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Treatment of angina at home

Recipe No. 9. The main indispensable tool in the treatment of sore throat is honey. It really is considered a panacea for numerous diseases. Angina it is recommended to mix 3 tablespoons honey with 1 tablespoon of juice aloe. The resulting mass lubricate inflamed tonsils (1 times/day for 14 days).

Recipe No. 10. Also a very effective means of dealing with tonsillitis is propolis. It is used for inhalation. To do this, dissolve 10-15 grams of honey in 1 liter of water, heated in a water bath and hold the inhalation in the morning and evening for 15-20 minutes.

To combat inflammation, use a compress of leaves of cabbage. Draped leaves the throat of the patient, the top of the warm fabric. Sheets should be changed every two hours. Good effect on the mucous membrane of the throat citric acid and lemon essential oil. Recommend gradually chew half a lemon with peel. Three hours later, repeat. Common remedies for the treatment of angina are also inexpensive Lugol's solution or hlorofillipta, which lubricates reddened tonsils.

It should be remembered that the patient with angina should not be forced to take medication which he does not tolerate. Do not purchase medicines for treatment only because they helped someone else. Each case needs its own approach.