivity to cephalosporins. People with sensitization in relation to penicillins and cephalosporins at the same time, most likely, are allergic to beta the β-lactam ring. This phenomenon is not life, every year 10% of this group of patients lose their hypersensitivity to modern antibiotic penicillin.

However, if you have allergic reactions to cephalosporins and penicillins, treatment with antibiotics from the macrolides, the most common of which is erythromycin.

If the patient has never taken antibiotics, or been doing it for more than ten years ago, a negative reaction probably caused by some other reasons – for ten years Allergy symptoms disappeared in 78% of sensitized patients. You should pay attention to the composition of antipyretics and other tools that are traditionally used in the treatment of angina in adults.

While Allergy to beta the β-lactam ring and drugs are the macrolides, the patient is prescribed lincosamide, one of the most common tools of this group is lincomycin. They should take with caution and only under medical supervision, as they have many side effects.

Read more: allergies in adults (allergic to antibiotics)

A high incidence of resistance of the causative agent of sore throats to antibiotics

Amoxicillin is an effective and safe agent for the treatment of angina, also very affordable. The treatment of angina in adults is not always using this antibiotic because of the lack of sensitivity to the drug the causative agent. In such cases it is necessary to use a combination of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid which protects the antibiotic from destruction and enhances its effect. However this drug more side effects, compared to pure amoxicillin, and price it higher. In some cases, you may need therapy macrolides, which are the number of side effects can have digestive problems.

What decreases the sensitivity of the causative agents of sore throats to antibiotics?

It is almost always associated with abuse of antibiotics:

  • For example, when self-treatment adult patients are sometimes buried the nose or smear the throat with solutions based on crushed antibiotics for systemic use. It is ineffective in the treatment of the disease, since the concentration of active substance in this method of use is too low to kill the pathogen, but enough, he got used to it and have lost sensitivity to the drug components;
  • Any antibiotic has a course application, which must be observed. In most cases, the patient ignores these rules, it ceases to take the medicine as soon as negative symptoms disappear, and there comes relief. In this part of the pathogen remain viable, getting signs of antibiotic resistance, and give rise to populations resistant to antibiotics bacteria;
  • Prophylactic administration of antibiotics in the framework of self-medication gives negative results in the frequent use of these medicines pathogenic microorganisms develop resistance to existing components, respectively, and treatment later is harder.

In the 90s in Finland observed the outbreak of the spread of streptococcal diseases, pathogens which were resistant to popular antibiotics – macrolides, in particular erythromycin. The fact that physicians often prescribed these remedies for the treatment of angina, even when without them it was possible to do. The decrease in the number of antibiotic-resistant strains of Streptococcus was found only after the outreach of the Ministry of health.

The attending physician may not prescribe antibiotics without prior analysis, so the treatment of angina and other infectious diseases must be done bacterial culture. Analysis to determinesensitivity takes three to four days. In most cases, the patient is prescribed one of the common broad-spectrum antibiotics: drugs based on amoxicillin (Amoxiclav, flemoksin soljutab, Augmentin), ampicillin and sulbactam (Apicid, Sultamicillin), Azithromycin, Timentin, Cefoperazone, Vilprafen.

The price of these agents is high enough, not counting the antibiotics based on amoxicillin and azithromycin. In the end, self-treatment costs the patient much more than a timely visit to the doctor and strict adherence to his instructions.

For comparison: in most cases of ordinary tonsillitis treated with amoxicillin, the price of which is about 100 rubles, while the disease is complicated by resistant strains of bacteria require expensive antibiotics and treatment may cost two or three thousand roubles.

The best antibiotic in cases of sore throat in adults is amoxicillin. He is completely absorbed in the stomach and has high efficiency against the causative agents of sore throats. However, if patients are more attentive to the guidance of a specialist and abide by the rules of antibiotics, that almost any sore throat would have been cured with amoxicillin.

Because of the prevalence of resistant strains of pathogens angina in the diagnosis of "angina" the patient is bound to make bacterial seeding and pay for the tests. So the doctor is easier to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics of a particular group and to appoint adequate treatment.

Low performance of adult patients

Incorrect treatment of a sore throat can be just as dangerous as complete neglect of the disease. And if patients of younger age is more common the first situation, an excited mother give children antibiotics at the first sign of the disease, even if it does not require such drastic measures, adults in most cases, a sore throat stand up.

Therapy disciplined patients antibiotics administered in the form of capsules, tablets, suspensions, whereas patients who are not able to stick to a course of treatment, injections of antibiotics. The same applies to persons with mental illness and inmates of correctional institutions. The drugs in both cases, appoint the same, it differs only in the release form and dosage regimen.

When there is no possibility to follow the strict execution of the patient prescribed by your doctor, can be bitsillina in the form of injection. Intramuscular injection of this antibiotic is very painful, is rarely used, but a single injection for the course that the patient did not represent an epidemiological threat to others.

Bitsillin is prescribed when the doctor is notsure, the patient will be in the hospital throughout the course of treatment of angina and is unlikely to heed the recommendations of the expert outside the hospital.

Have adequate adult patients popular another problem – ignoring the presence of disease. Thus, follicular and catarrhal angina in most cases stand on her feet. Catarrhal angina has symptoms similar to SARS, causing the correct diagnosis is possible only by a specialist, to which such patients usually do not reach. A sick person continues to go to work and infect others, may experience slight discomfort, but prefers not to pay attention to him.

Similarly, follicular angina occurs in more than half of the cases. In fear of sanctions from management or because of their workaholism patients hiding the disease, delaying a visit to the doctor for an indefinite period, this contributes to the mild course of the disease. Even if the patient finds the time to visit to the doctor, he rarely followed his recommendations with the same rhythm of life as before the disease, just in time forgets to take a pill.

Antibiotic treatment usually is performed with lacunar form of angina – the disease is not mild, so the patient remains at home and is forced to follow the regime, regardless of their plans and preferences.

Thus, the task of the physician to be the most comfortable for the patient treatment regimen, which would be easy to stick to. One of the most common antibiotics for sore throat in adults – azithromycin, he accepted the course of three pills, one a day.

Self-medication by means of the recipes found on the Internet, can lead to serious complications of the disease. Some patients with angina prefer this option, as it is not as costly in terms of money and time, as a visit to a specialist. However, the treatment at home in most cases leads to overuse of antibiotics, as angina can easily be confused with viral pharyngitis. Viral diseases cannot be cured using antibiotics, they only contribute to the formation of resistant strains of bacteria. Moreover, increased risk of fungal infections of the larynx and mouth as a side effect of the uncontrolled use of antibiotics.

A very common Internet term-"the treatment of bronchitis and sore throats with antibiotics". You should know that inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract most often triggered by a viral infection, so treatment with antibacterial drugs in this case is useless. It is almost inevitable complication in the form fungal infection, moreover, the receptionof antibiotics for viral sore throats ineffective, as angina in the classic form with a similar symptoms there is.

Irrational approach to the treatment of angina leading to complications and aggravation of the disease, its transition in the chronic form.

Chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis in acute has symptoms similar to angina, which creates difficulties to the doctor. Many patients resort to self-treatment, which complicates the diagnosis and course of treatment.

In chronic tonsillitis, which develops due to untreated angina, the specialist is faced with two problems:

  • Administration of an antibiotic of a certain kind is quite difficult, as the pathogen may be resistant to any drug;
  • Requires complex therapy with the use of additional measures – washing the lacunae and antiseptic treatment of the tonsils.

In most cases of chronic tonsillitis is the result of the incorrect treatment of a sore throat without antibiotics. Symptomatic therapy eliminates the negative symptoms of the disease, it does not affect the cause – causative agent of the inflammatory process. Treatment of tonsillitis – a process long and complicated. With frequent exacerbations and inefficient conservative treatment your doctor may suggest surgery – removal of tonsils.

Surgery to remove the gland and the rehabilitation period is two weeks, the same average rate for timely antibiotic treatment, and the decision of this question remains outside the patient.

Read more: Tonsillitis: causes and symptoms tonsillitis

Interaction with other drugs

One of the main difficulties in the treatment of sore throats with antibiotics in adult patients is the optimal combination of drugs. Patients in the older age group often have comorbidities and concurrently with the antibiotics are taking other medications. Antibacterial drugs should not reduce the effectiveness of other medicines or increase their side effects.

There are several rules:

  • Cyclosporine should not be taken together with azithromycin and penicillins, as it enhances the toxic effect;
  • Amoxicillin in combination with klavulanova acid must not be taken with probenecid;
  • In renal pathologieswith caution to use antibiotics based on penicillin.

Therefore, before to prescribe antibiotics from a sore throat to an adult patient, the doctor must carefully examine the medical history and get all the information about the medications that people use at the moment.

Side effects

The most common side effects of antimicrobial drugs – dyspeptic disorders and allergic reactions. The approach of the doctor to the appointment of any of the funds should be individualized, the drug is chosen depending on the patient's age and the current state of his health. So, children often manifest dyspepsia as a side effect of antibiotic treatment, and the negative reaction is more pronounced than in adults. Patients in the older age group more common allergic reactions and side effects associated with the irreconcilability of simultaneously taken medicines. Allergies to antibiotics can be very dangerous, and in some cases even provoke the death of a patient due to anaphylactic shock.

So at the slightest sign of non-standard reaction to the drug it should be replaced by more appropriate means.

A large number of formulations

This feature of the use of antibiotics in the treatment of angina in adults, in contrast to the above aspects do not complicate the work of the doctor, but rather facilitates it. So, appoint antibiotics tablets children is not always possible, as there may be difficulties with chewing or swallowing. The injectable form of antibiotics from a sore throat is also better suited to adults than children, because people are conscious of age not afraid of injections and understand the need for unpleasant procedures.

Tablet form of the drug is convenient in the application of adult patients, as there is no need to specifically calculate the dosage. The amount of the active substance in the tablet of the antibiotic originally designed for an adult, and an amount of powder necessary to measure depending on the body weight of the patient. Most often the treatment of sore throats with antibiotics in adults suggests the drug is one tablet three to four times a day.

The specific use of antibiotics involves the supervision of a physician in the treatment process, as in the absence of the necessary theoretical preparation it is impossible to appoint suitable means.

And self-medication frequently exacerbates the problem and creates unnecessary health risks. In the end, savings on specialist, spent on treatment effectswrong therapy.

Which antibiotic is better to take during pregnancy child and adult?

To determine the most effective antibiotic in each case – the task of a physician with special training. There is no universal tool that helps all always. As a rule, efficiently, and inexpensively cure a sore throat by using modern antibiotic penicillin – amoxicillin. However, this tool is not suitable for people allergic to penicillin, and patients in whom the causative agent of sore throat have developed resistance to this drug.

Most antibiotics do not have contraindications to the use in the treatment of angina in children, even if we are talking about breast babies. Naturally, as in other cases, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the recommendations of a physician. Consider the question of selecting the most suitable antibiotic for children from amoxicillin. The principles by which a doctor determines which tool to assign to the child, similar to the choice of drug for the treatment of adults.

Why amoxicillin is the most effective antibiotic from a sore throat?

Amoxicillin was originally developed as a means to replace the popular antibiotic penicillin. It was required that a new drug retains all the advantages of its "ancestor", but would have drawbacks. Amoxicillin invented in the early 70's, and after a few years, has become widely used in medical practice. This antibiotic not only efficiently treats angina and other bacterial diseases, but also affordable for most patients.

Advantage of amoxicillin as an antibacterial drug:

  • Shows high effectiveness in treatment of bacterial infections, pathogens which do not possess resistance to penicillin antibiotics prevents the development of complications;
  • Do not have a depressive effect on intestinal microflora, does not cause dyspeptic disorders and other side effects;
  • It has high bioavailability, is almost completely absorbed by the tissues (93% of active substance). This distinguishes amoxicillin with other drugs penicillin group, even those who have the power of influence more;
  • A variety of formulations – tablets, capsules, powders, suspensions, injections, allowing you to use for the treatment of patients of all age groups;
  • One of the most affordable antibioticsblister with 10 pills costs about 40 rubles, which makes it available for all categories of the population.

Other antibiotics do not have such advantages, but may be needed in the case when amoxicillin is impotent. Therefore, you should not doubt the skill of the doctor who prescribes you another drug for the treatment of sore throat: despite the fact that amoxicillin is the most effective means in the standard cases, in some forms of the disease complicated by drug-resistant infection, he is not giving proper result. The specialist picks up antibiotic from sore throats individually depending on the characteristics of the disease, medical history, health status of the patient.

Amoxicillin effectively treats angina in adults, but also has young children, including babies, as gentle on the intestinal flora, causing dysbiosis. Infants amoxicillin is prescribed in a powder form used to make a suspension.

Based on the amoxicillin produced the following medications: flemoksin soljutab, Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ronaxil. All are suitable for the treatment of purulent tonsillitis, acute tonsillitis in children and adults, with an affordable price and a minimum of side effects. When correctly prescribed the drug is angina and its symptoms are eliminated within five days.

Special attention is given the drug Augmentin is a tool that not only contains amoxicillin, but klavulanova acid. In itself, this auxiliary substance has a weak antibacterial activity, its main function in the complex – protection of the active substance from degradation by enzymes of bacteria. Therefore, Augmentin is effective against even resistant to amoxicillin strains of microorganisms. The complex of active substances are safe to use and has no additional side effects. The only drawback of the drug in comparison with antibiotics, which only amoxicillin is a relatively high price, about 300-400 rubles per pack. Other drugs on the basis of this complex: Amoxilav, the store for help, Panklav, Ecolaw. Doctors for reliability assign them immediately instead of the usual amoxicillin.

The reverse side of this popular antibiotic is a number of issues that have arisen because of its widespread availability and widespread use. As amoxicillin is often prescribed for the treatment of bacterial diseases, including sore throat, in some cases, even without an accurate diagnosis, many microorganisms have become resistant to the active ingredient of the drug. And in the frequent use of this tool the patient may appear hypersensitivity and allergicrash. While resistant strains of bacteria can resist the treatment of even complex amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. This forces doctors to seek an alternative.

What means can be replaced by amoxicillin?

If for some reason treatment with amoxicillin fails, then a replacement looking for the drug among other antibiotics of penicillin group, provided that the patient has no allergies to them. If penicillin antibiotics provoke an allergic reaction, the doctor prescribes cyclosporine, and only in the last turn, if you are allergic to medications in both groups (increased sensitivity to beta-laktamnam ring), macrolides are used.

Group of antibiotics used for the treatment of angina in adults (in descending order of preference):

  • Penicillins. The most ancient and popular drug of this series – actually the penicillin, it is usually used in injection in case of amoxicillin at hand was not. The same applies to other means penicillin group of ampicillin, phenoxymethylpenicillin and benzathine benzylpenicillin. They are not as effective as amoxicillin, have a lower bioavailability and digestibility, less safe from the point of view of side effects and trigger the same allergic reactions in penicillin-sensitive patients. They are still used in the field, if no other antibiotics, as well as in correctional facilities, when necessary to treat a large number of people in a short time – then use penicillin by intramuscular injection;
  • Cephalosporins. Drugs Cedrox, Duracef, Biotoxin belong to the group of cephalosporins on the basis of the active ingredient of cefadroxil. Are a worthy alternative to penicillin antibiotics, therefore, are assigned to adult patients with a sore throat if you are allergic to amoxicillin or high resistance of pathogens to drugs penicillin. Other popular cephalosporins – cefaclor, Cefazolin, cephalexin;
  • Macrolides. With resistance of the causative agent to antibiotics with a beta-lactam ring in the treatment of angina in adult patients is carried out with use of macrolides. This group of drugs successful in fighting with streptococci andstaphylococci, most often provoking inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. Macrolides form a high concentration of active substance in the tissue, inhibiting pathogens. Their impact is so strong and effective that seven days is usually sufficient treatment to destroy the pathogens of sore throat and a full recovery. The most popular tool in this group, Azithromycin, for the treatment of angina are also using clarithromycin, midecamycin, josamycin, roxithromycin and other drugs. But antibiotics are a number of macrolides have a significant downside – a pronounced side effect in the form of digestive disorders. This is the flip side of the high effectiveness of these drugs and detrimental effects on the microflora. Macrolides inhibit not only the pathogenic strains causing a sore throat, but also useful microflora of intestines, so they are prescribed with great caution. Another disadvantage of macrolides is their high in comparison with penicillins, price;
  • Lincosamide prescribed in case of impossibility of use of the above mentioned antibiotics. With their relatively high efficiency, the main drawback of pathogenic microorganisms quickly get used to the drugs, developing resistance. Popular means of this group – lincomycin, clindamycin.

Interestingly, even the first of the antibiotics can be successfully used to treat tonsillitis, so they are often purchased for field work and various expeditions due to the low cost and ease of use. After the decline of the first wave of development of resistance to penicillin in bacteria was the invention of new antibiotics and the penicillin almost ceased to be used. So now that a variety of drugs and resistant strains of bacteria is very large, the resistance to the first antibiotic from microorganisms gradually lost.

The phenomenon of the return of high sensitivity to penicillin in many bacteria that infect the upper respiratory tract, gives the opportunity to cure angina by injection of this antibiotic, although it is very inconvenient, because the success of treatment depends on the proper doses and timing of administration. But in the field you have to put up with the lack of more modern drugs and to endure a course of 60 injections for 10 days to maintain a high concentration of antibiotic every 4 hours.

Sometimes in field kits found another ancient antibiotic – first open a representative of the macrolides – erythromycin. Like all modern macrolides, erythromycin can adversely affect the intestinal microflora, causing therapy this drug often associated with digestive disorders:nausea, diarrhea, bloating, lack of appetite and constipation. However, the effectiveness of erythromycin during pregnancy leaves no doubt – after a 10-day course of the disease is in some patients even without side effects.

How to choose the best antibiotic from a sore throat?

In relation to antibiotics is difficult to talk about more or less preferred drugs for children compared to adults.

Independently the antibiotics sore throat itself can not be assigned!

After all, the essence of the antibiotic in its action on pathogens, which in any case presents the same set of bacteria. Simply put, amoxicillin is the best antibiotic from a sore throat.

Macrolides (josamycin, azithromycin) can be assigned to children of any age, but subject to the doctor's recommendations and adopting measures to prevent side effects. Due to the heavy absorption and a high probability manifestations of the same side effects of some antibiotics (e.g., clarithromycin or cefadroxil) should not be prescribed to infants under six months old. Clarithromycin is a derivative of erythromycin, so it is almost guaranteed to ensure a baby's digestive disorder which the body can then not cope.

If amoxicillin angina does not produce the desired effect or Allergy, replacements can find and appoint a doctor.

Among the factors that the expert should take in order to make the right choice include:

  • The health of the patient;
  • Age and weight;
  • The presence of allergic reactions to the ingredients of the drugs of choice;
  • The data of microbiological studies (species, strain, and degree of invasion of bacteria).

Most parents make the mistake of believing antibiotics are too dangerous and resorting to them only in extreme cases. Tonsillitis is very severe disease even in adults, especially for a child, and about the consequences of angina complications it is better not to mention without any reason. Home and folk remedies sore throat in a child can be cured in the early stages, provided a strong enough immune system and of adherence. In most cases these measures are not enough, and the disease develops to an extreme stage. Often doctors give children with a sore throat that literally "cultured" in the body of pathogenic bacteria to suchextent that treatment had to start from the autopsy purulent formations on the tonsils.

The experience of many parents shows that at the first sign of a sore throat (which is very easy to diagnose the child, as he first reported that it hurts to swallow and not want to eat) you need to visit a doctor and feel free to use their assigned antibiotic. Most often, this product based on amoxicillin: Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Ronaxil, flemoksin soljutab. The most important thing is to stick to the prescribed doses and to observe the full course of treatment, otherwise there could be a relapse of the disease pathogens which are resistant to the antibiotic already used.

Antibiotics of new generation from a sore throat: how good are they?

A new generation of antibiotics rarely have any revolutionary in the treatment of a specific disease properties. The main purpose of combating organisms that have developed resistance to existing antibiotics and spread among the population. That is, they act on the bacteria they are similar and, therefore, to choose a new generation product for no particular reason makes no sense.

Among those "special reasons" for selection in favor of antibiotic treatment of a new generation of just two factors:

  1. Resistance of the causative agent of tonsillitis is the most common antibiotics in the presence of sensitivity to the new, recently invented tool (possible a situation in which the bacterium successfully to develop resistance to one antibiotic, becoming immune to all antibiotics of this type, including, new and even not yet invented);

  2. Hypersensitivity or allergies to traditional medicines.

With the disease of angina and the first failed attempts to cure with conventional antibiotics are turning to a new generation of drugs: tikarcillina, roxithromycin, telithromycin, cefpirome etc. They will cope with the disease as fast as conventional ampicillin or amoxicillin.

A logical question arises: if the difference in action of these drugs is not, but the antibiotics of the new generation can affect any bacteria, including those strains that have time to develop a resistance to traditional medications, why not always use only the most modern drugs? To answer it very simply – pharmaceutical products of new generation are always several times more expensive than traditional.

This is especially true of antibiotics,regardless of the class. For example, over the course timentin (derived tikarcillina) consisting of four vials of solution for injection will have to pay about 3 thousand rubles. This is 15-20 times more than the cost of conventional drugs. Therefore, the pharmaceutical products of new generation are used only in a desperate situation, when therapy is tested antibiotics does not give any results.

The above mentioned reasons for the use of antibiotics of new generation is necessary to Supplement quite common cases provoke allergies or resistance in bacteria with self-use of antibiotics. Due to the interruption of treatment of angina traditional drug often relapse, which, in the case of tonsillitis, gives the complications, but cannot be cured with simple and cheap antibiotics. In the end, when would-be patient goes to the doctor, he had no choice but to pay their monthly salary (or even more) for the full course of a newly invented drug that can cure a sore throat.

If you never used antibiotics and do not know what is the consequence of the interruption of the course of this type of medication in any case do not try to save money on their own or on the advice of a friend selecting a specific drug and taking it only up to the disappearance of symptoms. Today you will netophatite for a few pills a couple of hundred rubles, and a few days later put a thousand or two for similar tablets and similar treatment but with the use of modern means.

All the antibiotics of the new generation have one thing in common contraindication: pregnant women and nursing mothers should not take them because of the lack of data on the impact of a drug on the fetus or baby fed breast milk from components of the medication. This information appears in the instructions and sharing, usually after six months or even several years of sales and use of the drug.