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Causes and symptoms of angina

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What is angina?

Angina is an acute inflammation of the palate, lingual and nasopharyngeal tonsils. Often inflamed tonsils. Tonsillitis refers to acute infectious-allergic diseases. In the course of the disease, inflamed tonsils, as a rule, the causative agent of sore throats is hemolytic group a Streptococcus.

Causes of angina

Infection sore throat can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through food and drink, as well as by direct contact with a sick person. Angina develops most often in cold, damp time of year (spring, autumn), it can be the effect of hypothermia or a manifestation of diseases such as diphtheria, influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough, and in some cases blood diseases.

However, you are mistaken, considering hypothermia, the main cause of angina. The cause of angina is most often (in 90% of cases) is a hemolytic Streptococcus. Therefore, you can become infected by droplet infection from healthy person is a carrier of bacteria. Another way of transmission – contact (through dirty dishes). Can be transmitted through food, for example, if you drink raw milk from cows sick with mastitis. And sometimes people infect themselves. In such cases, angina can be due to chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, bad teeth, and other permanent foci of infection in the body. Complicating the situation is unfavorable conditions: hypothermia, decreased immunity, Allergy of the body.

Symptoms of angina

Symptoms of angina appear after you have completed the incubation period is usually 24-48 hours.

The main symptoms of angina include the following:

  • Tonsillitis has an acute onset. The man on the background of full health, rapidly deteriorating health.
  • The body temperature rises, there is a fever. The mark on the thermometer can reach 40 degrees.
  • Symptoms of intoxication with headache, aching joints, General weakness.
  • Sore throat, pain during swallowing. On the second day painfulfeelings reach their peak and are on a regular basis.
  • Appetite deteriorates, suffers from sleep.
  • Lymph nodes increase in size, become painful on palpation. Primarily affects the submandibular nodes.
  • Tonsils swollen, increase in size, they can render the point of education is yellow. Their size is 2-3 mm. This pattern is typical for follicular tonsillitis. When lacunar tonsillitis tonsils covered with a purulent coating in the form enclosed, irregularly shaped.
  • If the disease is severe, the tonsils are formed areas of necrosis, which are a dark gray color. Necrotic tissue are rejected and replaced for defective parts in size 10 mm.

As for peritonsillitis and peritonsillar abscess, these States develop as a complication of tonsillitis. First inflamed tissue surrounding the tonsils (peritonsillar), after which they melted under the influence of pus (peritonsillar abscess). There are similar complications after 2-3 days after a sore throat. Man begins to complain of severe unilateral pain in the throat, sharply increasing body temperature, increased salivation. People intuitively tilts her head in the direction where localized inflammation. Thus he seeks to reduce the stress in the damaged tissues.

During the inspection there is a considerable asymmetry. The amygdala from the affected side increased in size and shifted to the center, the tongue pushed to the side, the soft palate swollen.

Seeking medical help should be immediate if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Blanching of the skin, the appearance of a bluish hue;
  • The change of excitation to inhibition;
  • A sharp drop in body temperature;
  • Violation of consciousness;
  • The decrease in the volume discharge of urine (a symptom of infectious-toxic shock);
  • Convulsions, loss of consciousness (involvement in the inflammatory process of the nervous system);
  • The appearance of hemorrhages (vascular damage, disturbances in the processes of blood clotting);
  • Difficulty breathing, inability to open the mouth, increase in the intensity of sore throat (paratonzillit);
  • The feeling of lack of air, the appearance of a dull pain in the lower back, chest, flank pain while emptying the bladder, the change in color of urine (kidney and heart).

In that case, if the body temperature is held 5 andmore days, you should change the treatment regimen, as this indicates its inefficiency.

The main symptoms it angina, not acute infections are rapid increase and retention of body temperature at around 39 degrees, the appearance of sharp unpleasant pain in the throat. It hurts to eat, drink and even talk. Later the patient begins bouts of severe fatigue, malaise, begins to ache in the joints. If you have already appeared the first signs of the disease should immediately consult a doctor.

If the doctor after your examination will detect the enlarged lymph nodes, and also change the color of the tonsils, the soft palate, heavenly bow and tongue, he will prescribe the necessary treatment. In some cases, the tonsils may form ulcers or small areas of accumulation of pus.

Many people confuse the first symptoms of sore throat with cold symptoms, but as practice shows, angina transferred a lot harder. If the sore throat lasts more than a week, and it only increases – then, in this case about the common cold and can be no question. In such cases, it is important to start targeted treatment on time and not start the disease.

Depending on the severity and specific nature of angina always occurs in different ways. To distinguish the symptoms:

  • Kataralnaya angina usually develops very quickly and sharply. In most cases a person becomes ill suddenly, appear malaise, dryness and sore throat. After the first discomfort the patient feels swelling in the throat and pain when swallowing. Palatine tonsils by visual inspection appear reddened and raised, tender, and touching your neck in the submandibular lymph glands usually causes pretty severe pain. As a rule, pain when swallowing increases. After a few hours the body temperature of a person reaches 39 degrees. Sore throat accompanied by severe chills and a painful ache, migraine provoke delirium.
  • Follicular tonsillitis is a more prolonged and severe disease. It usually gives a very serious complications. The main signs are headaches, fever, joint pain and General malaise. All the symptoms are much brighter than kataralnoe angina. In the oral cavity in many patients, significantly increases the content of saliva. Follicular tonsillitis should be treated only in a hospital under constant medical supervision. (For more on picinich, symptoms and methods of treatment of follicular tonsillitis)

  • Lacunar tonsillitis is considered no less serious disease.It is accompanied by a marked deterioration of the General condition of the body. The increased temperature in children can reach 40 degrees. In addition to headaches discomfort causes the swallowing of food and liquids. Often pain in the throat radiates to the ears. The mucosa of the tonsils is strongly swells and reddens. Patients in the gaps formed typical sore throat white or yellowish raids, the so-called tube, consisting mainly of the tore cells and bacteria. During the inspection always visible swelling and redness palatal handles. (Detailed information about lacunar angina)

The average sore throat lasts about two weeks, the kids - a little longer. Strep throat is very contagious, so isolation of the patient is mandatory.

Whether to cut the tonsils? What severe complications angina dangerous? These questions will be answered by the physician Alla Protasov:

Forms of angina

There are several forms of catarrhal angina, lacunar and follicular:

  • In catarrhal angina the patient complains of a slight sore throat, headache, fever, a feeling of heartburn.
  • Follicular angina is a more severe stroke: severe pain on swallowing, expressed General weakness, pain in the joints. Body temperature can rise to 40 °C. the submandibular Lymph nodes are enlarged, painful when pressed. Tonsils enlarged, very red, can be seen on their surface single pustules.
  • From lacunar tonsillitis also severe course. The disease begins with high fever, severe throat pain when swallowing. They may be vomiting and indigestion. Palatine tonsils increased in size. In the mucosa visible separate purulent strip.

In addition, tonsillitis is divided into primary, secondary and specific:

Primary angina

There are many forms of sore throat, one of them primary. Primary angina is an acute disease of an infectious nature that affects the tissues of the throat. Most often the primary of angina provoked by streptococci, manifested in the increase in body temperature, inflammation of the tonsils and lymph nodes, tenderness.

The main danger of the primary of angina is that the high probability of the manifestation of autoimmune process in the patient. A similar complication occurs most often in the case when there is no adequate protivoastmatichesky therapy. The patient may developglomerulonephritis and rheumatic fever with kidney damage and heart.

The causative agent of angina in 90% of cases, is beta-hemolytic Streptococcus. In 8% of cases the inflammation is triggered by Staphylococcus aureus (possible combined infection staph + strep). Such microorganisms as Haemophilus coli, Streptococcus pneumoniae, or Corynebacterium cause a sore throat is very rare.

You can get infected with flu from a sick person who is a carrier of the infection. Especially dangerous to people with upper respiratory tract infection.

Predominant airborne way of infection angina. Outbreaks often occur in cohesive groups, when people are closely in contact with each other. However, it is possible alimentary route of infection, when a healthy person eats foods seeded with Staphylococcus.

It should be noted that not every contact with a person sick with quinsy, will definitely lead to infection. So, the risks are increased for violations in work of local immunity of the tonsils. Other precipitating factors include hypothermia, stress, fatigue, etc.

Multiply mainly streptococci in the tonsils. Lingual tonsil or lateral ridges of the posterior wall of the throat are involved in the infectious process less likely. Bacteria, after contact with the tissue of the tonsils, overcome the protective barrier, penetrate inside and begin to actively proliferate. This process is accompanied by release of toxic substances, which leads to inflammation. It is not excluded the defeat of the regional lymph nodes. Most often, the tonsils and lymph nodes, the infection process is limited, although it is possible the spread of bacteria on the adjacent tissue (peritonsillar abscess, paratonzillit) and even their penetration into the blood (sepsis). Sepsis is a life-threatening human condition, as the bacteria through the blood and spread throughout the body, affecting the blood vessels, kidneys, liver, heart and other organs.

The heart muscle can suffer with angina, even without septic infection, as tonsils are associated with the nerve pathways. Therefore, any disruption in the tonsils provoke malfunction of the heart.

Not always adequately reacts to angina the body's immune system. The immune system produces to fight infection immune complexes that are deposited in the kidneys, on the tissues of the heart and begin to destroy them, seeing as foreign agents. Thus developing autoimmune fever. Provide the impetus may be delayed initiation of treatment, the person's predisposition to rheumatic diseases, improper therapeutic scheme. If angina develops in people every year or several times a year, it is called re.

Angina can be of several types:

  • Follicular, with suppuration of the follicles of the tonsils;
  • Catarrhal, with involvement in the inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the tonsils;
  • Lacunar, a breakthrough of pus in the tissue of the follicles of the tonsils;
  • Necrotic, with necrosis of the tonsils.

Secondary angina

Secondary sore throat is the inflammation of the tissues of the throat on the background of infectious or non-infectious lesions of other organs or organ systems.

Diseases that are accompanied by anginal changes in the throat:

If the patient develops scarlet fever, strep throat manifests in the first days from the disease beginning. While the mucous membranes become a bright red color. After 4-5 days symptoms of sore throat will disappear. For scarlet fever is characteristic of the so-called "raspberry" tongue with swollen papillae, redness of the cheeks, bluish discoloration of nasolabial triangle, a rash on the body.

If a person has syphilis, the sore throat may be oral way of transmission. After 21-30 days from infection, the observed increase in the tonsils in the parameters (one-sided), after several days, the gland being formed of the chancre. The most common form of angina in syphilis is erosive angina with the formation of a shiny smooth erosion to 1 cm in diameter. In secondary syphilis in the pathological process involved both tonsils. They formed a plaque in 0.5 cm diagonally. Plaques have a bright red border, towering above the surface of the tonsils.

If the patient has tularemia, it is possible for all three major forms of angina (necrotic, catarrhal, membranous). First on the tonsils there are areas of plaque yellowish, after which they merge, covering them with a thick film. Cervical lymph nodes swell, become painful on palpation. Parallel to the increase in size of the spleen and liver.

If the patient has leukemia, strep throat firsthas a catarrhal form, and then goes into necrotic. When plaque is rejected, on the surface of the tonsils remain bleeding areas with a rough surface. In parallel, the patient body temperature rises, there headaches, a fever. For leukemia characterized nosebleeds, the appearance of hemorrhage on the skin. In blood analysis there is a significant jump in white blood cells.

If the patient has infectious mononucleosis, tonsillitis or manifests from the first days from the disease beginning, or after 5 days from the start of the disease. The tonsils are covered with a loose coating, which meets in the gaps and can be easily removed. In parallel, it affects all the lymph nodes: subclavian, BTE, inguinal, and not just the neck. Larger be the spleen and liver.

If the patient has agranulocytosis, angina occurs by a type of inflammation in leukemia. However, the blood work shows very low white blood cell count.

When the patient's angina occurs on the background of enterovirus infection on the tonsils, a rash on the type of bubbles, which soon opened and form painful sores. On top they are covered with a coating of white. The body temperature rises to 40 degrees. The disease lasts about a week.

To put the diagnosis of the doctor based on the symptoms of angina. As required perform tank-sowing. This allows to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to a particular antibiotic. Blood biochemistry and electrocardiography is necessary to detect complications of the disease.

Specific angina

In medicine meet the specific form of angina.

  1. Fungal sore throat. Mycotic sore throat triggered by the yeast-like fungi which begin to proliferate while reducing the immune forces of the body. Often they occur during therapy with antibacterial drugs. Symptoms of fungal sore throats are reduced to a slight increase in body temperature to mild intoxication. During the examination the tonsils are found in the raids, reminiscent of a cheesy film. They have a loose consistency and is easily removable. The coating is visible to the inflamed mucous membrane of the tonsils.

  2. Diphtheria throat. The symptoms of diphtheria of the throat is reminiscent of the primary sore throat.

    It is customary to distinguish three forms of diphtheria:

    • Diphtheria is common in which plaque is found not only in tonsils, but also on the soft palate, andon the surface of the rear wall of the throat.
    • Diphtheria localized, in which only bloom covered almonds.
    • Toxic diphtheria in which the whole throat is swelling and the tissues of the neck.

    In localized and widespread diphtheria plaque has a thick consistency, remove it from the mucous hard enough. If still removed, the fabric under the touch, bleeding, and the separated film is difficult to grind or dissolve in water.

    If the patient is not injected antidiphtheritic serum, the disease continues to develop, involving a process of inflammation all of the large areas of the throat.

  3. Angina Simanovsky-Plaut-Vincent. The disease develops in the case, if at the same time in the oral cavity coexist fusiform rods and spirochaetes. Precipitating factors may include: violation of oral hygiene and Smoking. The disease appears in mild intoxication, one tonsil is affected by ulcers with areas of necrosis. In the first 2 days it appears the RAID is gray, then this place formed a deep ulcer. It has uneven borders and dark gray bottom. It is possible that the plaque will spread to the tissue behind the tonsil, but the second gland in the pathological process involved not ever. Duration of the disease is 14 days.


Sore throat requires immediate treatment, and it should be integrated. You should stay in bed, especially in the early days. It is mandatory gargling with antiseptic solutions or decoctions of herbs (calendula, chamomile, sage). It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids: green tea with lemon, raspberry, lime blossom, honey. An effective method is sprinkling the throat with a solution of interferon.

Before you are going to go to the doctor, you should start to gargle on the hour, if not more often. You can rinse with a solution of salt, soda or water with iodine. The doctor will probably prescribed antibiotics. Therefore, after the treatment of angina you should carry out prevention of dysbiosis. Without antibiotics, modern medicine can do. Treatment of angina folk remedies has no such side effects, but do not forget that medical advice should contact in any case.

Do not forget that you should limit the communication with the patient's family members to notto spread the infection. Highlight the patient a separate bowl and towel. With proper and timely treatment, recovery occurs in approximately seven days.

Types and methods of treatment:

Complications of angina

Angina is a very dangerous for its complications. One of them is peritonsillar abscess, which is a continuation of angina. Seem to came recovery, but the patient suddenly occurs severe pain in the throat, which is constantly increasing. After 2-3 days, swallowing becomes impossible, fever, increased salivation. Soon the patient's condition deteriorates so that during swallowing the result of the flow off of the soft palate, food can get into the nasopharynx and nose. Difficult breathing. In this case, will only urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention.

There are other complications. Distinguish local and General symptoms. Belong to the local acute suppurative lymphadenitis (swollen lymph nodes), abscess of the neck. Common complications – rheumatic fever, myocarditis, infectious polyarthritis, pyelonephritis, sepsis, meningitis. That is why after a sore throat, be sure to double examine the blood, urine and an electrocardiogram to make sure that there are no complications.